@bunnyknight saidChuck Norris does not get sucked into Black Holes. Black Holes get sucked into Chuck Norris.
Maybe God is taking some time off, like a vacation in another galaxy. But what if He/She got sucked into a black hole?
16 Jan 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidAre suggesting sir that I'm like God?
Reminds me of the Eric Bazilian Lyrics:
'What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?'
17 Jan 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWell if I'm God, then I demand answers!
Well, you are in his image.
Why can't I split my pea soup like in Bruce Almighty?
I've tried now for a solid two hours.
@ogb saidWell, just so you know God would never say that to you.
No thanks, I'm too busy right now...
@ogb saidBeing God can be an overwhelming responsibility .
Maybe God didn't have a choice of becoming God. Maybe He/She is tired of it ..and wished he could take some time off.
Surely he can let some of his demigods fill in for him for a million years or so .