I pray by standing waist deep in cold water and swinging a graphite stick with a long nylon string, at the end of which is a piece of steel wrapped with the fur and feathers of some of the creator's creatures. I believe that such a location and prayer is far closer to the creator than anything in any church.
Originally posted by WulebgrSo you like fishing 🙂
I pray by standing waist deep in cold water and swinging a graphite stick with a long nylon string, at the end of which is a piece of steel wrapped with the fur and feathers of some of the creator's creatures. I believe that such a location and prayer is far closer to the creator than anything in any church.
Good on you and well done for doing your praying as you fish 🙂
Originally posted by VivaldiI can't find a church that I can stand. I can't find a doctrine that I can stand. I can't find a religion I can stand. I do pray though. I know on an intuitive level that a God is out there. I have had many experiences that confirm my belief in God. I don't know much about God other than he must be good. Everything else is pure conjecture. I pray from a primal level.
Do you pray at home
Please say as it is important
Thank you
Originally posted by VivaldiMakes you wonder what God did with his penis all that while in the void. Did he walk with his legs? Talk to himself with his mouth? Defecate from his "backside"? Maybe twiddled his thumbs? Human physical characteristics only make sense in the presence of our environment. This is yet another example of theistic arrogance. Not only does God favor man above all else, he looks like us too! 🙂
God made man like in his image not in the shape of a fish
Originally posted by WulebgrA bow and arrow?
I pray by standing waist deep in cold water and swinging a graphite stick with a long nylon string, at the end of which is a piece of steel wrapped with the fur and feathers of some of the creator's creatures. I believe that such a location and prayer is far closer to the creator than anything in any church.
Originally posted by VivaldiI go to church a couple times a year at best. This is highly due to two things:
Do you pray at home
Please say as it is important
Thank you
1) I am very picky about which church I will attend (in my case, I require a Luther church, of the Missouri Synod, with a pastor of traditional teachings).
2) I live far from the nearest such church and lack transportation.
That said, I most certainly do pray at home. At home and pretty much anywhere. I also try to have a sort of sit down time with the wife for discussion of biblical matters atleast once a week (not to replace church, but for similar reasons as going to church).
Hope this was helpful. Let me know if you would like me to expound on anything. By the way, may I ask the purpose for your question (just curious)? Feel free to PM if you don't want to post here. Likewise, feel free to tell me it's none of my business. 🙂
Best Regards,
Hi Vivaldi,
A good question which I will take seriously.
I am a part of a growing group of people that have become disenchantedwith the commercialised, organised church system but rather meet with each other and God in homes. Cal it the home church movement. Alive and vibrant and informal.
in peace,
Originally posted by VivaldiAside from the appalling syntax, do you believe the passage in Genesis that you are paraphrasing applies equally to men and women? Which is God (which set of chromosomes)?
God made man like in his image not in the shape of a fish
Does this passage in Genesis make more sense literally or figuratively?
edit: P.S. I realize that the fish shape has no connection to historic xtian beliefs. lol 😛
Originally posted by VivaldiI do pray at home. But I also go to church as regularly as possible.
Do you pray at home
Please say as it is important
Thank you
While God intends each person to have a personal relationship with Him, that alone is incomplete. God created Man as a social being so that he could have a communal relationship with God as well; so that a community of believers could reinforce each other's faith and come to God as a community.
More importantly, however, as a Catholic I believe in the Real Presence of God in the Eucharist. So it makes as much sense for me to pray at home and not go to Church as it does for someone with front row seats for a big game to stay at home and follow the radio commentary.