Originally posted by RJHindsHebrews 11:3
What would we know about creation if we only had the New Testament?
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
According to the CEO of CMI Richard Fangrad that verse means, "God made everything out of nothing".
I can't see how one can draw that conclusion from that verse.
"What would we know about creation if we only had the New Testament"? Not near as much as we do.
Originally posted by josephwWhy don't you believe your own senses about the age of Earth? Looking at rock formations that are folded back on themselves and have been known to be like that for a thousand years says the folding would have to had happened in a very short period of time and there is no indication of major earthquakes such sudden moves would surely make. So how can you look at such features and just go, Wow all that in just 6000 years?
Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
According to the CEO of CMI Richard Fangrad that verse means, "God made everything out of nothing".
I can't see how one can draw that conclusion from that verse.
"What would we know about creation if we only had the New Testament"? Not near as much as we do.
Look at this collection of folded rock formations, MANY of them, tell me they are 6000 years old:
https://www.google.com/[WORD TOO LONG]
Originally posted by sonhouseDo you think that Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, means God created the heaven and the earth 6000 years ago?
Why don't you believe your own senses about the age of Earth? Looking at rock formations that are folded back on themselves and have been known to be like that for a thousand years says the folding would have to had happened in a very short period of time and there is no indication of major earthquakes such sudden moves would surely make. So how can you loo ...[text shortened]... v=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFvtmLncjKAhXFeD4KHcY2B0gQsAQIJw
No you don't. You don't think it means anything because you don't believe any of it is true.
So tell me, why should I waste a minute of time talking to you about it? Besides that you're post has nothing to do with the OP or my reply to it.
You're off topic even before you posted. 😕
Originally posted by josephwSo, on a discussion and debate forum, where the whole thing was set up and exists for people with different beliefs to enter into discourse with each other ~ and perhaps, who knows, even to have a go at persuading each other as to the veracity of what they believe ~ do you think saying why should I waste a minute of time talking to you is a valid thing to offer in an effort to convince someone or to demonstrate that what you yourself just so happen to believe is "true"?
You don't think it means anything because you don't believe any of it is true.
So tell me, why should I waste a minute of time talking to you about it?
Originally posted by sonhouseThe folding of the rocks means that before it was hard rock it had to be soft, otherwise it would not fold, but would break. That means it was either hot lava or soft mud before being folded and dried. That testifies to catastrophic conditions like happened with the subterranean water and volcanic eruptions that occurred during the worldwide flood of Noah.
Why don't you believe your own senses about the age of Earth? Looking at rock formations that are folded back on themselves and have been known to be like that for a thousand years says the folding would have to had happened in a very short period of time and there is no indication of major earthquakes such sudden moves would surely make. So how can you loo ...[text shortened]... v=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFvtmLncjKAhXFeD4KHcY2B0gQsAQIJw
Originally posted by FMFSo, when I said, "why should I waste a minute of time talking to you about it", I meant what I said.
So, on a discussion and debate forum, where the whole thing was set up and exists for people with different beliefs to enter into discourse with each other ~ and perhaps, who knows, even to have a go at persuading each other as to the veracity of what they believe ~ do you think saying why should I waste a minute of time talking to you is a valid thing to ...[text shortened]... o convince someone or to demonstrate that what you yourself just so happen to believe is "true"?
I think the lack of intellectual integrity is a symptom of cognitive dysfunction. Straying from the topic is the result.
When I go to the produce market to buy organic vegetable I don't waste time talking to venders that spray the soil with poison.
Originally posted by RJHindsYou are getting desperate now. You are so full of shyte I don't even know where to begin.
The folding of the rocks means that before it was hard rock it had to be soft, otherwise it would not fold, but would break. That means it was either hot lava or soft mud before being folded and dried. That testifies to catastrophic conditions like happened with the subterranean water and volcanic eruptions that occurred during the worldwide flood of Noah.
You look at a rose and think it is a devil. Good luck with that line of thinking. Try this:
Just think about the amount of energy it would take to get those rocks to fold in what, one week? Then think about what the entire Earth would be like with the application of that much energy in one week, one month, one year, whatever.
You have about as much imagination as a sloth.
Originally posted by FMFEt Tu Brute? Wouldn't it be funny if an alien spaceship came down to Earth and showed itself to be 20,000 years old on it's slow sub light speed journey through the galaxy? I can just picture the laughter ensuing when told of Hind's rants about how the universe is 6000 years old and said aliens showing him 20,000 years of recorded data of their journey through the galaxy. A thousand light year record of planets visited......
I suggest you just rewind 6,000 years and begin with Day One of the Earth.
