Interracial dating and marriage?
...from the Bob Jones thread:
The writer states, at several different times, that interracial dating and marriage are forbidden by scripture. vistesd points out at least one passage that might to support this, albeit dubiously and requiring heavy interpolation (IMO). What say you, xtians? Does the Lord God specifically forbid black, white and yellow from interpersonal relationships? From having children? If so, can you point to the biblical passages that support racial segregation?
Originally posted by David COMG, that's the most horrendous thing I ever read!!!!đ˛
Interracial dating and marriage?
...from the Bob Jones thread:
The writer states, at several different times, that interracial dating and marriage are forbidden by scripture. vistesd points out at least one passage that might to support this, albeit dubiously and requiring heavy interpolation (IMO) ...[text shortened]... having children? If so, can you point to the biblical passages that support racial segregation?
(the link)
Originally posted by reader1107I might not go that far, but it seems to me that enough bigots find some justification for their extreme antisocial behaviour in the xtian bible. This seems to contradict the claim of many in this forum that the xtian scriptures have a positive effect on the individual and society.
OMG, that's the most horrendous thing I ever read!!!!đ˛
(the link)
Originally posted by David CI am competely unaware of any scripture which may be interpreted (even a highly liberal persepctive) in any logical fashion, to support segregation. Being that I have read every passage of the bible about, oh, I'd say ten or more times, I find it difficult to believe I would have missed such a point.
Interracial dating and marriage?
...from the Bob Jones thread:
The writer states, at several different times, that interracial dating and marriage are forbidden by scripture. vistesd points out at least one passage that might to support this, albeit dubiously and requiring heavy interpolation (IMO) ...[text shortened]... having children? If so, can you point to the biblical passages that support racial segregation?
Quite frankly, I find the author of the link laughable at best.
Originally posted by David CHaving read & studied the Bible for over 35 years I know of no scripture that is against interracial dating or marriage. There is scripture that is against interreligious marriage, for example, a Christian marrying a non-Christian or a Jewish person marrying a non-Jew but nothing against a person marrying someone of a different race.
Interracial dating and marriage?
...from the Bob Jones thread:
The writer states, at several different times, that interracial dating and marriage are forbidden by scripture. vistesd points out at least one passage that might to support this, albeit dubiously and requiring heavy interpolation (IMO) ...[text shortened]... having children? If so, can you point to the biblical passages that support racial segregation?
Originally posted by David CI agree with those, such as Omnislash, that say, simply: No. I made some comments on the other thread.
Interracial dating and marriage?
...from the Bob Jones thread:
The writer states, at several different times, that interracial dating and marriage are forbidden by scripture. vistesd points out at least one passage that might to support this, albeit dubiously and requiring heavy interpolation (IMO) ...[text shortened]... having children? If so, can you point to the biblical passages that support racial segregation?
Aside, from the possibility of Moses’ wife, Zippporah, being Ethiopian (a possibility which is just that, and can’t be established one way or the other), there is this from the Song of Songs (which I pulled from another thread as well)—
1:5 I am black and beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.
Hebrew: sh’chorah ani v’navah—literally, “black I am and beautiful.” sh’chorah is a feminine, singular adjectival form of sh’chor, “blackness” (this is one of the few words in my Hebrew dictionary that has a single definition).
5:10 is the woman speaking of her beloved, and the words translated (in NRSV) as “radiant and ruddy” are tzah, dazzling, clear, glowing and adom, red or reddish.
So she is “black and beautiful” and he is “radiant and ruddy.” đ
I don’t know why the following article disturbed me as much as it has. Maybe it’s because of my recently-discovered Jewish heritage. Maybe it’s because I’m sure that people on these threads have cited “” before, and I recognized it. I don’t know.
I came across this site accidentally, while searching out some Talmudic stuff in response to the "blacks and jews" site that Bosse showed above. But what the hell's the use? I've defended just about every group against this kind of crap at one time or another--and there's always more of it, and enough people to believe it that it's dangerous.
Excerpts from
However, only one people, that has never progressed beyond the Stone Age, has continued to practice the blood rite and ritual murder. This people are known to the world as Jews.
At the Purim feast the Jews murder an adult Christian as a replacement for Haman, while at the Passover they murder an innocent Christian child as a replacement for Christ. Purim murder is usually a plain and simple butchering, but on the other hand the Passover murder is usually a torturous death.
We could go on and on with case after case for hundreds of pages, but we believe this should suffice to show that the Jews did and still do sacrifice Christian children for their ceremonies.
One of the problems of the Jewish homeland in Israel has been a shortage of Christian children who could be used in the ritual ceremony, and the Unite States, which has also furnished most of the money to Israel, has also provided much of the required children's blood. Because most of these children are taken from poor families, no mention is ever made of their disappearance in the press. Only in rare instances do the Jews dare to take the child of a well-known public figure, as they did in the Lindbergh case, and then it is done for a specific political purpose, and as part of a larger policy.
The real reason behind Hoover's campaign is that Jewish leaders fear the recklessness of some of the lesser Jews, who try to seize Christian children for ritual purposes without covering their tracks. Therefore, J. Edgar Hoover spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually of taxpayers' money to warn children against all strangers, although he should only be warning them against Jews. He does not dare reveal the true purpose of this campaign, which is intended solely to prevent children from falling into the hands of unauthorized Jewish murderers.
Because the city of Chicago is a center of Jewish financial power, and is completely controlled by the Jews, some of the most flagrant cases of ritual murder of Christian children have occurred there in recent years. Chicago is said to have become one of the world centers of the supply of children's blood used in Jewish rites.
Another horrible involvement of an official American agency in the wide-spread practice of Jewish ritual murder was hushed up recently. A deputy chief of the Central Intelligence Agency committed suicide in Washington. The verdict was "over-work," thereby concealing a terrible tragedy.
It is common for (Jewish) satanic groups to kidnap their victims, usually infants and young children, from hospitals, orphanages, shopping centers and off the streets.
During a conversation with Father Bulger in 1956, he related that he had been working all his life on a book which was to be the definitive work on Jewish ritual murder. Father Bulger furnished much of the information contained herein. However his superiors had forbidden him to have his own book published. In former years, most of the information about this type of crime had been published in Catholic encyclopedias and official parochial works, but further writings on the subject of Jewish ritual murder had been banned because of Jewish pressure on the Vatican.
Father Bulger said that according to his estimates, six million gentile children had been done to death in the ritual manner by Jews since the crucifixion of Christ. These six million victims have not only gone unavenged, but each one of them, deserving to be elevated to sainthood for their sufferings at the hands of the Jews, has died without gentile society making the slightest effort to protect other children from becoming victims in the same manner.
Father James E. Bulger said,
"The blood lust of the Jews and their hatred of Jesus Christ are combined in this horrible ceremony."
Not only have millions innocent souls been done to death in ritual murder by the Jews, but each of us must ask himself, What kind of Christian, what kind of human being, am I, if I do nothing to protect children from such horrible sacrifice in a supposedly Christian and modern society?
The hatred of Jews, stands a great hatred on the part of the Jews for all Gentiles. There is nothing so profound within me as the conviction that, if anything exists which unites all Jews of the world, it is the great, sublime hate. No one can deny the fact that a powerful Jewry is a danger to all Gentiles. All attempts by certain Jewish circles to prove the opposite must be pointed out to be just as cowardly as they are comical.