20 May 18
Originally posted by @wolfe63Faith has its place - Faith is supposed to be the beginning of good works and righteousness. Instead it is an end to itself, rather than a means to an end.
As a rule, I tend to side with scholarly investigation.
Faith has its place. But, never over incontrovertible fact.
What sayest thee minions regarding biblical evolution?
Faith only proponents discard much of the writings of Paul.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999No they don’t. Salvation by faith alone Christians believe in the whole Bible.
Faith has its place - Faith is supposed to be the beginning of good works and righteousness. Instead it is an end to itself, rather than a means to an end.
Faith only proponents discard much of the writings of Paul.
You recently took the remarkable position of not believing what Jesus said in the Gospels unless he said it to large groups of people.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999I believe that faith has its place.
Faith has its place - Faith is supposed to be the beginning of good works and righteousness. Instead it is an end to itself, rather than a means to an end.
Faith only proponents discard much of the writings of Paul.
But not to the exclusion of all other knowledge or modes of gaining more of it. Evidence based science coupled with faith can provide incredible remedy.
I have seen, first-hand, faith's undeniable calming and comforting effects. These can be of tremendous therapeutic value. Especially upon suffering and chronically afflicted individuals...and where grave outcomes are determined.
However, I can never abide the denial of all to the exclusivity of one.
Oral Sanskrit customs, aged more than 6000 years, have lent a philosophical substrate to many of today's leading faiths. We have a common spiritual ancestry. I believe that it's foolish to live in denial of that fact.
To me, one faith is never more correct than another if it promotes harm in its own name.
This is why I believe brother science and sister faith must advance our species together...as a loving family.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @wolfe63The Bible teaches faith and love, both are critical elements for ones salvation, even stating dire warnings for those who focus on faith alone, which is dead, and that the greatest of all human attributes is love and charity. Jesus Christ said in no uncertain terms that those who practice this charitable love will enter the Kingdom of God, and all others cast out.
I believe that faith has its place.
But not to the exclusion of all other knowledge or modes of gaining more of it. Evidence based science coupled with faith can provide incredible remedy.
I have seen, first-hand, faith's undeniable calming and comforting effects. These can be of tremendous therapeutic value. Especially upon suffering and chronically af ...[text shortened]... believe brother science and sister faith must advance our species together...as a loving family.
Yet sadly Christianity is largely a faith only religion, boasting of their sins and failings, and which ridicules those who attempt to practice this charitable love.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999I agree with this to a large extent, I see some of the hypocrisy even in my own church, but the way that you consistently assume that all Christians are the same and calling all of those in this forum who stand up and defend Christianity (except some favorites) 'mouth-worshippers' is where your presentation falls flat for me. It is yet another "do as I say, not as I do" epic diatribe with only one purpose: to bad-mouth those with an opposing viewpoint. Exactly where is the love you speak of? It's certainly not with your Christian brothers who are not 'mouth-worshippers'. You just take the easy road, not of discernment, but of blanket condemnation.
The Bible teaches faith and love, both are critical elements for ones salvation, even stating dire warnings for those who focus on faith alone, which is dead, and that the greatest of all human attributes is love and charity. Jesus Christ said in no uncertain terms that those who practice this charitable love will enter the Kingdom of God, and all others ca ...[text shortened]... their sins and failings, and which ridicules those who attempt to practice this charitable love.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyThe jury is still out for me on this. The Epic of Gilgamesh certainly seems to pre-date the Biblical Flood, and is incredibly similar. It's not a stretch that Moses, a learned member of the Royal family in Egypt, would have learned of it. One of the problems is that there are no dates in Genesis and it's difficult to place these events in the ancient historical timeline.
Because the Genesis account was handed down orally we can't say with absolute certainty the Epic of Gilgamesh preceded the biblical account of the flood. It's possible the Sumerian Epic is a twist on its own predecessor.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @wolfe63Hear, hear.
I believe that faith has its place.
But not to the exclusion of all other knowledge or modes of gaining more of it. Evidence based science coupled with faith can provide incredible remedy.
I have seen, first-hand, faith's undeniable calming and comforting effects. These can be of tremendous therapeutic value. Especially upon suffering and chronically af ...[text shortened]... believe brother science and sister faith must advance our species together...as a loving family.
20 May 18
Originally posted by @suzianneYou are an a$$... get a grip. Women like you is the reason why Paul told women to shut up and keep quiet. On these forums I know of nobodys personal lives therefore I discuss the doctrine of Christianity. The DOCTRINE OF CHRISTIANITY PROMOTES MOUTH WORSHIP. You come here to look for love and charity? Here we discuss doctrine, not what people do in their personal lives.
I agree with this to a large extent, I see some of the hypocrisy even in my own church, but the way that you consistently assume that all Christians are the same and calling all of those in this forum who stand up and defend Christianity (except some favorites) 'mouth-worshippers' is where your presentation falls flat for me. It is yet another "do as I sa ...[text shortened]... uth-worshippers'. You just take the easy road, not of discernment, but of blanket condemnation.
21 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999You assume, though. You do it non-stop. It is because your given is not true. You assume that "the doctrine of Christianity promotes mouth-worship" when it does NOT. The reality of Christianity IS love, of which you show damned little. In fact, you spend most of your time here judging, with little to no evidence.
You are an a$$... get a grip. Women like you is the reason why Paul told women to shut up and keep quiet. On these forums I know of nobodys personal lives therefore I discuss the doctrine of Christianity. The DOCTRINE OF CHRISTIANITY PROMOTES MOUTH WORSHIP. You come here to look for love and charity? Here we discuss doctrine, not what people do in their personal lives.
You, sir, are a hypocrite of the highest tier.
Originally posted by @rajk999Is this how you follow Jesus, amigo?
You are an a$$... get a grip. Women like you is the reason why Paul told women to shut up and keep quiet. On these forums I know of nobodys personal lives therefore I discuss the doctrine of Christianity. The DOCTRINE OF CHRISTIANITY PROMOTES MOUTH WORSHIP. You come here to look for love and charity? Here we discuss doctrine, not what people do in their personal lives.
So much hate.
21 May 18
Originally posted by @suzianneAmen, sister.
You assume, though. You do it non-stop. It is because your given is not true. You assume that "the doctrine of Christianity promotes mouth-worship" when it does NOT. The reality of Christianity IS love, of which you show damned little. In fact, you spend most of your time here judging, with little to no evidence.
You, sir, are a hypocrite of the highest tier.
Originally posted by @suzianneQ : How many times have you or any other preached and promoted the commandments of Christ, OR THAT GOOD WORKS IS ESSENTIAL for eternal life as Jesus and the Apostles clearly stated?
You assume, though. You do it non-stop. It is because your given is not true. You assume that "the doctrine of Christianity promotes mouth-worship" when it does NOT. The reality of Christianity IS love, of which you show damned little. In fact, you spend most of your time here judging, with little to no evidence.
You, sir, are a hypocrite of the highest tier.
Your doctrine promotes mouth worship.... Jacka$$
21 May 18
Originally posted by @rajk999Good works are not essential for eternal life. They’re a byproduct of salvation, not a requirement of it. And good works by a believer are done through the power of God’s Holy Spirit, Who indwells a new believer when he or she first believes in and accepts Christ.
Q : How many times have you or any other preached and promoted the commandments of Christ, OR THAT GOOD WORKS IS ESSENTIAL for eternal life as Jesus and the Apostles clearly stated?
Your doctrine promotes mouth worship.... Jacka$$
Q: How often do you promote what Jesus said was the greatest commandment - to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? How often do you worship Him? How often do you pray to Him? How often do you give thanks to Him?