04 Aug 19
@secondson saidWhat's awesome is his keeping his arrogant mouth shut!!!
It's worse than you think chaney.
05 Aug 19
@chaney3 saidFact is, and without reference to anybody in particular, being a Christian is no guarantee of niceness, the Catholic church has got some things to answer for in this regard. (Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...) I've met some fairly evil Christians in my time, and some much nicer atheists. Which of these will go to heaven, that's the thing....
He also arrogantly accuses people of being other posters.
Nobody with such arrogance can love God. It's a fact.
@chaney3 saidThere is no point to most of your threads.
Folks, the point of this thread is this:
Dive is NO Christian, and his childish alliance to FMF, an atheist, proves it.
Dive is a fraud. Badly.
You are just stuck in a pattern of alcohol abuse, guilt, self-pity and blame. What you need to do, as opposed to coming here and dumping this crap on everybody is to seek genuine support in the real world and sort yourself out.