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Evidence that the stuff of life is everywhere:

Evidence that the stuff of life is everywhere:


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New analysis of meteorites finds amino acids of specific kinds involving water and lower temps than you get just by plunging through an atmosphere.



Originally posted by sonhouse
New analysis of meteorites finds amino acids of specific kinds involving water and lower temps than you get just by plunging through an atmosphere.

A theist's answer: Put there by Satan, to deceive; the deception allowed by God, for the sake of free will, even though it tests faith. Some can resist; so it is not an unfair test. High fives all around. 😉

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Originally posted by JS357
A theist's answer: Put there by Satan, to deceive; the deception allowed by God, for the sake of free will, even though it tests faith. Some can resist; so it is not an unfair test. High fives all around. 😉
Another possible theist (or non-theist) answer: the physical and chemical structure of the universe, the laws of nature and the multitude of cosmological constants, are remarkably fine-tuned for the production of life.


Originally posted by sonhouse
New analysis of meteorites finds amino acids of specific kinds involving water and lower temps than you get just by plunging through an atmosphere.

So what? Isn't this just more propaganda from those needing more money for
their research?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
So what? Isn't this just more propaganda from those needing more money for
their research?
Ding Ding Ding! The winner! So far. IMHO. YMMV.

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Originally posted by JS357
Ding Ding Ding! The winner! So far. IMHO. YMMV.
YMMV= You Make Me Vomit.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
YMMV= You Make Me Vomit.
Just pointing out that these forays into evidence that YEC (YECCH?) is wrong, have no purchasing power at all, with the true believers. The supposed YEC rebuttals have been the same as long as I can remember, which is almost as long as you can remember. In fact, these repeated presentations of evidence only reinforce in the minds of those so inclined, the argument that science is against religion.

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Originally posted by JS357
Just pointing out that these forays into evidence that YEC (YECCH?) is wrong, have no purchasing power at all, with the true believers. The supposed YEC rebuttals have been the same as long as I can remember, which is almost as long as you can remember. In fact, these repeated presentations of evidence only reinforce in the minds of those so inclined, the argument that science is against religion.
No, I do not believe science is against all religion, just false religion. I believe
true science and true religion are partners in truth. But we have some of these
evolutionists wachos that think things can just pop into existence by accident.
And if there is enough time a rock could become alive and under the right
conditions it could eventually become a living thing that will eventually become
a human like us. It these same beliefs were called a religion by atheist they
would be calling evolution a myth or fairy tale. Go figure. In my religion, we
have an awesome, powerful, and intelligent God who has so much energy that
he can create matter instantly and does not need long periods of time to do it
because He designs and directs the energy to produce what He wills. You on
the other hand have a religon that must wait and wait forever until one thing
after another accidently pops into existence and eventually accidentiy turns
into something complicated enough to reproduce itself. That is the most absurd
fairy tale anybody has ever thought up. Yet we have people claiming to be
intelligent scientists, who seem to actually believe this nonsense. I think that
to believe in an intelligent Creator that did it is the more sensible belief.

P.S. I think God enjoys making fools out of those claiming to be wise, yet
rejecting His word of truth.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
New analysis of meteorites finds amino acids of specific kinds involving water and lower temps than you get just by plunging through an atmosphere.

What's the spiritual impact of this evidence for you, sonhouse?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I think God enjoys making fools out of those claiming to be wise, yet rejecting His word of truth.
"God enjoys making fools" of certain people? Do you know of any other Christians who seek to project this particular trait onto the 'personality' of their "God" figure?

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Originally posted by dryhump
What's the spiritual impact of this evidence for you, sonhouse?
It would be incredibly uplifting to find life elsewhere in the universe or our solar system, intelligent life would bring a spiritual awakening of a non-religious nature, that is to say non organized religion which I feel is ALL bogus. True spirituality has nothing in common with organized religion which is just a power center.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
No, I do not believe science is against all religion, just false religion. I believe
true science and true religion are partners in truth. But we have some of these
evolutionists wachos that think things can just pop into existence by accident.
And if there is enough time a rock could become alive and under the right
conditions it could eventually beco ...[text shortened]... hink God enjoys making fools out of those claiming to be wise, yet
rejecting His word of truth.
"You on the other hand have a religon that must wait and wait forever until one thing
after another accidently pops into existence and eventually accidentiy turns
into something complicated enough to reproduce itself."

I don't, but I can see how you would think I do.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
It would be incredibly uplifting to find life elsewhere in the universe or our solar system, intelligent life would bring a spiritual awakening of a non-religious nature, that is to say non organized religion which I feel is ALL bogus. True spirituality has nothing in common with organized religion which is just a power center.
"It would be incredibly uplifting to find life elsewhere in the universe or our solar system, intelligent life would bring a spiritual awakening of a non-religious nature,..."

Intelligent life has been found by humans here on earth and the results have been less than uplifting, although they are informative. We can start almost anywhere. Starting with the Cartesians, animals like cats and dogs were believed to be insensate, unconscious robots that could be burned alive without suffering. Africans were thought by some of the "great thinkers" of Europe to be like those animals. At the borderline, at present, we have some large-brained animals and ones sharing 98+% of our DNA to consider, but evidence concerning the porpoises and chimps are not causing a great spiritual awakening in humans.

Eventually the scope of life forms that are awarded recognition as human does expand, generally to include those who are willing to kill and die for that privilege; thereby demonstrating their humanity.

Of course, our encounters with alien beings always carries the risk that we will be the ones seeking recognition. See "To Serve Man" on the Twilight Zone.

So I believe the case is yet to be made that finding life, even intelligent life somewhere out there, will bring about a spiritual awakening that is significantly beyond that which has been brought about in similar findings here on earth.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
It would be incredibly uplifting to find life elsewhere in the universe or our solar system, intelligent life would bring a spiritual awakening of a non-religious nature, that is to say non organized religion which I feel is ALL bogus. True spirituality has nothing in common with organized religion which is just a power center.
This begs the question, what is spirituality? Or, if you prefer, what do you consider true spirituality?

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Originally posted by epiphinehas
Another possible theist (or non-theist) answer: the physical and chemical structure of the universe, the laws of nature and the multitude of cosmological constants, are remarkably fine-tuned for the production of life.
I am afraid you have fallen victim to the all-to-extremely-common fallacy of probability by the layperson who hasn't studied ( and correctly understood ) the science of probability theory like I have:

Since we do not know that it is possible (let alone probable) to have a universe with cosmological constants being different from what they are in our universe, we cannot deduce anything whatsoever about the probability of the cosmological constants being different (let alone significantly different) from what they are.
There is no evidence that the cosmological constants could have been different from what they are ( although, short of actually finding another universe with different constants, it is difficult to see what would constitute 'evidence' of this anyway! ) so, therefore, for all we know, it could be inevitable that cosmological constants are what they are and are what they are due to merely the limits of what is possible ( as opposed to the implied ( by some people ) divine intervention ).

Hence there is absolutely no evidence nor reason to believe in the existence of 'fine-tuning'.

P.S. I think sonhouse should have put this thread in the science forum.
perhaps he put it here by mistake?

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