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Pope Francis

Pope Francis


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What are we to make of this?


A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.

In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition.

The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.

The Sanhedrin sent a letter to Pope Francis in reaction to the Vatican’s recent support of the Palestinian Authority’s unilateral moves to declare themselves a nation, reported the Hebrew magazine Matzav Haruach on June 24.

The letter stated:

“Because the Vatican recognized the organization known as the Palestinian Authority as a nation, and has begun to refer to it as a nation in its documents. His honor has named the head of said authority as an ‘Angel of Peace’, as was explained by a spokesman for the Vatican, that his intention was to encourage Abu Mazen to advance towards peace. These actions, to our great dismay, are consistent with a long series of actions and stances that are as in the days of the Roman Catholic Religion, that swore to persecute Israel because we refused to accept their Messiah as the Messiah of Israel, and to renounce our faith. The recent announcements and actions of the Vatican are a rebuke to the Jewish Nation and to the Bible, which you use to interpret the prophecies, as if God has abandoned his original Nation of Israel. Reality has proven the opposite to be true.”

“We require from you an apology for your recognizing as a nation those who stole the land, those who are known as the Palestinian Authority, and we are informing the Vatican that the sole God given right to the land of Israel is to the Nation of Israel. If His Honor the Pope, and the Vatican, do not apologize within two weeks of receiving this letter, and if he does not change his ways, we shall judge these actions in the Court of Mount Zion, in a court of 71 Jewish elders of Zion, and enact the prophecy of ‘The liberators will rise up upon Mount Zion, to judge the Mountain of Esau and the kingdom shall be God’s’ (Obadiah 1:21). The court shall judge the Vatican in its presence or in absentia, and it is possible that the Vatican will be found guilty of anti-Semitism, as has been known to be done several times throughout history, and to place responsibility upon the Vatican for all of the outcomes of its actions.”

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The letter was signed, “The Secretariat of the Court of Mount Zion”. The authorized representatives of the High Court are Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Rabbi Dov Levanoni, Rabbi Israel Ariel, Rabbi Daniel Stavsky, Rabbi Yehuda Edri, and Rabbi Dov Meir Shtein.

The Sanhedrin has no political or legal status, and clearly has no authority over the Vatican. However, it is comprised of some of the greatest rabbis of the modern Jewish nation, men who have dedicated themselves to Torah, serving God and Israel. One of the main leaders behind the revival of the Sanhedrin is Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, well known for his advocacy in strengthening non-Jewish support for Israel.

The court’s rulings have the highest spiritual significance. The commandment to appoint judges is learned directly from the Bible (Exodus 18:13) and the present Sanhedrin is an effort to reestablish a tradition dating back to Moses.

Pope Francis’ recent visit to Israel and many of his actions caused disturbing waves in the difficult situation in the region.

image: http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/shimon-peres-mahmoud-abbas-pope-francis-vatican-2.jpg
Peres, Pope Francis and Abbas in the Vatican Gardens. (Photo: Chaim Tzach/ GPO)
Former Israeli President Shimon Peres, Pope Francis and PA President Mahmoud Abbas in the Vatican Gardens during a prayer summit for peace in 2014. (Photo: Chaim Tzach/ GPO)

His controversial description of Abbas as an “angel of peace” led to the Vatican backtracking and attempts to placate Israel. The Pope’s much-publicized meditation at a section of the security barrier prominently displaying pro-boycott graffiti was used by the Palestinians in an appeal to remove the much-needed security measure. That section of the wall also showed graffiti comparing the wall around Bethlehem to the Warsaw Ghetto. Pictures of the Pope’s visit to the wall went viral and became a symbol for anti-Israel sentiment.

While in Israel, Pope Francis attended Sunday mass at the Church of the Nativity. In his sermon, Latin Patriarch Fuoad Twal accused Israelis of being the present-day version of Christ killers by referring to the Palestinians as walking “in the footsteps of the Divine Child,” and likening the Israelis to King Herod. Shockingly, Pope Francis echoed his remarks in a later speech.

Pope Francis embraced the Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammed Hussein calling him “dear brother” in a show of great affection. In 2012, Hussein said it was the destiny of Muslims to kill Jews, who he claims are “subhuman beasts and the enemies of Allah.” Sheikh Hussein has also praised suicide bombers and said their souls “tell us to follow in their path,” remarks the Pope has never condemned.

