The custom of being called by more than one name is common in many cultures. The same occurs with names in the Bible.
Examples: the patriarch Jacob is also named Israel. (Genesis 35:10) The apostle Peter is named in five different ways—Symeon, Simon, Peter, Cephas, and Simon Peter. (Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42; Acts 15:7, 14)
How do we that Michael is another name for Jesus? Here is Scriptural evidence.
The Bible has five references to the "mighty" spirit creature Michael.
Three are in the book of Daniel. Daniel 10:13, 21, says a dispatched angel is rescued by Michael, who is called “one of the foremost princes” and “the prince of you people.”
Then at Daniel 12:1 it shows that in the time of the end, “Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people.”
Another mention of Michael occurs at Revelation 12:7 that describes “Michael and his angels” as fighting a vital war that end in the ousting of Satan the Devil and his wicked angels from heaven.
As you see above, Michael is portrayed as a warrior angel battling and protecting God’s people, even confronting Jehovah’s greatest enemy, Satan.
Then in Jude 9 it calls Michael “the archangel.” The prefix “arch” means “principal” or “chief,” and the word “archangel” is never used in the plural form in the Bible. There is only 1.
The only other scripture that an archangel is mentioned is at 1 Thessalonians 4:16, where Paul describes the resurrected Jesus, saying: “The Lord ( lower case letters) Jesus himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet.” So Jesus Christ is clearly identified as the archangel, or chief angel.
So Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel. Both names—Michael (meaning “Who Is Like God?&rdquo😉 and Jesus (meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation&rdquo😉 focus attention on his role as the leading advocate of God’s sovereignty.
Philippians 2:9 says: “God exalted him [the glorified Jesus] to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name.”
One has to know that the human birth of Jesus was not the beginning of his life. Before he was born, Mary was visited by an angel who told her that she would conceive a child by means of holy spirit and that she should name the child Jesus. (Luke 1:31)
During his ministry, Jesus often spoke of his prehuman existence.
John 3:13; 8:23, 58. "13 Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but the one who descended from heaven, the Son of man."
23 " He went on to say to them: “You are from the realms below; I am from the realms above. You are from this world; I am not from this world."
58 Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.”
So before Jesus was born here on earth and was given the name Jesus that his father Jehovah picked before he was even born. But nowhere in the Bible is God's son Jesus ever called Jesus in the OT while he was in heaven before his earthly life. He had to have a name just as other angels in the bible in heaven were given names. This name Micheal was his name in heaven.
So Michael the archangel is Jesus in his prehuman existence. After his resurrection and return to heaven, Jesus resumed his service as Michael, the chief angel, “to the glory of God the Father.”
But...if one believes that Jesus is Jehovah, then none of these scriptures would make any sense to you.
@galveston75 saidNo.
The custom of being called by more than one name is common in many cultures. The same occurs with names in the Bible.
Examples: the patriarch Jacob is also named Israel. (Genesis 35:10) The apostle Peter is named in five different ways—Symeon, Simon, Peter, Cephas, and Simon Peter. (Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42; Acts 15:7, 14)
How do we that Michael is ano ...[text shortened]... ...if one believes that Jesus is Jehovah, then none of these scriptures would make any sense to you.
Jesus is the Son of God
Michael the Archangel is one of the many archangels
Jehovah is God
The head of Christ is God
The head of man is Christ
To which of angels did He say, this is my son? .. NONE.
Jude 9 it calls Michael “the archangel.” The prefix “arch” means “principal” or “chief,” and the word “archangel” is never used in the plural form in the Bible.
If anyone here has a scripture or two that shows there is more then 1 archangel, lets see it.
Don't know what happened in my first post but this sentence should look like this:
So Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel. Both names—Michael (meaning “Who Is Like God? and Jesus (meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation) focus attention on his role as the leading advocate of God’s sovereignty.
Philippians 2:9 says: “God exalted him [the glorified Jesus] to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name.”
@galveston75 saidPointless speculation.
Jude 9 it calls Michael “the archangel.” The prefix “arch” means “principal” or “chief,” and the word “archangel” is never used in the plural form in the Bible.
If anyone here has a scripture or two that shows there is more then 1 archangel, lets see it.
Don't know what happened in my first post but this sentence should look like this:
So Jesus Christ is Michael ...[text shortened]... lorified Jesus] to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name.”
-Removed-Yes we do. I consider it my duty to help out these poor people with neither strength of character nor the knowledge and caught up in these cults, by guiding them in the right direction. Sometimes you have to say over the same things 100 times without any success, but on the 101 th time, they will understand. 😀
@galveston75 saidNo.
The custom of being called by more than one name is common in many cultures. The same occurs with names in the Bible.
Examples: the patriarch Jacob is also named Israel. (Genesis 35:10) The apostle Peter is named in five different ways—Symeon, Simon, Peter, Cephas, and Simon Peter. (Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42; Acts 15:7, 14)
How do we that Michael is ano ...[text shortened]... ...if one believes that Jesus is Jehovah, then none of these scriptures would make any sense to you.
It is just as likely Michael is:
James T. Kirk
Jean Luc Picard
@galveston75 saidNo - Jesus is not the Archangel Michael.
The custom of being called by more than one name is common in many cultures. The same occurs with names in the Bible.
Examples: the patriarch Jacob is also named Israel. (Genesis 35:10) The apostle Peter is named in five different ways—Symeon, Simon, Peter, Cephas, and Simon Peter. (Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42; Acts 15:7, 14)
How do we that Michael is ano ...[text shortened]... ...if one believes that Jesus is Jehovah, then none of these scriptures would make any sense to you.
@rajk999 saidStrength of character???? You? You? That has got to be the best stupid thing I've heard in decades. I'll keep this post for years to come. What a joke you are!
Yes we do. I consider it my duty to help out these poor people with neither strength of character nor the knowledge and caught up in these cults, by guiding them in the right direction. Sometimes you have to say over the same things 100 times without any success, but on the 101 th time, they will understand. 😀
@galveston75 saidA sure sign of a weak man with a weak character is his attachment to cult religions. A cult religion tells you what you must believe and failure to adhere to their teachings leads to damnation.
Strength of character???? You? You? That has got to be the best stupid thing I've heard in decades. I'll keep this post for years to come. What a joke you are!
The bible says one thing and your cult says another. You ignore the bible as I have demonstrated. Just 3 examples
The Bible says the 144,000 are Jews of the descendants of Jacob.
Your cult says NO. They are Jehovah Witnesses
The Bible says Jesus is the Son of God.
Your cult says NO. Jesus is Michael
The Bible says the evil will be resurrected and punished
Your cult says NO. Judas will not be resurrected.
Plus the hundreds of false prophesies. You are a blind, weak man unable to help yourself.