I wonder how active this place would be if we were not attempting to show someone what a piece of dirt we think they are? I wonder how many threads would be active if we were not allowed to talk about each other instead of subject matter. I wonder how long it will take when someone throws into my face all the times I have done this too because I have.
@kellyjay saidIt's become quite the drama-fest here lately.
I wonder how active this place would be if we were not attempting to show someone what a piece of dirt we think they are? I wonder how many threads would be active if we were not allowed to talk about each other instead of subject matter. I wonder how long it will take when someone throws into my face all the times I have done this too because I have.
It's easy to tell people "oh, just go around the drama posts if you don't like them", but when they seem to be 90% of the posts, it's just too big a chore to bother.
@kellyjay saidA good start would be to clear the air about "doing good works".
I wonder how active this place would be if we were not attempting to show someone what a piece of dirt we think they are? I wonder how many threads would be active if we were not allowed to talk about each other instead of subject matter. I wonder how long it will take when someone throws into my face all the times I have done this too because I have.
#1. Everyone agrees that doing good works is a great thing.
#2. Doing good works doesn't seem to be required for Salvation.
#3. By doing good works you're putting your faith into practice, not for Salvation, but because it's what Jesus taught.
#4. Nobody on this forum thinks that doing good works is irrelevant.
We can start there. 😀
@bigdogg saidAnd who’s creating the drama?
It's become quite the drama-fest here lately.
It's easy to tell people "oh, just go around the drama posts if you don't like them", but when they seem to be 90% of the posts, it's just too big a chore to bother.
I think it’s pretty much four people. If those four people went on vacation for six months, this forum would be a lot more civil.
@kellyjay saidThree of the four people most responsible for making this forum a hostile and unwelcoming place do so because they’ve been embarrassed in a substantive argument and decide to lash out in their humiliation and frustration.
I wonder how active this place would be if we were not attempting to show someone what a piece of dirt we think they are? I wonder how many threads would be active if we were not allowed to talk about each other instead of subject matter. I wonder how long it will take when someone throws into my face all the times I have done this too because I have.
The fourth is someone with an obvious drinking problem who lashes out at people because he hates himself and his inability to remain sober for longer than 24 hours.
Just my two cents.
@chaney3 saidI agree with all four
A good start would be to clear the air about "doing good works".
#1. Everyone agrees that doing good works is a great thing.
#2. Doing good works doesn't seem to be required for Salvation.
#3. By doing good works you're putting your faith into practice, not for Salvation, but because it's what Jesus taught.
#4. Nobody on this forum thinks that doing good works is irrelevant.
We can start there. 😀
@pb1022 saidIf we never had to deal with difficult people, or people we perceive to be difficult, would there ever be a need for spiritual guidance or frameworks (including non-religious ones) regarding how to interact with other people?
And who’s creating the drama?
I think it’s pretty much four people. If those four people went on vacation for six months, this forum would be a lot more civil.
@kevin-eleven saidThat’s an excellent imitation 👍👍
If we never had to deal with difficult people, or people we perceive to be difficult, would there ever be a need for spiritual guidance or frameworks (including non-religious ones) regarding how to interact with other people?
No don’t forget to go off on a question-asking, ADHD binge.
@KellyJay and @BigDogg
I acknowledge my part in recent forum noise that involved either a negotiation of a relationship or an establishment of boundaries, maybe both.
I believe that activity has subsided and now we only have to deal with certain piranhic clownfish who have only recently resurfaced because they thought there was blood in the water, but they are easily ignored.