Most significant, perhaps was a story of the Pope’s visit Caroline Glick told The Jerusalem Post. In a conversation with the Pope, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu mentioned that Jesus spoke Hebrew. Pope Francis corrected him, saying that Jesus spoke Aramaic. A flustered Netanyahu agreed that educated Jews at the time spoke Aramaic, but the language of the common people and the language Jesus preached in was Hebrew.

Reuters wrote of the exchange, noting that, “Modern-day discourse about Jesus is complicated and often political.” The report went on to explain, “Palestinians sometimes describe Jesus as a Palestinian. Israelis object to that.”

Pope Francis embraced Arab leaders, but more significantly, he accepted Palestinian national status, precluding any negotiated peace process, and voiding the validity of Israel’s claim to their God-given homeland.

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And what are we to make of this?


QUITO (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Tuesday said protecting the planet was no longer a choice but a duty and called for a new "social justice" where access to the earth's resources would be based on equality instead of economic interests.

In back-to-back speeches on the third day of his trip to Ecuador, the pope made his first full-court press on environmental issues since the publication last month of his landmark ecology encyclical "Laudato Si.".

Speaking before a group that included indigenous people of the Equatorial Amazon, he also renewed his call for special protection for the area because of its vital importance to the planet's ecosystem......

His choice of Ecuador to make his first post-encyclical speeches on the environment was not casual.

The leftist government of President Rafael Correa, which introduced austerity measures after a major drop in oil prices, is walking a tightrope between business and protecting the environment. Ecuador is heavily reliant on oil and mining while boasting some of the world's greatest biodiversity including the Galapagos Islands, on which Charles Darwin formulated his ideas on evolution.

In both speeches the first pope from Latin America, who has made defense of the poor a key plank of his papacy, also touched on the politically delicate issue of whether nature could be considered private property.

"The goods of the earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage," the Argentine pontiff told a group of civic leaders in Quito's St. Francis Church, the oldest religious building in Latin America.

"In this way we move beyond purely economic justice, based on commerce, towards social justice, which upholds the fundamental human right to a dignified life," he said in the church, whose construction began in 1536.


Just in case anyone is wondering, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I thought Catholics need to hear this because they will never hear it from this man they call Pope.

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Originally posted by whodey
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
He's also fictional.


in other news, the fashion police has an arrest warrant for pope francis for being too fabulous. if he chooses to not comply with this warrant, not a damn thing will happen because obviously


Originally posted by Zahlanzi
in other news, the fashion police has an arrest warrant for pope francis for being too fabulous. if he chooses to not comply with this warrant, not a damn thing will happen because obviously
"because obviously"??

C'mon, man, it's like "jokus interruptus"... you want to finish the punch line?

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Originally posted by Great King Rat
He's also fictional.
So are you.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
in other news, the fashion police has an arrest warrant for pope francis for being too fabulous. if he chooses to not comply with this warrant, not a damn thing will happen because obviously
"Because obviously" nobody cares what Zahlanzi has to say about what the fashion police say about how anyone dresses.

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Originally posted by Great King Rat
He's also fictional.
Just out of curiosity, are you a Holocaust denier?

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Originally posted by whodey
Just out of curiosity, are you a Holocaust denier?
Blimey where did that come from?

I suspect we could be discussing our favourite cheeses and you'd still pop up with such a question.

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Originally posted by josephw
So are you.
It's the "I know what you are, but am I?" reply. Brings back memories of the school playground, doesn't it?

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Originally posted by whodey
Just out of curiosity, are you a Holocaust denier?


Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Blimey where did that come from?

I suspect we could be discussing our favourite cheeses and you'd still pop up with such a question.
It's a Whodey reply. You should not surprised at all.

He's also on the verge of bringing up abortion, Obama and uhm... oh, I don't know.... crab people or something.

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Originally posted by josephw
"Because obviously" nobody cares what Zahlanzi has to say about what the fashion police say about how anyone dresses.
are you starting to see the point? how nobody cares what court whatitsname has to say about pope frank? or do you need a few more days to figure it out?

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Originally posted by Great King Rat
It's a Whodey reply. You should not surprised at all.

He's also on the verge of bringing up abortion, Obama and uhm... oh, I don't know.... crab people or something.
crab people are real, they steal your socks!

... but only the left one, what's up with that? hmm

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