A local sheriff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has issued a public statement telling all the residents to buy weapons and arm themselves because the police department has been cut back because of budget issues. He says the public needs to take the law into their own hands to protect their "property" because the police may not show up in time if an intruder happens to come into their home.
Lots of discussion and problems with this order from this sheriff and even the mayor says this is a really bad idea.
But this sheriff says you need a gun to protect your property such as your car, you personal items in your house, etc.
My question on this property issue is this... What value is on a persons life?
Is their life worth killing for a TV? Is their life worth killing for a car? Is their life worth a box of food they may be after for their children?
Don't misunderstand me as someone stealing is wrong and they should be legally punished. That is a given fact.
But according to this sheriff and the message he is saying and one that many will now take as a green light to kill another human just because he wants something in your possision, it is now ok to take the law into your own hands and "take them out".
So the question needs to be reversed. Is your life worth a TV? Is your life worth a car? Is your life worth a box of food? Should you be put to death by your neighbor with no questions asked if you were to take one of these items from your neighbor?
Originally posted by galveston75good point. i would also point out that killing somebody in such a violent way would leave most people mentally scarred for the rest of their lives. a stable and healthy mind is worth way more than a flat screen tv. i would only take physical action against a intruder if they attempted to come upstairs. they would never get passed my dogs and their licky tongues death and waggy tails doom.
A local sheriff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has issued a public statement telling all the residents to buy weapons and arm themselves because the police department has been cut back because of budget issues. He says the public needs to take the law into their own hands to protect their "property" because the police may not show up in time if an intruder happ ...[text shortened]... neighbor with no questions asked if you were to take one of these items from your neighbor?
Originally posted by stellspalfieThere is a new TV show here called "Preppers" and it has to do with people who are preparing for domesday that they see coming in many different forms even just with natural disastors.
good point. i would also point out that killing somebody in such a violent way would leave most people mentally scarred for the rest of their lives. a stable and healthy mind is worth way more than a flat screen tv. i would only take physical action against a intruder if they attempted to come upstairs. they would never get passed my dogs and their licky tongues death and waggy tails doom.
The premise of the show is great because it does teach us all how to prepare for such things as hurricanes and earth quakes. No problems with that at all.
But in most shows the biggest time is spent on having weapons and defensive measures to "take out" anyone who may want some of those survival items you have stored up.
Well sure things do get crazy when people panic and feel they have no food, water, etc.
But....where is the love and caring for your fellow neighbor in all of this? Where has the teachings of love from Jesus gone and being a good Samaritan in all these situations?
Again is taking anothers life over a can of beans the right, humane and Christian thing to do?
Originally posted by galveston75i do laugh at the survival nuts, but im also a bit of a hypocrite. my grandma used to have a huge store cupboard full of tinned food, just in case society fell apart. we used to poke fun at her a bit, but in the back of my head i knew whos house id be going to if the world fell apart. to be fair the most dangerous weapon she had was a tin opener so she was hardly a survival nut. in fact i used to always tell her to get more tin openers. imagine if the first one got broke stabbing your neighbor in the eye to protect your tin of sardines.
There is a new TV show here called "Preppers" and it has to do with people who are preparing for domesday that they see coming in many different forms even just with natural disastors.
The premise of the show is great because it does teach us all how to prepare for such things as hurricanes and earth quakes. No problems with that at all.
But in most ...[text shortened]... ain is taking anothers life over a can of beans the right, humane and Christian thing to do?
Originally posted by stellspalfie"Death by can opener" on the headstone huh? Lol. But it is sad that some would kill you just for a can of sardines.
i do laugh at the survival nuts, but im also a bit of a hypocrite. my grandma used to have a huge store cupboard full of tinned food, just in case society fell apart. we used to poke fun at her a bit, but in the back of my head i knew whos house id be going to if the world fell apart. to be fair the most dangerous weapon she had was a tin opener so she ...[text shortened]... ne if the first one got broke stabbing your neighbor in the eye to protect your tin of sardines.
Originally posted by galveston75It would be good for the citizens of that town to check their state laws about the use of excessive force in self-defense.
A local sheriff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has issued a public statement telling all the residents to buy weapons and arm themselves because the police department has been cut back because of budget issues. He says the public needs to take the law into their own hands to protect their "property" because the police may not show up in time if an intruder happ ...[text shortened]... neighbor with no questions asked if you were to take one of these items from your neighbor?
"Excessive Force:
How This Can Change Self Defense Into A Crime
"It is a common belief that if you injure someone during the course of defending yourself that you are safe from prosecution. In reality, this is not the case. There is a fine line between self defense and assault and knowing where that line is could safe you a large fine and some serious jail time. "
Originally posted by FMFPeople have been killed for all sorts of reasons, no doubt some for something trivial, why it should be a feature of this age seems a strange question to ask, why do you think it should be a feature of a particular epoch of time?
Do you think people in centuries past were ever killed for little or no reason, or do you think it is a feature of our contemporary age?
Originally posted by FMFMaybe you should check that out yourself. Nothing I will ever say will answer it for you, RIGHT?
Do you think people in centuries past were ever killed for little or no reason, or do you think it is a feature of our contemporary age?
Add your comments as everyone else here is doing. I don't need you to start this NNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR ending questioning you so love to do with my postings.
So what is your thought on this?
Originally posted by robbie carrobiegalveston75 has often asserted that all these terrible things are much worse now and that things were better in the past. I personally don't think that this is true. I am curious as to whether he thinks that the story he has cited is an indication that the world is just getting worse and worse, or whether such killings have always been a feature of everyday life and may even perhaps have been more prevalent in the past.
People have been killed for all sorts of reasons, no doubt some for something trivial, why it should be a feature of this age seems a strange question to ask, why do you think it should be a feature of a particular epoch of time?
Originally posted by galveston75My thought on this is that I would like to know your answer to the question 'do you think people in centuries past were ever killed for little or no reason, or do you think it is a feature of our contemporary age'? [And "Nothing I will ever say will answer it for you, RIGHT?" is not an answer, to my way of thinking.]
So what is your thought on this?
Originally posted by galveston75If and Whenever Human Life (your family's and/or yours) is threatened, Shoot...
A local sheriff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has issued a public statement telling all the residents to buy weapons and arm themselves because the police department has been cut back because of budget issues. He says the public needs to take the law into their own hands to protect their "property" because the police may not show up in time if an intruder happ ...[text shortened]... neighbor with no questions asked if you were to take one of these items from your neighbor?
Twice, Once to the Head and Once to the Heart. It's the Proven Procedure to Kill.
Do so Efficiently. Take Lessons Beforehand. Gun Kept Accessible at All Times.
Originally posted by FMFSpeak to the hand buddy....
My thought on this is that I would like to know your answer to the question 'do you think people in centuries past were ever killed for little or no reason, or do you think it is a feature of our contemporary age'? [And "Nothing I will ever say will answer it for you, RIGHT?" is not an answer, to my way of thinking.]