Originally posted by PatrioticDogThe scientific evidence is solid and undeniable (unless you are wearing blinders or have no scientific education). So this leads to several possible conclusions:
I am confused with this, after having to do a project about evolution and how the earth was formed.
Give me ideas, I am an open book, so to speak
1. God made the world using a process called evolution.
2. God made the world using some other method but made it in such a way that it appears that evolution took place.
3. There is no God.
None of the above can be proved using scientific methods and are a matter of faith. However whichever you believe, the theory of evolution is still valid and is a very important and usefull theory in the field of Biology. Infact almost all of Biology and medicine are tied to evolution in some way.
Originally posted by PatrioticDogDo not be confused by the term 'evolution'. Micoevolution is purely scientific and observable. Macroevolution is a fairy tale for adults.
I am confused with this, after having to do a project about evolution and how the earth was formed.
Give me ideas, I am an open book, so to speak
Originally posted by twhiteheadInfact almost all of... medicine [is] tied to evolution in some way.
The scientific evidence is solid and undeniable (unless you are wearing blinders or have no scientific education). So this leads to several possible conclusions:
1. God made the world using a process called evolution.
2. God made the world using some other method but made it in such a way that it appears that evolution took place.
3. There is no God.
...[text shortened]... e field of Biology. Infact almost all of Biology and medicine are tied to evolution in some way.
Really? Please elaborate.
Originally posted by stockenIn the long run that's what it boils down to. Apparently there were rocks upon which it rained for millions of years until it formed a chemical soup, from which all life evolved, or so they say... 😉
Please, do enlighten me... Who says rocks has evolved into humans?
Evolution is a theory of its own, not core to the whatever theory you choose to believe as to the origins of the universe. Yes, the theory of origin is inclusive of evolution, but not the other way around.
Specifically of the theory of origins - Those who profess to be Evolutionists generally follow the big bang theory, or something similar. Christians (and those other regilions who base from the Bible.) are Creationists. In regards to these two theories (Big Bang and Creation) - they CANNOT coexist. Big Bang professes that life began some 4.6 billion years ago. Creationism professes that God created life about 11,000 years ago. As Creationism suggests life started at that point, it is also in contradiction with the theory of evolution, although I have known many a Christian that tries to explain evolution and/or scientific evidence that "proves" the theory.
For Evolutionists, fossils, carbon dating and science empirically back up their belief.
For Creationists, faith backs up their belief.
So how do Creationist debunk the theory of evolution? Most that I have spoken to claim that all of these things that are found (dinosaur bone fossils, etc....) were placed there by God (or some say by Satan) to confuse and test man along the path to salvation.
Hope this helps.
Originally posted by KnightWulfeI'm afraid from your post it seems like you a have a very small sample of creationists to have reached such profound conclusions.
Evolution is a theory of its own, not core to the whatever theory you choose to believe as to the origins of the universe. Yes, the theory of origin is inclusive of evolution, but not the other way around.
Specifically of the theory of origins - Those who profess to be Evolutionists generally follow the big bang theory, or something similar. Christian ...[text shortened]... (or some say by Satan) to confuse and test man along the path to salvation.
Hope this helps.
Creationism is further divided into young-earth - and old-earth creationism.
Both have their own origin model. The old-earth model fits rather snuggly into the big bang and evolution. The young-earth model is more complex with its own ad hoc theories to explain phenomenon such as carbon dating and fossils. Among the more knowledgeable circles of the young earth adherents, you won’t find people claiming God to have placed decoys to confuse us - that is just baloney.