27 May 05
As I'm relatively new to this forum, I apologise in advance if someone has already asked this question and I'm just dredging up dead issues, but....
If all the religious zealots and rather annoying Jehova's witnesses that come a bangin' on my door are ACTUALLY right and God is the head honco, creator of ALL things... Then he/she must have created 'Evil' as well. So my question is simply: why would a good God create evil? It seems a little odd to me.
Originally posted by Daemon SinYes GOD did create evil. The laws of evil were created to used by those that disobeyed THE WORD OF GOD. GOD did not create evil to be used by man. Man was never to know what evil was. But he disobeyed GOD and ate the fruit, from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And that fruit contained the evilness of sin.
As I'm relatively new to this forum, I apologise in advance if someone has already asked this question and I'm just dredging up dead issues, but....
If all the religious zealots and rather annoying Jehova's witnesses that come a bangin' on my door are ACTUALLY right and God is the head honco, creator of [b]ALL things... Then he/she must ...[text shortened]... s well. So my question is simply: why would a good God create evil? It seems a little odd to me.[/b]
Originally posted by blindfaith101see theres some thing else.. he disobeyed god.. now yer allways yammering about OBEY GOD OR BE DAMNED TO ETERNAL HELLFIRE... and such... why didnt god just be cool.. and just not give them that temptation and let man be happy and come right on in to heaven with there creator... why "is" he such a toying jerk... hes all knowing.. right.. whell he should have KNOWN theyd have doe that... free will equals non worship, doubt, lack of faith.... he again should have known that... so by doing so.. he intentionally damned billions.. nice guy...
Yes GOD did create evil. The laws of evil were created to used by those that disobeyed THE WORD OF GOD. GOD did not create evil to be used by man. Man was never to know what evil was. But he disobeyed GOD and ate the fruit, from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And that fruit contained the evilness of sin.
Originally posted by blindfaith101So excluding man, who were 'those that disobeyed the word of God' that the evil was designed for? And futhering that, why would the big guy create said 'word disobeyers?'
Yes GOD did create evil. The laws of evil were created to used by those that disobeyed THE WORD OF GOD. GOD did not create evil to be used by man. Man was never to know what evil was. But he disobeyed GOD and ate the fruit, from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And that fruit contained the evilness of sin.
Originally posted by Daemon SinThe answer is in Romans Chapter 9. He created all men by nature as sinners, so that he could show his mercy to those who do not deserve mercy. It is the essence of grace, undeserved love, that God saved some even though they were sinners.
So excluding man, who were 'those that disobeyed the word of God' that the evil was designed for? And futhering that, why would the big guy create said 'word disobeyers?'
It may help if you do not think of evil as an entity. God created evil in the sense that he declared what is good and what is evil. Good is obeying God's law. Evil is disobeying God's law. By giving us commands, and declaring obedience to those commands as good, God necessarily established what is evil.
Originally posted by ColettiIf it helps, here's two examples of God's commands to show the difference between good and evil:
The answer is in Romans Chapter 9. He created all men by nature as sinners, so that he could show his mercy to those who do not deserve mercy. It is the essence of grace, undeserved love, that God saved some even though they were sinners. ...[text shortened]... hose commands as good, God necessarily established what is evil.
Sticking sword into Midianite baby - GOOD
Eating shellfish - EVIL
Originally posted by xxxenophobeNow how can them thar pesky christians argue with logic like that?
see theres some thing else.. he disobeyed god.. now yer allways yammering about OBEY GOD OR BE DAMNED TO ETERNAL HELLFIRE... and such... why didnt god just be cool.. and just not give them that temptation and let man be happy and come right on in to heaven with there creator... why "is" he such a toying jerk... hes all knowing.. right.. whell he should ...[text shortened]... again should have known that... so by doing so.. he intentionally damned billions.. nice guy...
Originally posted by ColettiAnd you actually think it makes sense that God created man and evil just so man could use evil giving God an excuse to show off his "essense"? You Bible worshippers are so brainwashed that you'd favor anything as long as it favored your book-god. Do us all a favor: actually think about it for a change and stop assuming the answer and then bashing your way to it with ridiculous Bible verses that are more insulting to God and man than useful.
The answer is in Romans Chapter 9. He created all men by nature as sinners, so that he could show his mercy to those who do not deserve mercy. It is the essence of grace, undeserved love, that God saved some even though they were sinners.
It may help if you do not think of evil as an entity. God created evil in the sense that he declared what is go ...[text shortened]... , and declaring obedience to those commands as good, God necessarily established what is evil.
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Originally posted by thesonofsaulThank you for your thoughtful reply. What is you source of knowledge about God?
And you actually think it makes sense that God created man and evil just so man could use evil giving God an excuse to show off his "essense"? You Bible worshippers are so brainwashed that you'd favor anything as long as it favored your book-god. Do us all a favor: actually think about it for a change and stop assuming the answer and then bashing yo ...[text shortened]... with ridiculous Bible verses that are more insulting to God and man than useful.
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Originally posted by ColettiI have just as much basis as you do. In other words, you are just as ignorant as I am. Also: if I had any hope of "correcting" your views of God I would be approaching this discussion in a totally different way. All I want from you is for you to think about your beliefs with an open mind and not to assume the answers before you come to a conclusion, a nasty habit of most religious that corrupts any examination of the self.
Then you have no basis for correcting my view of God. Anything you say regarding God can be disregarded.
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