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Bible Versions

Bible Versions


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Which version of the Bible is accurate, and why do the inaccurate ones continue to be published rather than corrected?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Which version of the Bible is accurate, and why do the inaccurate ones continue to be published rather than corrected?
Douay Rheims and because maybe some people don't want to hear the Truth and don't want others to know it.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Which version of the Bible is accurate, and why do the inaccurate ones continue to be published rather than corrected?
The ebonics ones are incorrect, LOL.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Which version of the Bible is accurate, and why do the inaccurate ones continue to be published rather than corrected?
Only the original one is accurate. Sorry to say, these are mostly lost.
All translated ones are more or less inaccurate.

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I think the Hebrew version is relatively accurate, as are some of the Greek. I don't think any English translations are very trustworthy, but I do like the RSV for two reasons: the translators represented a broad spectrum of theological positions, so the translation was not skewed by ideology (as the NKJV and NIV most assuredly are skewed); it is better written than several (the NIV, for instance, contains sterile prose designed for literalists who generally misread the best parts, that is, the most poetic).

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NASB supposedly best word for word translation.
This link has almost every translation available kinda cool.
Most just seem to have a slightly different spin. Honestly though all of the English translations seem very close. I really don't like the NIV.



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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Which version of the Bible is accurate, and why do the inaccurate ones continue to be published rather than corrected?
This question is far too general to be answered. The problems with answering the question, as I see it:

- Different versions. Some versions contain the Septuagint or the Apocrypha while others don't; and even with the same translation for both, different denominations would deem their version to be 'correct' based on the included or discluded books.

- Paraphase vs. Translation. Some bibles are paraphrases and not true translations, and others are actual translations.

- How good is your Hebrew, Greek, or Coptic? That's what is being translated, and translating ancient languages is no mean feat. Compound that with what the casual, or unschooled, or ignorant believer thinks should be there and the translator is in a no-win situation. Someone, somewhere, is going to claim that you're wrong.

I have some 12 (maybe more) different versions. My favorite and standard is the NRSV.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Which version of the Bible is accurate, and why do the inaccurate ones continue to be published rather than corrected?
The KJV.

There's no profit in publishing the KJV because no one owns the copyright.

Profit is the motive behind all the others. All one needs do is change 20% of the text and you get a copyright. Big money in it, even if it does change the meaning of the text.

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Originally posted by josephw
The KJV.

There's no profit in publishing the KJV because no one owns the copyright.

Profit is the motive behind all the others. All one needs do is change 20% of the text and you get a copyright. Big money in it, even if it does change the meaning of the text.
Why is that one accurate?
Is it because it's an interpretation that you are most happy with?

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Originally posted by amannion
Why is that one accurate?
Is it because it's an interpretation that you are most happy with?
Hi amannion.

I compared them against the Greek and Hebrew. Years of study. I cut my teeth on the NIV. I even got saved as a result of reading it.

Would you like to see a representative sample of an example of why I hold to the KJV? Maybe you will see my point of view.

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I am from a family of eight children...we're all grown now. When we get together and talk about a single event in our lives in which we were all present, there are eight valid versions. There are four gospels which tell of basically the same events with slightly different emphasis.

I like to consider all sincere versions of the Bible.

Currently, I'm studying .the Aramaic version of the New Testament because Aramaic is likely the language the language Jesus spoke.

Intent is everything...the Spirit of Truth reveals the Heart behind the Word...

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Originally posted by hakima
I am from a family of eight children...we're all grown now. When we get together and talk about a single event in our lives in which we were all present, there are eight valid versions. There are four gospels which tell of basically the same events with slightly different emphasis.

I like to consider all sincere versions of the Bible.

Currently, I'm s ...[text shortened]... us spoke.

Intent is everything...the Spirit of Truth reveals the Heart behind the Word...
"I like to consider all sincere versions of the Bible."

Have you considered the one you can trust to be 100% reliable.

Stirs people up when they hear things like that. The idea that a Bible version could actually be trustworthy in all its' parts is an aberration to some minds.

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Originally posted by josephw
Hi amannion.

I compared them against the Greek and Hebrew. Years of study. I cut my teeth on the NIV. I even got saved as a result of reading it.

Would you like to see a representative sample of an example of why I hold to the KJV? Maybe you will see my point of view.
No, thanks anyway. I get enough biblical quotes and (mis)interpretations here to last several lifetimes.

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Originally posted by josephw
[b]"I like to consider all sincere versions of the Bible."

Have you considered the one you can trust to be 100% reliable.

Stirs people up when they hear things like that. The idea that a Bible version could actually be trustworthy in all its' parts is an aberration to some minds.[/b]
What I consider to be 100% reliable is the Holy Spirit of Truth...

...not relying on the arm of flesh...

Then I don't have to worry about how things are stirred because I can rely on how they settle.

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