Today Ireland are playing England in an International rugby match of epic proportions,
I know not what God or gods you are venerating, but please petition him or her or
them on my behalf for an Irish victory, a defeat is too painful to contemplate and akin
to a national disaster of Biblical proportions, thanks in advance Robbie.
Originally posted by FMFThankyou FMF, i find your support most encouraging! strange that i have never thought
Despite being British, I've always supported Ireland against England in the rugby - but I back England against Ireland in the cricket. Just wanted to make that clear.
of myself as British, when one is brought up with some links to Ireland as you have and
I to a limited extent, did the question of the struggle never taint your perception of
being British?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieShouldn't you be more concerned with Scotland trying to avoid the wooden spoon?
Today Ireland are playing England in an International rugby match of epic proportions,
I know not what God or gods you are venerating, but please petition him or her or
them on my behalf for an Irish victory, a defeat is too painful to contemplate and akin
to a national disaster of Biblical proportions, thanks in advance Robbie.
Originally posted by Proper Knobalthough we have lost our games, we have not played that badly, we should have
Shouldn't you be more concerned with Scotland trying to avoid the wooden spoon?
beaten France, but it matters not, today we are playing for pride. I support whoever
plays the pomms at any sport, Ireland, France, Wales, South Africa, Australia, Sri
Lanka, India, Pakistan, anyone, i doesn't matter, but i can tell your sweatin it PK. 😛
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWell I am not English in any meaningful way. So British is my nationality. And I am comfortable with it. Not being English is a key to it, I think. My Irish "ethnicity" does not translate - at all - into a feeling akin to being an Irish citizen. Which leaves only being British.
Thankyou FMF, i find your support most encouraging! strange that i have never thought
of myself as British, when one is brought up with some links to Ireland as you have and
I to a limited extent, did the question of the struggle never taint your perception of
being British?
Originally posted by FMFbut you were brought up Catholic, was the question of the Irish struggle ever an issue?
Well I am not English in any meaningful way. So British is my nationality. And I am comfortable with it. Not being English is a key to it, I think. My Irish "ethnicity" does not translate - at all - into a feeling akin to being an Irish citizen. Which leaves only being British.
In Scotland among Catholics there was great sympathy for it. ok, gotta go, rugby
starts in five!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieNo way, not in that little rich kids sport 😛 🙂
Today Ireland are playing England in an International rugby match of epic proportions,
I know not what God or gods you are venerating, but please petition him or her or
them on my behalf for an Irish victory, a defeat is too painful to contemplate and akin
to a national disaster of Biblical proportions, thanks in advance Robbie.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSo you believe in the existence of gods that cheat? Not only that but you encourage them to cheat?
Today Ireland are playing England in an International rugby match of epic proportions,
I know not what God or gods you are venerating, but please petition him or her or
them on my behalf for an Irish victory, a defeat is too painful to contemplate and akin
to a national disaster of Biblical proportions, thanks in advance Robbie.