its nearly 4 AM here, and im sitting here in front of my computerr typing thinking about how i can never go back to where i once was. i look at myself just a frrew years ago and everything has changed. and i begin to woinder if i was just ignoratnt eboyugh to not think without somone thiunking for me, how evrerything would be different right now. i would be genuinely happy. i wpould go to bed withought giving it a second thought. i would just do the routine over and over again, convinced that no matter what, the shining gates would be there at the end ogf they elllow brick road. as l9ng as i followed the rules, everything would be ok. then everything came crashing down. nothing was simple anymore. the questioning would not stop. and does not to this day. one considers this to be a good thing. byut sometimes i wonder would i be happier hjust being another villager oin a villeage with some cows and horses and bel8ef sysytem, thinking that it was all ok, and eternity was just waiting over the horizon. sometimes i wish i could be back to where i was. once u enter into something, u can never go back. and even if u can go bacl, it will neevr bee the same. never. what depresses me more is thatr at times it almost feels like i was happier not knowing what i now know. why canht i just believe it? can intellignence be a curse?? is that even possible?? if so, i REALLY feel sorry for the geniuses. or maybe i shoulkdnt, because they would be SO smart they would know everything, and be far superior in thought process, thinking beyond dimensions that most of us only dream about. the fairytale ending is one of wonder and amazement that just seems like a fairytale at the end. hope keeps on driving me on, but i fear that one day that hope will burn out loike a candle against a sharp gust of wind.
on a side note, im sorry that this thread has nothing to do with the title, but if it gives u any consolation, i actually started writing this thread with the intention of writing and critiquing the work of oasis, "champagne supernova", before i got way off track and decided to say "fcuk it" and write about the ramblings that happen to be going on inside my head tonite.
on a side, side note, this song kciks as$$ and u should all download it immediate;ly.
Originally posted by lioyankWelcome to the human condition.
its nearly 4 AM here, and im sitting here in front of my computerr typing thinking about how i can never go back to where i once was. i look at myself just a frrew years ago and everything has changed. and i begin to woinder if i was just ignoratnt eboyugh to not think without somone thiunking for me, how evrerything would be different right now. i would be ...[text shortened]... tonite.
on a side, side note, this song kciks as$$ and u should all download it immediate;ly.
Originally posted by lioyankSometimes faith needs a believe in the unseen and unprovable.
its nearly 4 AM here, and im sitting here in front of my computerr typing thinking about how i can never go back to where i once was. i look at myself just a frrew years ago and everything has changed. and i begin to woinder if i was just ignoratnt eboyugh to not think without somone thiunking for me, how evrerything would be different right now. i would be ...[text shortened]... tonite.
on a side, side note, this song kciks as$$ and u should all download it immediate;ly.
Originally posted by lioyankOasis could have great if their egos hadn't taken sad.....
its nearly 4 AM here, and im sitting here in front of my computerr typing thinking about how i can never go back to where i once was. i look at myself just a frrew years ago and everything has changed. and i begin to woinder if i was just ignoratnt eboyugh to not think without somone thiunking for me, how evrerything would be different right now. i would be ...[text shortened]... tonite.
on a side, side note, this song kciks as$$ and u should all download it immediate;ly.
Originally posted by bbarryea, it blows.
Welcome to the human condition.
btw, i just found out that according to some scientifical survey, agnostics are usually more depressed and more prone to skitzophrenia (yes, i butchered the spelling) then theists and athiests. i wonder if athiests and theists conducted the majority of that study...
philosophy is great, but it goes nowhere except in round circles. round cirlces with many loops and a clear landscape prone to smooth rides that arent really smooth at all. its actually can get depressing sometimes. dont like how suicide is only considered a form of escapism instead pf a solution to the problem, but then again philosophy cant have absolute answers since that would be an error in philosophy.... so the only lesson ive learned so far is to prepare for death by living our life to the fullest. and by preparing for death, we are actually truly living out our life... or something like that. everything contradicts everything else in the end anyway... so the moral of the story is to finish off that 2 and a half hour course with a few beers and some vodka. i guess. something like that. weed needs to be legalized. cocaine must be used sparingly though, because it may lead to problems. i would suggest not starting heroin. as for E, im still undecided. also be careful not to OD on prescription pills. im sure the enlighterned shav has a few words on this topic to the youth of today. i will await his appearance for his wise words of wisdom.
