Originally posted by kirksey957Ok, ok, I will get the ball rolling. This sermon goes out to all those at RHP so here it goes.
This round will be due by Saturday the 30 by midnight. The theme for this round is to write a sermon about the RHP community for the RHP community. Good luck and as always, the same rules apply.
"Matthew 3:2"
Now if the judges would take not, this sermon had clarity, purpose, brevity (and we all know brevity is the soul of wit), personal experience, and Biblical backing.
Thanks again for your support and vote beforehand. You know, I think I might actually win one of these here competitions. In fact, the less I say I think the better my chances. However, just so everyone knows, my feeling will be hurt if I am the only one who enters this competition but loose anyway. :'(
Edit: Wouldn't you know it, I misspelled repent.
Originally posted by whodeyAs there is no passage to go with your sermon, I am disqualifying your entry.
Ok, ok, I will get the ball rolling. This sermon goes out to all those at RHP so here it goes.
Now if the judges would take not, this sermon had clarity, purpose, brevity (and we all know brevity is the soul of wit), personal experience, and Biblical backing.
Thanks again for ...[text shortened]... this competition but loose anyway. :'(
Edit: Wouldn't you know it, I misspelled repent.
You did not follow "the steep and thorny road to heaven" yourself.
Originally posted by whodeyI did enjoy your last sermon entry. I hope you will reconsider entering another sermon insted of only a phrase. I would like to read some more from you if you wouldn't mind taking the time to write one.
Ok, ok, I will get the ball rolling. This sermon goes out to all those at RHP so here it goes.
"Matthew 3:2"
Now if the judges would take not, this sermon had clarity, purpose, brevity (and we all know brevity is the soul of wit), personal experience, and Biblical backing.
...[text shortened]... is competition but loose anyway. :'(
Edit: Wouldn't you know it, I misspelled repent.
Originally posted by pritybettaThanks. However, I have already been disqualified it seems.
I did enjoy your last sermon entry. I hope you will reconsider entering another sermon insted of only a phrase. I would like to read some more from you if you wouldn't mind taking the time to write one.
Ok then, here it goes.
When thinking of community, my thought revert back to James 1:27 which says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." So what does religion have to do with community you ask? Well, without community you have no widow, you have no fatherless children etc. In effect, you have no religion without community. Religion is simply a term that describes man made interactions that are inspired by God.
Ironically, the term religion has been much maligned by both believer and nonbeliever here at RHP. For example, I have heard believers say here on that what they have is relationship with God, but not a religion which is simply a human construct that is not inspired by God. Likewise, I have heard it said by the nonbelievers here that there is no God, therefore, religion is merely a human construct that is devoid of divine inspiration thus it is shear bunk. Having said that, one thing is for sure, and that is without human interaction and inspiration from God both believer and nonbeliever are correct in their respective their premises which is that religion is based on nothing more than a man made lie.
So what is this religion described by James all about? Is it not about love for your fellow man? Is it not about lending a helping hand to those in need? Therefore, whether we be of faith or not of faith, perhaps we can come together on this one point which is that James had it right. His religion is not based on a lie. His religion got it right. Our interactions with our fellow man need to be based in a spirit of love no matter your belief in God. Now as to whether or not it is divinely inspired is for you to judge. As for me, however, I know its no lie, I know James had it right!!
So the next time you feel slighted or insulted on RHP, which is inevitable on these boards, perhaps you could turn the other cheek? And when you post dribble to fuel some agenda and you are called out for it, perhaps we can humbly admit your shortcomings? "You know, I am a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps one day you will join us and the world will be"......oh wait, these lyrics are from a song hating religion. My bad.
Originally posted by whodeySo far it looks like you will be the winner of this round unless someone else enters.
Ok then, here it goes.
When thinking of community, my thought revert back to James 1:27 which says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." So what does religion have to do with community you ask? Well, without community you have ...[text shortened]... and the world will be"......oh wait, these lyrics are from a song hating religion. My bad.
Originally posted by kirksey957The Belshazzar in us all.
This round will be due by Sunday the 31 by midafternoon. The theme for this round is to write a sermon about the RHP community for the RHP community. Good luck and as always, the same rules apply.
Daniel 5:27
TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
The passage of scripture this verse is found in is, for me at least, one of the most eerie in that it seems that while the king was having such a good time of it at the party he suddenly found himself confronted with disaster.
I've been there.
I saw a police program on television the other day that showed a guy being pulled over on the freeway. He was arrested and sitting in the squad car while the police camera filmed the search of his vehicle. The audio reveled the poor fella shouting and screaming, " oh God, please no, no, noooooooooo! God help me! Please!" and on and on. They found drugs, and he knew he was going down.
Poor old Belshazzar soiled himself when he saw the writing on the wall.
To all of you who read this all I can say is that the writing is on the wall. But you needn't be taken by surprise when you come face to face with your maker. All you need do is trust in what Christ has done for you at the cross. All your sins will be forgiven you, and you can have the assurance of eternal life.
God bless you all. Good bye.
Originally posted by josephwI would normally disqualify this entry for being late, but anytime you hear a sermon where someone craps in their pants I'll cut you some slack.
The Belshazzar in us all.
Daniel 5:27
TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
The passage of scripture this verse is found in is, for me at least, one of the most eerie in that it seems that while the king was having such a good time of it at the party he suddenly found himself confronted with disaster.
I've been there.
I ...[text shortened]... rgiven you, and you can have the assurance of eternal life.
God bless you all. Good bye.
I wasn’t able to enter this round.
The Spiritual Forum here is in may ways my extended community. It is mostly here that I try to test my own thinking, and my ability to communicate that thinking in various ways, against good minds in argument.
I have learned a great deal on here over the years, and made what I consider to be good friends—even if “long distance”, so to speak. That includes both those with whom I am generally in agreement, and those with whom I generally disagree—even when the argument has sometimes gotten a bit sharp.
I live a generally quasi-eremitical life in the country with my wife. When I venture out, it is generally for such things as grocery shopping or a trip to a bookstore. When I sometimes quote the Zen saying about chopping wood and carrying water, that is not entirely metaphorical.
Perhaps a not totally off-the-mark metaphor for this forum community is from the parable about the small seed that grows into a large tree—a tree in whose branches all kinds of birds might gather. And the tree is rich with both their songs and their squabbles, their fanfares and their frets, their polyphony of philosophies—all entangled in a contentious fellowship of both communion and commotion. In short: a community.
Spirituality apparently makes for strange bird-fellows...
Originally posted by vistesdThere is your entry my friend!!
Perhaps a not totally off-the-mark metaphor for this forum community is from the parable about the small seed that grows into a large tree—a tree in whose branches all kinds of birds might gather. And the tree is rich with both their songs and their squabbles, their fanfares and their frets, their polyphony of philosophies—all entangled in a contentious fel ...[text shortened]... commotion. In short: a community.
Spirituality apparently makes for strange bird-fellows...[/b]
Nice to hear from you now and Zen. 😛