Does the level of intelligence correlate with the degree to which one is religious? I get the impression many atheists think of those who are religious as weak minded and of less than desirable intellect. I also get the impression from many christians that increased intellect often translates into increased faith in God.
Originally posted by whodeySome definitions are called for here:
Does the level of intelligence correlate with the degree to which one is religious? I get the impression many atheists think of those who are religious as weak minded and of less than desirable intellect. I also get the impression from many christians that increased intellect often translates into increased faith in God.
1) Level of intelligence - who measures? How?
2) Degree of religiosity? In whose eyes?
3) God... surely you jest?
4) Faith... Is she a singer?
5) Increased christian intellect... Gimme a break! 😛
Originally posted by whodeyAll christians are stupid. Except for the ones who are smart.
Does the level of intelligence correlate with the degree to which one is religious? I get the impression many atheists think of those who are religious as weak minded and of less than desirable intellect. I also get the impression from many christians that increased intellect often translates into increased faith in God.
Originally posted by whodeyNo. They are uncorrelated in levels, however belief in God is strongly negatively correlated in logs.
Does the level of intelligence correlate with the degree to which one is religious? I get the impression many atheists think of those who are religious as weak minded and of less than desirable intellect. I also get the impression from many christians that increased intellect often translates into increased faith in God.
If you don't get this, then go ask your pastor, or better yet, pray about it.
Originally posted by whodeyAtheists do not believe that theists are less intelligent- just fundamentalists and creationists.
Does the level of intelligence correlate with the degree to which one is religious? I get the impression many atheists think of those who are religious as weak minded and of less than desirable intellect. I also get the impression from many christians that increased intellect often translates into increased faith in God.
There's a difference.
Originally posted by StarrmanThat reminds me. I was accosted four days ago in the city by a born again christian. He gave me this coin with the ten commandments inscribed on it and he explained how "God punishes us for our evil just as we punish thieves". Looking for an argument I told him there was no free will so God is being unreasonable. If God is unreasonable then he musn't exist.
Agreed, I know a lot of very intelligent theists, but not a single creationist I have ever met has come across as anything more than a moron.
I dont think he liked me after just 20 minutes of conversation- 😏.
Originally posted by whodeyI beleive there is some correlation between higher education and reliousity. I believe that the proportion of atheists amoungst degree holders is higher than amoungst non-degree holders. However one would also have to check income levels etc to confirm whether it is the education and not some other factor at play here.
Does the level of intelligence correlate with the degree to which one is religious? I get the impression many atheists think of those who are religious as weak minded and of less than desirable intellect. I also get the impression from many christians that increased intellect often translates into increased faith in God.
Cirtainly most scientists are not creationist but the question then is whether creationists avoid science or whether only those with lack of scientific ability become creationist.
What I do no is that most people of average or even slightly above average intelligence are perfectly capable of holding totally irrational views. Many facets of slavery, racism, denial of AIDS and issues surrounding infidellity for example, often seem totally irrational to the rest of us and yet are engaged in by people who otherwise seem reasonably intelligent.
Originally posted by Conrau KI love the ones that give you a special coin or something 'as a gift' and then talk to you for ten minutes before asking for a donation. When you don't give them one, they take their 'gift' back again.
That reminds me. I was accosted four days ago in the city by a born again christian. He gave me this coin with the ten commandments inscribed on it and he explained how "God punishes us for our evil just as we punish thieves". Looking for an argument I told him there was no free will so God is being unreasonable. If God is unreasonable then he musn't exist.
I dont think he liked me after just 20 minutes of conversation- 😏.
Originally posted by twhiteheadSo you do not think that intelligence and rationality are correlated.
I beleive there is some correlation between higher education and reliousity. I believe that the proportion of atheists amoungst degree holders is higher than amoungst non-degree holders. However one would also have to check income levels etc to confirm whether it is the education and not some other factor at play here.
Cirtainly most scientists are not c ...[text shortened]... al to the rest of us and yet are engaged in by people who otherwise seem reasonably intelligent.