The chocking casual intellectual dishonesty of people claiming to be Christians is awful to me and I’m really quite sick of its nauseating stench.
So if you want to call me…
- a heretic (sonship)
- a tare (kellyjay)
- an a@@hole (Josephw)
- demon possessed (sonship)
And because these always make me laugh…
- actual sadist (startreader )
- worse than satan (Galveston75)
- son of satan (Galveston75)
- deserving of burning hell (RJHinds)
( there’s loads more, utterly brilliant heart-of-darkness jibes but I’ll be brief)
… then be quick, because I’m tired of your pride in your failed version of Jesus and your depraved misanthropic solutions to dealing with that failure.
And let’s be clear, your version of Jesus is an utterly despotic genocidal failure.
@divegeester saidPlease don't lie on your way out. When have I ever called you a tare, and I could
The chocking casual intellectual dishonesty of people claiming to be Christians is awful to me and I’m really quite sick of its nauseating stench.
So if you want to call me…
- a heretic (sonship)
- a tare (kellyjay)
- an a@@hole (Josephw)
- demon possessed (sonship)
And because these always make me laugh…
- actual sadist (startreader )
- worse than satan (Gal ...[text shortened]... hat failure.
And let’s be clear, your version of Jesus is an utterly despotic genocidal failure.
generate quite the list of things you have said about me. If name-calling bothers you,
I suggest you stop calling others names.
@kellyjay saidLie my way out of what! You weasels pretending you don’t understand, pretending you can’t remember what’s been said.
Please don't lie on your way out. When have I ever called you a tare, and I could
generate quite the list of things you have said about me. If name-calling bothers you,
I suggest you stop calling others names.
You were inferring I was tare recently in a couple of threads! Jeez you’re such a dishonest little toad.
- demon possessed (sonship)
Now its my turn to say "You're making stuff up."
I said you could be under the influence of a "doctrine of demons."
And I said we should not assume that either of us are above being so influenced.
Quote me where I wrote ever you were "demon possessed" and you will receive a public apology from me for claiming here right now that I did not say that to you.
@divegeester saidName-calling dive is not arguing! Unbelievable you start off like this! I do understand
Lie my way out of what! You weasels pretending you don’t understand, pretending you can’t remember what’s been said.
You were inferring I was tare recently in a couple of threads! Jeez you’re such a dishonest little toad.
what you are saying and my questions have been exactly what I understand and I'm
trying to get you to see. You are twisting the clear meaning of words to put a spin on
them that can only be done if you don't allow them to say exactly what they say in
the context that they were said in.
I said neither he nor I should assume that we could not be under such influence.
I do not think I am under a doctrine of demons.
But I do not assume it is not possible for to me, in the last days some will depart from the faith giving heed to teachings of demons, Paul said.
"But the Spirit says expressly that in later times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons." ( 1 Tim. 4:1)
If I ever discover that I am or am persuaded that I am, I will repent and make corrections.
DIvegeester says people pretend not to understand him.
You weasels pretending you don’t understand, pretending you can’t remember what’s been said.
Divegeester in a nutshell:
The trinity is wrong, Babylonian, must not be a doctrine insisted upon to be a member of the Church, is illogical, laughable, only believed by rote or goonish regurgitation from leaders, indefensible, comical and against the Shema prayer in the book of Deuteronomy.
A modalistic concept of there being no plurality at the same time of Persons in God.
The thought of everlasting conscious punishment while being kept alive is abominable and a descredit to anything Christian.
The Son of God concept is temporary and inconsistent with God being one. It will be no more after the Son delivers up the kingdom to His God and Father as predicted He will in First Corinthains 15:28.
Please indicate where I have misrepresented what you have been arguing here for some time. And specifiy where the misrpresentation is precisely and not vaguely.
I might be because none of us believers are beyond the possibility.
There is nothing to admit.
There is only the need to realize a Christian should not assume he could not be deceived as Paul warned.
You, insisting God does not exist - a far more likely candidate for having thrown your hat into hope representing a teaching demons and fallen angels would want men to believe..
You better repent.
I do not pretend to not remember or pretend to not understand.
Except when sarcasm is employed occasionally with the obnoxious.
I plead guilty to not reading everything on the board.
I confess not reading EVERY post of you or Divegeester or practically anyone.
I have been caught not having read a post.
I skim sometimes looking for replies and subsequently may miss because of not being thorough enough.