Originally posted by josephwThe best I can be.
I'm so good I should be getting paid for being here and doing this!
My perfect imperfections serve me just fine.
Can you get your head around an oxymoron? Cause that's basically what life is. A Paradox. Always two sides (at least) to any situation.
The attempt as presenting god in a good-bueatiful-true light will always fail as long as you don't present a whole picture - which the Hindus try to do.
In myself, apart from Christ I am only good for the lake of fire.
But in Christ God looks upon me as the very righteousness of God in Him.
The very good man created by God (Gen. 1:34) became polluted and corrupted in his fallen body by coming into a union with Satan.
Paul, when he was a strict religious Pharisee, came to realize that in him, that is in his flesh, dwelt no good thing.
" For I know that in me, that is in my flesh, nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but to work out the good is not.
for I do not do the good which I will; but the evil which I do not will, this I practice." (Rom. 7:19,20)
He fully realize the depth of the ruination of the fall and the sin nature had on his being. comparing ourselves to one another we may deem some are more good than others. But set up next to the law of God, all are not only not good but also not glorious. God meant man to be gloriously good in splendor.
The God given conscience within realizes that the outer being in which it is encased is not good. In fact it is wretched.
" Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?
Thanks be to God , through Jesus Christ our Lord! ..." (Rom. 7:24)
The good news, the great news is that through union with Jesus Christ we can become the very righteousness of God in Him. That is a thorough identification which starts as positional and must consummate in dispositional.
" Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Cor. 5:21)
In myself apart from Christ I am no good, and only good for eternal judgment.
Joined to Christ I am saved and become the righteousness of God via union with Christ.
Originally posted by karoly aczelI think someone in this thread has a lower rating than you.
Yeah, on these forums I'm the worst.
(You really believe this means something don't you? I think Joseph had his tongue firmly planted in his mouth)
I believe rating has much to do with how much training you have received and how much time you have put into it. 10 years ago anyone could beat me.
Originally posted by sonshipIn myself, apart from Christ I am only good for the lake of fire.
In myself, apart from Christ I am only good for the lake of fire.
But in Christ God looks upon me as the very righteousness of God in Him.
The very good man created by God [b](Gen. 1:34) became polluted and corrupted in his fallen body by coming into a union with Satan.
Paul, when he was a strict religious Pharisee, came to realize that in h ...[text shortened]... udgment.
Joined to Christ I am saved and become the righteousness of God via union with Christ.[/b]
But in Christ God looks upon me as the very righteousness of God in Him.
Glory to God.
Good is an interesting term, one tends to see it in terms of morality and in comparison to its opposite bad. To the ancient Greeks it was more like a kind of virtue that anything could display e.g. a cow was good if it gave milk, a pen if it was able to write etc In a Biblical context goodness (the quality or state of being good) is a positive quality that expresses itself in the performance of beneficial acts toward others and not a passive quality that one possess.