is it possible to love life and hate it at the same time?
also, why do 7/11s never have enough straws? and why would a girl need to go on a "break" if shes been with her boyfriend for 3 years and theres never been a problem? and why do girls play head games to make YOU break up with THEM, and then make it look like its YOUR fault? also, someone should shoot pat robertson. peace to all of you.
Originally posted by lioyankIt isn't philosophy that goes around in circles, it is the philosophers. And then it is only with some narrow questions that philosophers rotate. When you look back on the history of, say, political philosophy, you see a pretty clear progression. Nobody worth taking seriously is still arguing for the divine right of kings; most everybody thinks that the consent of the governed (whether actual, tacit, or hypothetical) is a necessary condition for a government to be just. This is just one example.
yea, it blows.
btw, i just found out that according to some scientifical survey, agnostics are usually more depressed and more prone to skitzophrenia (yes, i butchered the spelling) then theists and athiests. i wonder if athiests and theists conducted the majority of that study...
philosophy is great, but it goes nowhere except in round circles. round ...[text shortened]... make it look like its YOUR fault? also, someone should shoot pat robertson. peace to all of you.
Suicide is one solution to the problem of life, much as one solution to a logic problem is to stop before one reaches the conclusion. The question, I guess, is whether suicide is a good solution given your values and ends. Have you read Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus"? It also is a meditation on the absurdity of life, but is far better than Nagel's discussion.
Some girls are crazy. After awhile you can tell just by looking at them. Until then you'll take your lumps like the rest of us.
Originally posted by bbarrI read and discussed "The Myth of Sisyphos" many years ago in our religion class in highschool (which reminds me that I still want to post in the "Religion in School" thread...), and it was very meaningful and important for me. I recommend it (although I can't compare it to Nagel's discussion, because I haven't read that).
Have you read Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus"? It also is a meditation on the absurdity of life, but is far better than Nagel's discussion.
Lioyank wrote: "byut sometimes i wonder would i be happier hjust being another villager oin a villeage with some cows and horses and bel8ef sysytem, thinking that it was all ok, and eternity was just waiting over the horizon."
I have had these thoughts as well, and they will probably come back from time to time for the rest of my life, especially when things are difficult. But one thing is that I don't believe that happiness is all that counts. The other thing is that you can't really compare one person's happiness with another person's happiness (and that imaginary "simple self" is really like a different person). I see happiness as a feeling or state of mind with many nuances, not something you can measure on a scale. And I believe that all those thoughts which can sometimes make life difficult, can also add new nuances to happiness. So you may lose some quantity, but gain quality. And ultimately, I always came to the conclusion that I rather want to be myself than some other person (not that I really have a choice).
Originally posted by bbarr"It isn't philosophy that goes around in circles, it is the philosophers. And then it is only with some narrow questions that philosophers rotate. When you look back on the history of, say, political philosophy, you see a pretty clear progression. Nobody worth taking seriously is still arguing for the divine right of kings; most everybody thinks that the consent of the governed (whether actual, tacit, or hypothetical) is a necessary condition for a government to be just. This is just one example."
It isn't philosophy that goes around in circles, it is the philosophers. And then it is only with some narrow questions that philosophers rotate. When you look back on the history of, say, political philosophy, you see a pretty clear progression. Nobody worth taking seriously is still arguing for the divine right of kings; most everybody thinks that the co ...[text shortened]... e you can tell just by looking at them. Until then you'll take your lumps like the rest of us.
I understand. Nonetheless, it is still exasperating.
"Have you read Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus"?"
I have not. I will look into it.
"Some girls are crazy."