How does intuition play into the spiritual decision making process ? As a young man my intuition told me that the Transcendental Meditation Program was the highest from of spiritual process that I could be involved with. After around seven years my intuition told me that something stinks with this organization, and I might have been sold a bill of goods as to what to actually expect from the TM technique.
Then my intuition told me that the Urantia Book was the Revelation that it makes itself out to be, only to come away from that with a sense of not knowing what to believe. Many other times my intuition told me I had found what I thought was Truth only to have that shattered also. Now I don't trust my intuition on these matters. How does one use intuition without the ego cheering you on in your belief?
Originally posted by buckkyCould you say what you mean by spiritual decision making process?
How does intuition play into the spiritual decision making process ? As a young man my intuition told me that the Transcendental Meditation Program was the highest from of spiritual process that I could be involved with. After around seven years my intuition told me that something stinks with this organization, and I might have been sold a bill of goods as to ...[text shortened]... on on these matters. How does one use intuition without the ego cheering you on in your belief?
The closest regular experience I can think of that seems like intuition is when I give up for the night on an incomplete crossword puzzle and the next morning without any conscious thought I have the answers to some clues that had me stumped. It is like the brain works on problems while I am unaware of it. So if that is like intuition, it means our brains process problems without telling us, and establish pathways between the stated problems and the answers. Could this be how intuition works?
Another way would be if the brain works to find what "kind" of problem it is and lines it up with other similar problems we have successfully solved. Then for example if we have had success being positive about new opportunities like TM, our intuition will tell us to try it. OF course the similarities might not pan out to be there.
Originally posted by buckky"The path of error, once found and corrected, becomes the path of Truth".
How does intuition play into the spiritual decision making process ? As a young man my intuition told me that the Transcendental Meditation Program was the highest from of spiritual process that I could be involved with. After around seven years my intuition told me that something stinks with this organization, and I might have been sold a bill of goods as to ...[text shortened]... on on these matters. How does one use intuition without the ego cheering you on in your belief?
Intuition for me is like choosing to go one way or the other in a fork in the road, without any idea of where either path may take you.
I always go with my first,(gut), instincts.
And nothing happens.I take this to be a good thing . Who knows where the other path may have lead.
Boredom can be much better than the possible perils that may have been awaiting you on the other path.
Boredom is much preferrable to getting mugged, for example.
Originally posted by buckkyIt seems to me that intuition is a by-product of awareness; and constant awareness is a by-product of knowing in full what you know and what you ignore; knowledge is a product of the interaction between our psychism, the environment and our ideas. Our entaglement with the events and the various conditions that arise is inevitable, however it is quite possible to taste karma not; and ignorance regarding the nature of one's self and the nature of the events and of the conditions we are entagling, diminishes intuition in psychotic reaction. Psycotic reactions force the people to go through life seeiing solely what they are prepared to see
How does intuition play into the spiritual decision making process ? As a young man my intuition told me that the Transcendental Meditation Program was the highest from of spiritual process that I could be involved with. After around seven years my intuition told me that something stinks with this organization, and I might have been sold a bill of goods as to ...[text shortened]... on on these matters. How does one use intuition without the ego cheering you on in your belief?
Originally posted by daisychainsawI figured you meant "without knowing why".
i thought intuition was knowing somthing or feeling somthing with our knowing why. i think somtimes this is just when you notice things subconciously that manifests as a seemingly unfounded idea or feeling. but mabey somtimes there is more too it?
Intuition, as far as I see it, is what we routinely naturally do because we have got used to it.
For example, a software application which is "intuitive" will have a design which follows patterns the general population has got used to. Like where a number of windows apps has "File" in the top left corner, then they might expect to see "Save", "Save As..", "Print" etc. Or have icons which look like "buttons", inviting the user to click on it, because we are used to buttons working that way.
If someone from a society has never seen a button before and were to see one on a screen, they wouldn't have a clue what it is. It isn't intuitive to them. To us, it might appear strange, because it has become so natural to us, we don't expect people to not be able to do it.
The same kind of thing happens in all parts of life. We get used to certain patterns and we do certain tasks automatically. It becomes like a hard wired program.
There isn't really anything more to it than that.