Are all other religions a cult that are not Christian? I feel that Christianity is a cult? Does this make me a tool of Satan
The Muslems must be acult, because they are not Christian right ? The same goes for the Hindus right ? The poor Buddhist have to be right ? Only the Christians have the truth right ?
You know the KKK think that all non whites are not human. This a very similar mind set to what the Christians believe. Either you become a Christian or you are a cultist or just the average heathen headed for Hell. What a beautiful religion Christianity is.
Originally posted by buckkyYou clearly have a twisted view of what Christians believe. No Christian believes that unbelievers are non-human. True Christians hold that believers are saved only because of the grace of God, and not because they are better than anyone else.
Are all other religions a cult that are not Christian? I feel that Christianity is a cult? Does this make me a tool of Satan
The Muslems must be acult, because they are not Christian right ? The same goes for the Hindus right ? The poor Buddhist have to be right ? Only the Christians have the truth right ?
You know the KKK think that all non whites are ...[text shortened]... cultist or just the average heathen headed for Hell. What a beautiful religion Christianity is.
As far as cults go, I have never heard a Christian define other mainstream religions as cults. So your assertions are baseless and insulting. But then, maybe that's part of your purpose.
Originally posted by Coletti
You clearly have a twisted view of what Christians believe. No Christian believes that unbelievers are non-human.
Perhaps they do not believe it, but they have often said it. Start with Reverend Colonel Chivington: not only can you google him easily and probably turn up the relevant information, but he was characterized fairly accurately, at least with respect to his rhetoric, on last week's installment of Into the West.
As far as cults go, I have never heard a Christian define other mainstream religions as cults.
I could loan you some books from Christian publishers concerning the cult status of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Roman Catholic Church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, and several others. Alas, I disposed of these books many years ago; but I have seen people that I know reading updated versions of them in 2005. Perhaps, however, these are not what you mean by "mainstream religions".
Originally posted by ColettiYou obviouly did not get the KKK thing. When you think that your Religion is the only religion that has merit it's like the KKK mentality of only whites are human. It's a very narrow and twisted mind set. The Christian believes that all non Christians go to Hell right ? What could be more nasty than that ? What could be more mean spirited than that ? It makes the fanatical Muslems look like birds of a feather with the savage mentality of the Christian. Eternal torment is one very cruel punishment for all that don't see it the Christian way . How did Christianity ever gain any popularity with such an evil view ?
You clearly have a twisted view of what Christians believe. No Christian believes that unbelievers are non-human. True Christians hold that believers are saved only because of the grace of God, and not because they are better than anyone else.
As far as cults go, I have never heard a Christian define other mainstream religions as cults. So your assertions are baseless and insulting. But then, maybe that's part of your purpose.
Originally posted by WulebgrTechnically I don't consider most of these as cults - but the claim was all religions - Buddhism, Islam, etc.
Originally posted by Coletti
[b]You clearly have a twisted view of what Christians believe. No Christian believes that unbelievers are non-human.
Perhaps they do not believe it, but they have often said it. Start with Reverend Colonel Chivington: not only can you google him easily and probably turn up the relevant information, but he was chara ...[text shortened]... ions of them in 2005. Perhaps, however, these are not what you mean by "mainstream religions".[/b]
Originally posted by WulebgrI think of cult as an isolated group that usually has a single charismatic leader who is not answerable to anyone else. They do not have to be a form a Christianity - there are UFO cults, political cults, animal-worshiping-tree-hugger cults. Thy usually boast of having some secret knowledge that only members may know. Often they use forms of brainwashing and emotional manipulation to indoctrinate members. They usually do not allow individuals to have much in personal property or rights to hold differing opinions.
Please define cult. You seem to be operating with a novel definition.
Of course, a strict anthropological definition applies to Christianity, too, so don't just copy and paste from a dictionary.