He was an inspiration for many of us, those who in a sea
of fake prophets and mega-church businessmen, were
seeking for honest and Spirit-inspired preaching of the Gospel.
I am sad because he is no longer with us, though I rejoice
knowing that he is with our Lord Jesus Christ right now. He
is home.
Blessed be his soul.
-Removed-To be honest, I know Bayless only from his DVD set about healing.
I think he sums it up as "if it is there, why not trying it?" and
having a chapter specifically named "holding on from His mercy",
which pretty much made me peaceful about a possible "name
it, claim it" as if God would be an automatic vending machine.
I do believe the promises are there. But I also believe "our thoughts
are not His thoughts", and He has perfect plans which may seem
incomprehensible (and painful) at some point.
That said, I haven't checked any more of his material.
Originally posted by SeitseAmen to what you said, our loss here now, Heavens gain.
He was an inspiration for many of us, those who in a sea
of fake prophets and mega-church businessmen, were
seeking for honest and Spirit-inspired preaching of the Gospel.
I am sad because he is no longer with us, though I rejoice
knowing that he is with our Lord Jesus Christ right now. He
is home.
Blessed be his soul.