23 Feb 17
Originally posted by wolfgang59As with anything in life, the Bible will only teach those who are willing to learn. If you don't want to learn, or if it goes against what you believe to be true, then you will not learn from it.
I mean taught in the pedagogical sense not in the prescriptive sense.
eg If a teacher tells you that F=ma that isn't really teaching is it?
Only when they show, deduce or explain does it become teaching.
What is taught in the bible if anything?
As the Zen people like to say, it is impossible to fill a cup that is already full.
23 Feb 17
Originally posted by EladarJust drink the contents and then try again.
As with anything in life, the Bible will only teach those who are willing to learn. If you don't want to learn, or if it goes against what you believe to be true, then you will not learn from it.
As the Zen people like to say, it is impossible to fill a cup that is already full.
24 Feb 17
Originally posted by DeepThoughtSo you think your point of view is the only correct point of view? Or should I say points of view that are similar to yours are the only correct points of view?
Just drink the contents and then try again.
Typical liberal position. Pretty self righteous lot you are.
Originally posted by EladarFair enough.
As with anything in life, the Bible will only teach those who are willing to learn. If you don't want to learn, or if it goes against what you believe to be true, then you will not learn from it.
As the Zen people like to say, it is impossible to fill a cup that is already full.
So for those willing to learn ... what if anything is taught in the bible?
24 Feb 17
Originally posted by EladarPretty free with the L word, there, Benito.
So you think your point of view is the only correct point of view? Or should I say points of view that are similar to yours are the only correct points of view?
Typical liberal position. Pretty self righteous lot you are.
24 Feb 17
Originally posted by EladarWell, seeing as you were first to call me a 'leftist', I guess the apology and cluelessness is in your court, hey?
Am I demanding others to discuss with me by my terms? Did I start this thread.
When you understand what I just wrote, you can post an apoligy. Until then you can remain clueless.
24 Feb 17
Originally posted by wolfgang59Pedagogically speaking, the Bible (Word of God) teaches that you and I are separated from our maker by sin. It's probably the first thing one should realize before being able to move forward.
What is taught in the bible if anything?
It's simple. Sin is that thing in us that says "no God". Acknowledge God by agreeing with Him about what you already know is true about your condition.
Want an epiphany of understanding? Want the fix for the thing that's killing you? Believe God. Be crucified with Christ. Live forever.