09 Dec 13
Originally posted by sonhouseportraits are made in our image. do they have to eat, sleep and poop? that should give you an idea what "in one's image" mean.
If your god was made in man's image, wouldn't it stand to reason he had to eat, sleep, poo, pee, and so forth? So what kind of sewer system would it use?
Originally posted by sonhouseand no, your clever "god was made in man's image" gimmick was not lost on me. do you really want to have a discussion? or you just want to mock faith again?
If your god was made in man's image, wouldn't it stand to reason he had to eat, sleep, poo, pee, and so forth? So what kind of sewer system would it use?
Originally posted by sonhouseIf by "your god" you refer to the Person of Christ (undiminished deity and true humanity in one uniquely born person forever) during His First Advent, of course He "had to eat, sleep, poo, pee..." Consider the magnitude of His willing decent into flesh to do the will of the Father: to die a substitutionary spiritual death (separation from the Father while all of the sin of mankind was imputed to His sinless perfection) to satisfy the justice and righteousness of God the Father so that sonhouse and Grampy Bobby may avoid being separated from Him for all eternity. Christ's motivation was His unfailing love.
If your god was made in man's image, wouldn't it stand to reason he had to eat, sleep, poo, pee, and so forth? So what kind of sewer system would it use?
Originally posted by RJHindsRegardless of whose image was made in whom the idea is still there, if we were made in your god's image, then that image would include our body parts, and I would assume that would include male and female would it not? If so, that implies a biological being, advanced beyond our ken perhaps but still needing food and all that implies.
Isn't there enough nonsense on the Science Forum for you?
Your bible tells us it is a jealous god. That alone implies a rather low level of emotional development, rather like humans don't you think? Exactly how else am I supposed to take a statement like that in your venerated bible?
To have jealous rages and so forth would imply a biochemical imbalance in the brain of this god. I assume it has a brain, would I be wrong in that assumption?
Adult humans pride themselves on their emotional maturity that stops angry outbursts, like your god supposedly did that resulted in the alleged world wide flood.
Sounds like a mental or biochemical imbalance that would have led to such all consuming rage.
It was not your Christ that man was made in the image of, it was your god. Your god somehow is supposed to look like some composite of mankind.
If so, it would imply bodily functions would it not?
If it did not have arms and legs why would humans have them if we were made in its image?
Wouldn't this god have a head, eyes, mouth, vocal chords and so forth?
If this god was in fact some kind of self organized intelligent all powerful blob of energy in another universe or something why wouldn't we also be a blob of energy floating around in ours?
Originally posted by sonhouseIf after your marriage, your wife decided to go on a honeymoon with the best man instead of you, wouldn't you feel you had a right to be jealous?
Regardless of whose image was made in whom the idea is still there, if we were made in your god's image, then that image would include our body parts, and I would assume that would include male and female would it not? If so, that implies a biological being, advanced beyond our ken perhaps but still needing food and all that implies.
Your bible tells us ...[text shortened]... another universe or something why wouldn't we also be a blob of energy floating around in ours?
Don't many other animals have arms, legs, heads, etc.? There is nothing said about them being made in the image of God.
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
(Genesis 1:26 NIV)
Originally posted by sonhousegive it up dude. i know you want to believe, but we don't have god's phone number or address. So stop looking for 100% evidence. you will never die, your going to heaven ok.
If your god was made in man's image, wouldn't it stand to reason he had to eat, sleep, poo, pee, and so forth? So what kind of sewer system would it use?