Originally posted by lamarrswailsWhy wouldn't a Christian want their voice and views known on any
should you really be involved in the political events of the times i.e. voting, fighting for or against issues concerning your beliefs. state your reasons for or against.
subject? We still live in this world, and therefore should give our
opinions just as those that are not Christian should give theirs.
Originally posted by Conrau KMaybe we don't like being sheep, or having the wool pulled over our eyes.
I don't understand why poeple are so averse to an institution that instructs love and compassion.
I don't think it is necessarily an aversion to the principles you've mentioned. Rather, it might be a reaction to the institutions' proponents and their dogmatic ideology. Especially when one reads the almost daily stories of abuse of power, or people like the POTUS using "Christian ideals" as justification for their agendas.
Originally posted by lamarrswailsare you including the neo-nazi christians ....maybe the Society of Friends how about the Gnostics?
should you really be involved in the political events of the times i.e. voting, fighting for or against issues concerning your beliefs. state your reasons for or against.
What about "My kingdom is not of this world" , Don't you see the futility of trying to get the State to operate according to christian belief , since there are so many different kinds of christian beliefs'
As a christian you ought to be happy that there is religious freedom instead of trying to legislate your particular belief into law.
That very attempt puts other peoples religious freedom in danger
Originally posted by David CWell their not a justification. The ideals of the church are the ones i mentioned. It is not droned into you. Its just there for anyone to practice. Love cannot justify evils.
Maybe we don't like being sheep, or having the wool pulled over our eyes.
I don't think it is necessarily an aversion to the principles you've mentioned. Rather, it might be a reaction to the institutions' proponents and their dogmatic ideology. Especially when one reads the almost daily stories of abuse of power, or people like the POTUS using "Christian ideals" as justification for their agendas.
Originally posted by Conrau Khistory is full of examples of how state power in the hands of clerics destroys not only religious freedom but the very concepts that the powerful clerics had started with. That not because of rightness or wrongness of the initial concepts , but because the make-up of the clergy is changed overtime by the simple fact that having power attracts the very type of power-hungry people that would otherwise be commiting their crimes against God's people under the auspices of state power. And maybe a church ought to be there to at least bear witness and maybe ease some of the suffering instead of being the cause of it.
Well their not a justification. The ideals of the church are the ones i mentioned. It is not droned into you. Its just there for anyone to practice. Love cannot justify evils.
I acknowledge that the church (and when i say that i mean the clergy and authorities)) have been corrupt at times. However many clergy have stood up against power hungry poeple such as Joseph Romero once archibishop of al salvidor. HE stood up against the dictatorship and corruption within the church and the government to instil the true teachings of the church (that of freedom from oppression, tolerance, justice).
Originally posted by Conrau KThis Joseph Romero?
I acknowledge that the church (and when i say that i mean the clergy and authorities)) have been corrupt at times. However many clergy have stood up against power hungry poeple such as Joseph Romero once archibishop of al salvidor. HE stoo ...[text shortened]... the church (that of freedom from oppression, tolerance, justice).
"He also relied on Opus Dei to suppress the liberation theologians and the "base communities" (religious-based reform groups) in Latin America. After the murder of Archbishop Romero in El Savador bya rightwing death squad, he appointed a Spanish Opus Dei member, Fernando Sáenz Lacalle, as archbishop of San Salvador, who promptly cozied up to the unpopular army then carrying out a brutal counterinsurgency war"
the He that's refered to is John Paul II
or This "Joseph" Romero
Oscar Romero Archbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador on February 22, 1977. He was murdered on March 24, 1980. During Romero's tenure as archbishop, the Catholic Church and theJesuit order were under constant attack by the military government of El Salvador. Catholic Churchassociations became dangerous. Many Salvadorians and foreign priests were deported or murdered. Romero could not turn his back on the violations the government imposed upon him and the peopleof El Salvador. He became an outspoken voice of the poor Catholic people of El Salvador. He was both a hero to church members and an enemy of the military rulers of El Salvador. Romero was considered an enemy of the government because he would not keep silent about the injustices. This historical collection about Oscar Romero and martyrdom in El Salvador was generated by Rev. James R. Brockman, S.J. Brockman's interest in El Salvador and Romero can be traced back to his position as associate editor of America magazine in New York from 1974 to 1980. The research materials and publications cover the life and murder of Oscar Romero and the persecution of thechurch in El Salvador between 1977-1993. The papers also contain research materials and publications which were used by Brockman as background for his three books: The Word Remains:A life of Oscar Romero (1982); and Romero: A life (1989), a revised and expanded edition of The Word Remains; and a further revision of the same work still unpublished as of 1994. Except for minor chronological adjustments, the collection is in the order that Father Brockman maintained. Background information on Romero, violence against the Catholic church of ElSalvador, and research regarding the books are the primary focus of boxes 1-9. Included in this aretranscripts and photocopies of diaries, homilies, and articles written by Romero, and news releases and correspondence by Brockman. More specifically, boxes 7-9 contain notes on the individual chapters of the book. Boxes 13-15 contain Brockman's research on the subject of martyrdom, specifically the six Jesuit priests who were murdered in El Salvador in the early morning of November 16, 1989 at the University of Central America in the capital city of San Salvador. Father Brockman worked on thisproject until 1993. Complementing the historical research on Archbishop Oscar A. Romero and martyrdom in El Salvador, boxes 15-18 contain Father Brockman’s notes and observations concerning the Latin American regions he covered and traveled to during both his ministry in Central and South America and his affiliation with several Catholic news agencies. The collection contains a large portion of materials Father Brockman accumulated while covering the historic 1979 CELAM conference inPuebla, Mexico, boxes 18-19. Writings on liberation theology are housed in box 19. The subject files, boxes 19-21, reflect the professional life of Father Brockman and his continuing research on Romero. The memorabilia section contains numerous photographs documenting Romero and ElSalvador, as well as audio visual materials and posters. Boxes 25-39 contain incomplete volumes ofperiodicals and newspapers collected by Father Brockman for his research.
Jesus refused to get involved with the politics of his time. True christians obey God as ruler rather than men. So when mans law conflictfs with God's law we have to obey God. True christians realise that governments are in their place because God allows them to exist as they keep a level of order. But that is temporary. No Government can truly solve mans problems, only Gods kingdom will truly accomplish Peace and security worldwide.
True christians shouldnt get involved with politics, shouldn't vote.