Originally posted by hakimaI don't fast, I just eat when I'm hungry, which is not usually until midday, and on some days, not all day.
I would add that the purpose of my particular fast today is in response to the event of a very risky operation for one of my neighbors. I invite those who feel the way open to join my prayers, in whatever form that takes.
Fasting and 'waiting' (meditation) is/was a much practiced discipline in Hindu and Buddhist aspirants
karoly and DeepThought, thank you for your responses. My fast began and ended with prayer. I also "fasted" from as much social media as I possibly could and limited my moves here on this site to just before I began and just after I ended my fast. I spent the day meditating and reading...also moving around my house taking care of routine tasks but no new or extended projects. I felt fairly focused and didn't feel hungry. I did keep myself hydrated with water throughout the day.
My neighbor came through his surgery well. I am definitely NOT attributing that in any way to my fast. For me, the purpose of the fast was to "stay with" him and his family throughout the day.
Originally posted by hakimaAs long as you don't end up with a dualistic way of thinking ( fasting - not fasting).
karoly and DeepThought, thank you for your responses. My fast began and ended with prayer. I also "fasted" from as much social media as I possibly could and limited my moves here on this site to just before I began and just after I ended my fast. I spent the day meditating and reading...also moving around my house taking care of routine tasks but no new or ex ...[text shortened]... fast. For me, the purpose of the fast was to "stay with" him and his family throughout the day.
But I guess that's the aim of sound practice.
Originally posted by karoly aczelAgreed!
As long as you don't end up with a dualistic way of thinking ( fasting - not fasting).
But I guess that's the aim of sound practice.
Hazrat Inayat Khan said, "Renounce everything. And when you have renounced everything, renounce your renunciation."
Balance is essential for my personal practice.
Originally posted by hakimaI'm glad your fast went well. I think drinking water is sensible, becoming dehydrated is potentially dangerous, and inviting danger is cannot possibly be the point. I'm glad to hear your neighbour's surgery went well.
karoly and DeepThought, thank you for your responses. My fast began and ended with prayer. I also "fasted" from as much social media as I possibly could and limited my moves here on this site to just before I began and just after I ended my fast. I spent the day meditating and reading...also moving around my house taking care of routine tasks but no new or ex ...[text shortened]... fast. For me, the purpose of the fast was to "stay with" him and his family throughout the day.
Originally posted by hakimaI have a friend of mine that had a beautiful gift of fasting. But he began listening to the devil's voice and doubted its use. He never saw the results of the fasting God asked him to do. He hasn't fasted for years now. But i remember an Angel telling me how perfect his prayers were.
I would add that the purpose of my particular fast today is in response to the event of a very risky operation for one of my neighbors. I invite those who feel the way open to join my prayers, in whatever form that takes.
I will pray for you, that your fasting will be perfect before God, and i will pray for your neighbor too.
Hmmm, well i see my comments are a bit late, i will pray none the less. Time and space have no meaning to God.
Originally posted by PudgenikThank you for your prayers, my friend. They were felt before they were known or uttered.
I have a friend of mine that had a beautiful gift of fasting. But he began listening to the devil's voice and doubted its use. He never saw the results of the fasting God asked him to do. He hasn't fasted for years now. But i remember an Angel telling me how perfect his prayers were.
I will pray for you, that your fasting will be perfect before God, and ...[text shortened]... ee my comments are a bit late, i will pray none the less. Time and space have no meaning to God.
It is a wondrous thing to realize the effects of prayer and it thrills me to witness how it works in the most "unlikeliest" of places.
Namaste and Countless Blessings!
Originally posted by hakimaI believe fasting can be dangerous, especially for older people when done for too long. One shoukd be in good physical condition and consult their medical physcian for advice, before long fasting. At my age, 70, I only fast before certain blood tests ordered by my doctor.
For the rest of the day today, I will spend my time in as much stillness, fasting, and prayer.
I am wondering about the traditions and practice of others and their experiences with fasting. Any sharing of thoughts and experiences are received in gratitude.
Originally posted by DeepThoughtDid you know that when you fast during lent you don't have to fast on Sundays! That would make about 43 days if you did. And if someone offers you what your fasting from you have to accept it because of their gift of Hospitality. You can google that.
I normally try to give up alcohol for Lent, not with complete success it has to be said.