Originally posted by sonhouseFMF has a good point. Why don't you begin with day 1 and tell us all about it like the Holy Bible does? You should be able to do much better than an ignorant desert dwelling Bedouin. Explain it to all of us less educated so we know the age of the earth too. 😏
Et Tu Brute? Wouldn't it be funny if an alien spaceship came down to Earth and showed itself to be 20,000 years old on it's slow sub light speed journey through the galaxy? I can just picture the laughter ensuing when told of Hind's rants about how the universe is 6000 years old and said aliens showing him 20,000 years of recorded data of their journey through the galaxy. A thousand light year record of planets visited......
oOriginally posted by RJHindsDay 1. Let's see. The universe began with matter being pumped in at a tremendous rate they call the big bang. At least that is what it looks like at this time, new evidence could modify or refute that theory but so far it explains a lot of what the universe is today and there is the study of the left over radiation coming in from all directions.
FMF has a good point. Why don't you begin with day 1 and tell us all about it like the Holy Bible does? You should be able to do much better than an ignorant desert dwelling Bedouin. Explain it to all of us less educated so we know the age of the earth too. 😏
That 3 degree leftover being studied very carefully. How does your bible explain THAT one? The 3 degree radiation field coming at us from any direction you point an antenna at that can pick it up?
So about a half million years later the newly minted universe turned transparent where light could give information about stars where before the ionization of everything made the universe more like a huge fog bank.
I bet you didn't hear about THAT one either in your zeal to kill science.
So bits and pieces of stuff, mostly hydrogen and some lithium and helium slowly accumulated via gravity and the first stars were born (I am sure you are laughing your ass off at how absurd this is) and the stars started gathering together forming galaxies.
There still is a big mystery about that since we also found there is this hidden stuff that forms about 80% of the mass of the universe, 'dark matter', which is still one of the big questions of science, just what is it. We can suss out the fact it exists by the way gravity behaves, where galaxies rotate more like they are on a giant plate, all spinning at the same rate but they are not on a plate and if it was just the mass of the galaxy involved, the outer fringes would spin a lot slower but they don't, they spin at pretty much the same rate as the center.
Now through the study of gravitational lensing, we can analyse where the stuff is even though it's invisible due to its interaction via gravity with ordinary matter. (laughing on the floor yet?)
So things plod along for a ten billion years or so till our sun was born just like trillions of others like it but this one had all the right conditions for life, and maybe life started on Mars and spread to Earth or vice versa and maybe even Venus early on before Venus became like hell with its 900 degree atmosphere running 1500 PSI of a combination of sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide, that would have killed off all emerging life there except maybe in the upper atmosphere where conditions could be like in an Earth cloud with sufficient water and sunlight and nutrients.
News at 11 about that, maybe in 100 years we can prove that.
Anyway, life is here and life modified the entire ecosystem including climate with continents crashing into one another and so forth and then the snowball Earth 700 odd million years ago which was like an ice age but covering more than 90% of the planet with ice.
Underwater volcano's apparently ended that phase and life, which was hanging on, flourished again and by 400 million years ago the 'Cambrian explosion' of new life forms happened. (you must be in tears laughing by now)
After that, the dinosaurs took over till about 65 million years ago, a combination of really bad luck with volcano's and that big asteroid strike in the Yucatan peninsula gave the coup de gras to that bunch, which still took a million years to complete but then mammals had their chance to grow from little shrew like creatures to all the animals we see today.
So now you can have a REAL laugh at all this preposterous nonsense, since you know NONE of that is true, only your ridiculous bible is true and the whole kit and caboodle is 6000 years old.
That view gets smaller in terms of people brainwashed by it, every decade so wallow in it while you can.
Perhaps you noticed I wrote all that without having to post one stupid video unlike you, Hinds, not having the education in science enough to write ANYTHING coherently other than 'goddidit'.
Originally posted by sonhouseTrying to pull millions of years out of your butt isn't very convincing. You are just piling up more bullshyte.
Day 1. Let's see. The universe began with matter being pumped in at a tremendous rate they call the big bang. At least that is what it looks like at this time, new evidence could modify or refute that theory but so far it explains a lot of what the universe is today and there is the study of the left over radiation coming in from all directions.
That 3 d ...[text shortened]... , not having the education in science enough to write ANYTHING coherently other than 'goddidit'.
Originally posted by RJHindsIt is the state of science as the evidence shows today. All your answer shows is you have had an abysmal education AND are as articulate as a sloth. You can't write more than 2 sentences without posting some bogus video or spouting more bible verse.
Trying to pull millions of years out of your butt isn't very convincing. You are just piling up more bullshyte.