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does god really exist?

does god really exist?


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does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
If god existed he would surely smite you. Why don't you go back to the General Forum and quit wasting our time with such a lame thread? Learn to write a legible sentence while you're at it.

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Hi Smiffy,

Glad to make your acquaintance. You pose legitimate questions, so please don't allow yourself to be discouraged from asking them. I realise that this question has been asked on other forums, but let's not be afraid to get a fresh perspective. After all, those previous answers may not have spoken to you as they would to other people. These are questions that can be literally life-altering in their implications.

Just to clarify your question: when you use the word 'God,' are you referring to the monad, trinitarian, or pantheistic concept of God (I'm assuming that, since you referred to God as 'he,' you are not wishing to discuss neo-pagan goddess concepts)?

If you're unfamiliar with any of the terms above, please feel free to ask.

Fond regards,

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Originally posted by rwingett
If god existed he would surely smite you. Why don't you go back to the General Forum and quit wasting our time with such a lame thread? Learn to write a legible sentence while you're at it.
nice one but i was thinking the same if he exsisted he would look at you and see what a waste of space you are.have a sad life wingett.

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
No one but Christians can really answer the questions...
1. "does God exist" and...
2. "what does He do"

The thing is, everybody else "knows" their answer and their believes. All is just so confusing to people like yourself.

The question is smiffy, who will you believe? The believers in Christ or the non-believers in Christ? No one can make you believe except yourself. God is only to be found, if you want to find Him.

If you'd like to find Him, and get the answers to your own questions, me and every other Christian's answer would be to look in the Bible, and you'll find that God really exist and you'll also find, what He really does. 😉

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thanks for that really helpfull.to be honest i just wanted to see peoples opinions and well see what happens.i wouldnt know who to believe but it would be good to see what people think.

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Originally posted by Nicksten
No one but Christians can really answer the questions...
1. "does God exist" and...
2. "what does He do"

The thing is, everybody else "knows" their answer and their believes. All is just so confusing to people like yourself.

The question is smiffy, who will you believe? The believers in Christ or the non-believers in Christ? No one can make you beli ...[text shortened]... e, and you'll find that God really exist and you'll also find, what He really does. 😉
Holy tunnel vision Batman.

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Originally posted by Nicksten
No one but Christians can really answer the questions...
What complete piffle. That's like saying "only paedophiles can tell you paedophilia is wrong". You stupid, stupid individual.

Christians, by definition, have a vested interest. They cannot deny the existance of god, or they wouldn't be christians!

I'm an atheist. Why, you may ask?! It's not, as some would try to accuse, because I "hate" God. It's simply because there is no evidence that God exists. I similarly don't believe in Pink Flying Kittens, or Geese that lay golden eggs.

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
thats a dumb question, like anybody knows that answer %100 sure. if we knew it we would all be the same religion, and if he didnt exist we would all be atheist.

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
1. Of course not.
2. Nothing.

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
Interesting question, smiffy; not original, but interesing still. The hard reality is that no one knows for certain if God exists. His existence is anyone's guess! We can broadly classify people into two main groups. The first are those who will only believe if there is actual evidence, eg seeing God in person. The second are those who believe in his existence by relying on what they would describe as 'intangible evidence'. And as you can probably guess, because it is intangible, some might NOT even consider it as evidence to start with!

It is this 2nd type of 'evidence' that is worth looking into. A scientist might argue that under the correct temperature, pressure and other optimal conditions, several atoms might somehow merge together to form amino acids, then further merger to form poly-chains and eventually protein etc. That way eventually forming a living creature, evolve into an even more complicated being and so on a so forth. All very plausible, you see. The possibility for all these to happen randomly is perhaps one in a billion or trillion, I don't know. I think it is possible, but not probable. But of course there is no evidence to suggest that it didn't happen that way!

Looking at such a unique and sophisticated being, with the ability to think and plan; with emotional feelings etc, I'm inclined to think that there might be something that actually created us. He (I'm only using the masculine gender for general reference) was the one who somehow has the ability to program the sperm cells to swim all the way to the ovum (apparently an equivalent of a man swimming through the atlantic ocean of mud) to reproduce life. Although life is imperfect in so many ways, if you look at it from certain angle, life is so perfect! In my opinion, and this is only MY opinion, we and all around us can't just happen by accident. To say that it did, is like saying an explosion in a printing factory and all those letters and ink suddenly fell down to form a dictionary!

So who is this brilliant creator? He is what I would consider as God. But I don't believe in the bedtime stories in the bible or the holy koran. I don't believe in religions because I think there is just a lot of craps written by humans in those books. Above all this, I still am convinced that we WERE created by something. If it was an alien of much more advance technology than humans that have created us, then so be it. That alien is my God then!

Now as to the second question, that is even more farfetched to answer. But I don't believe that he is able to monitor every single one of 6 billion of us humans, not to mention all the other creatures around. I don't believe in the idea that GOD IS EVERYWHERE. He is mighty, yes, but not that fantastic! So what does God do? My guess is that he is in a dilemma on trying very hard to understand why these creatures that he created are trying so very hard to destroy themselves and the environment that they live in!

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
Of course he exists.
Surely you're not suggesting that all those Christians, Jews, Moslums, Hindus and what-not on the planet are moronic imbeciles with an intelligence and understanding more in common with a fungal peanut than with a chimpanzee?

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Of course he exists.
Surely you're not suggesting that all those Christians, Jews, Moslums, Hindus and what-not on the planet are moronic imbeciles with an intelligence and understanding more in common with a fungal peanut than with a chimpanzee?
LOL. Wow! Shavixmir, that was a very good one, man! But just out of curiosity, what's a fungal peanut? English isn't my first language, you see.

Moronic imbeciles... oh boy you're killing me, man! But hey, at least they're all happily convinced that they're going to heaven, and people like myself are not!

And you also haven't answered what does God do.

Furthermore, it would be interesting to know if the argument of God's existence is that we must have been created by a mighty creator, then how did that creator itself come about?

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Originally posted by smiffy
does god really exist and why what does he do...??🙂
God exists. Horse exists. Lamp exists. Hunger exists. They are concepts.
Not sure what god does.

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