-Removed-Are you wanting to know if others know? Or do you know it yourself, and just want to compare notes with anyone who will come forth as knowing the accuracy?
But are you not putting the cart before the horse? Before ascertaining the accuracy of what was said, you need to ascertain who the speaker was. In other words, you need to prove God's existence, who is presumed to be the speaker who dictated what is written in the Bible.
The question of the Bible's accuracy and its portrayal of "what God said" has been a topic of debate and exploration for centuries, especially within religious, academic, and archaeological circles. You are plagiarizing and parroting a question that has been asked a trillion times over the past thousands of years by millions and millions of people. Are you going to bring anything new and original to the table of discussion?
-Removed-How silly can you be? You're wanting to know the accuracy of Biblical accounts from those who have decided that God already exists. How accurate will those decisions be, my silly and dimwitted friend? How was it decided by them that God exists? It's a matter of faith and not of knowledge.
Accuracy is based on measurements using known standards. Do we have any Biblical intellectuals looking at these forums, who may want to give you their notes to share with yours? Be first in showing us your notes. Let us see how you have decided for the existence of God, and also how you arrived at deciding if the Biblical accounts are accurate?
Carry on, my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done with this silly, age-old question, which you are merely parroting. Lay your weary head to rest, and don't you cry anymore....