@kellyjay saidApparently Jesus wasn't enough. At least Paul thought so. 😉
Those who believe in Jesus but don't believe He is God.
How could Jesus' death and resurrection be enough to save mankind from their sins if He was just another guy and not God?
However, not to undermine your faith and the support and sustenance it provides, but what if some elements of your OP were unprovable or even untrue?
What if some people of Earth believed that God the Creator had rules, and lots of other people believed them, but God was really just the Creator?
As for Jesus, what if he were not God, but just someone who had a cosmic, God-believing viewpoint -- and his story was not so much about forgiveness for the breaking of nonexistent Rules from Above, but how to endure the hard patches of life and how to be kind and considerate despite everything, because all of this and all of us arise from and occur within a much greater context?
17 Feb 22
@kellyjay saidIt was the sacrifice and atonement that saved mankind. The OT is full of such sacrifices of creatures that were not themselves divine. (Goats, lambs and the like).
Those who believe in Jesus but don't believe He is God.
How could Jesus' death and resurrection be enough to save mankind from their sins if He was just another guy and not God?
Go have a read of Leviticus that lays out the sacrificial system that provided sinful Israel with a way to draw near to God.
Apparently Jesus wasn't enough. At least Paul thought so. 😉
If Paul didn't think Jesus was sufficient why did he write the book of Colossians arguing that "you are made full in Him" (2:20)[/b} and that in Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden" (2:3) ?
"For in Him all the fullness was pleased to dwell . . ." (1:19)
"For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you have been made full in Him, who is the Head of all rule and authority." (9,10)
It sounds like Paul was teaching the "That He [Christ] . . . might have the first place in all things."
I think you should read the book of Colossians, at least the first three chapters.
It was the sacrifice and atonement that saved mankind. The OT is full of such sacrifices of creatures that were not themselves divine. (Goats, lambs and the like).
Go have a read of Leviticus that lays out the sacrificial system that provided sinful Israel with a way to draw near to God.
They were type and shadows pointing to the perfect sacrifice of the Son of God.
You know that. Or you know that that is what the New Testament teaches.
"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29)
And you know that it says the Law was a child conductor leading the Israelites to grace.
"So then the law has become our child conductor unto Christ that we might be justified out of faith." (Gal. 3:24)
Hebrews 10:6-10 told us that the Son of God said burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin God did not desire. But that God had (in incarnation) prepared a body for HIm, to do the will of God, superceding all the animals sacrifices.
"In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You did not delight. Then I said, Behold, I have come (in the roll of the book it is written concerning Me) to do Your will, O God."
Saying above, "Sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You did not desire nor delight in" (Which are offered according to the law),
Then He has said, " Behold, I come to do Your will." He takes away the first [covenant] that He may establish the second, By which will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all."
17 Feb 22
@kellyjay saidJesus was just another guy ?
Those who believe in Jesus but don't believe He is God.
How could Jesus' death and resurrection be enough to save mankind from their sins if He was just another guy and not God?
Christians are becoming worse than atheists.
Im sure atheists dont believe he was just another guy.
17 Feb 22
@rajk999 saidYou should, for a change, think for yourself instead of telling everyone what others think and do; who do you say Jesus is? It was, after all, a question Jesus asked?
Jesus was just another guy ?
Christians are becoming worse than atheists.
Im sure atheists dont believe he was just another guy.
17 Feb 22
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThose didn't remove sin for everyone for all time.
It was the sacrifice and atonement that saved mankind. The OT is full of such sacrifices of creatures that were not themselves divine. (Goats, lambs and the like).
Go have a read of Leviticus that lays out the sacrificial system that provided sinful Israel with a way to draw near to God.
17 Feb 22
@kellyjay saidThe question was asked and answered and nowhere did Jesus say, he was God.
You should, for a change, think for yourself instead of telling everyone what others think and do; who do you say Jesus is? It was, after all, a question Jesus asked?
Nowhere did Paul say he was God
Nowhere did the disciples say he was God.
The only people with that doctrine is you church.
God revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Son of God
Apparently that is not good enough for you.
17 Feb 22
@rajk999 saidJesus asked who do you say I am.
The question was asked and answered and nowhere did Jesus say, he was God.
Nowhere did Paul say he was God
Nowhere did the disciples say he was God.
The only people with that doctrine is you church.
God revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Son of God
Apparently that is not good enough for you.
Do you need chapters and verses?
Can you not answer that question?