Jesus, born a Jew, died a Jew.
Paul, the first Christian and possibly the last genuine one. Judging by his letters upbraiding all the churches of Greece, he seemed to think everyone but himself was doing it wrong.
@PettyTalk saidI'd start with those who are making it up as they go are not, and those who actually go to the revealed Word of God and take it seriously, may be, if they have the Lord as the scriptures say.
What would a list dividing the two opposites look like?
Anyone here have any ideas on who is who in the world of false and genuine Christians?
@moonbus saidPaul acted his part beautifully, as he has not been caught acting, yet. He has fooled billions with his temporary blindness act. When it's all over, he will probably get the Oscar for the role of best supporting actor.
Jesus, born a Jew, died a Jew.
Paul, the first Christian and possibly the last genuine one. Judging by his letters upbraiding all the churches of Greece, he seemed to think everyone but himself was doing it wrong.
@PettyTalk saidPlease explain your conclusion here?
Paul acted his part beautifully, as he has not been caught acting, yet. He has fooled billions with his temporary blindness act. When it's all over, he will probably get the Oscar for the role of best supporting actor.
I take no credit for the following, which is a brief bullet list that was compiled from various sources on the internet.
Genuine Christians:
Always Carry a Lighter: Because they know that even in the darkest times, a spark of hope can ignite a flame of positivity.
Can Spot a Chasuble from a Mile Away: Not just because of the fashion sense, but because they appreciate the subtle nuances of liturgical attire.
Knows the Difference Between Angel Moroni and Angel Moron: Because they value discernment and humor in their faith journey.
Admits When They're Wrong: Recognizing the power of repentance and the importance of taking a step back to reassess their stance.
Laughs at Themselves: Understanding that sometimes, the best medicine is a good chuckle at one's own foibles.
False Christians:
Claims to Have Seen the Flying Nun: Without any photographic evidence or credible witnesses.
Thinks Money Can Buy Salvation: Believing in the prosperity gospel with fervor, ignoring Jesus' teachings on wealth and generosity.
Takes Themselves Too Seriously: Unable to find humor in life's absurdities, including their own actions and beliefs.
Blames Others for Their Problems: Instead of looking inward for solutions, they prefer to cast stones at perceived enemies.
Insists Everyone Else Takes Them Seriously: Even when their arguments are based on shaky ground or outright misinformation.
@PettyTalk said[1Corinthians 13:1-7 NLT] 1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing. 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. 5 It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
What would a list dividing the two opposites look like?
Anyone here have any ideas on who is who in the world of false and genuine Christians?
@KingDavid403 saidExplain it yourself, since you claim to be an expert on the subject. However, first, try removing the wool over your eyes by supplicating God's assistance a trillion times.
Please explain?
But since you said please, I've already discussed Paul's actions and motivations. As a persecutor of Christians, he initially aimed to punish the followers of Christ. However, it occurred to him that he could draw them to himself instead. On the road to Damascus, he feigned blindness and conversion, thereby twisting Christ's teachings to make them more appealing, leading many to adopt a diluted form of Christianity. The concept of grace was his primary tool in ensnaring these early believers, a tactic that continues to be effective to this day.
But then, this is all God's doing, as He wrote the Play.
@PettyTalk saidLol, Looks to me like you are a legend in your own mind. Proceed with your petty talk.
Explain it yourself, since you claim to be an expert on the subject. However, first, try removing the wool over your eyes by supplicating God's assistance a trillion times.
But since you said please, I've already discussed Paul's actions and motivations. As a persecutor of Christians, he initially aimed to punish the followers of Christ. However, it occurred to him that ...[text shortened]... then, this is all God's doing, as He wrote the Play.
Did you take your meds this morning?
@KingDavid403 saidTo put it mildly, go f yourself first, and then go play your silly word games with some of the other spoiled kids around here, like yourself.
Lol, Looks to me like you are a legend in your own mind. Proceed with your petty talk.
Did you take your meds this morning?
However, if you care to act like a responsible adult, then jot down your thoughts for objective evaluation and serious discussion, as the subject deserves. The use of a little adult humor along with it is fine, but just leave the childish personal attacks out of it. And if you don't care to follow this line of serious discussion, you will be ignored completely.
@PettyTalk said( And if you don't care to follow this line of serious discussion, you will be ignored completely.)
To put it mildly, go f yourself first, and then go play your silly word games with some of the other spoiled kids around here, like yourself.
However, if you care to act like a responsible adult, then jot down your thoughts for objective evaluation and serious discussion, as the subject deserves. The use of a little adult humor along with it is fine, but just leave the c ...[text shortened]... t. And if you don't care to follow this line of serious discussion, you will be ignored completely.
Only if you promise.