Originally posted by dj2becker
Why ask other people whether something is a sin or not? Can people decide whether something is a sin? How do you define sin?
Shouldn't Christians check the Bible to see whether something is a sin?
Main Entry: 1 sin
Pronunciation: 'sin
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sinne, from Old English synn; akin to Old High German sunta sin and probably to Latin sont-, sons guilty, est is -- more at IS
1 a : an offense against religious or moral law b : an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible <it's a sin to waste food> c : an often serious shortcoming : FAULT
2 a : transgression of the law of God b : a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God
Now I'll ask you to list some sins for me... why? Since I can't be bothered to read the whole Bible and make a list.
You asked for a definition of Sin... I was kind enough to look it up for you. Now please return the favor.
Originally posted by PhlabibitWill you accept that the Bible should shead light on what sin is?
Main Entry: 1 sin
Pronunciation: 'sin
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sinne, from Old English synn; akin to Old High German sunta sin and probably to Latin sont-, sons guilty, est is -- more at IS
1 a : an offense against religious or moral law b : an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible <it's a sin to waste food> c : ...[text shortened]... nition of Sin... I was kind enough to look it up for you. Now please return the favor.
Originally posted by PawnokeyholeOK. That's your definition of sin.
Sin is the almighty waste of time incurred by sensible people as they attempt fruitlessly to debate issues with fanatics who are only interested in promulgating their tawdry doctrines.
So basically you are saying that each person has his own definition of sin?
Originally posted by PhlabibitIf it didn't define sin, then how would a Bible believing Christian know what to do and what not to do?
I think it does... there are lists of things that ARE sins.
There is no definition of the word Love in the dictionary. Or the word The. So why would it need to define Sin?
Originally posted by dj2beckerWell, blow me down!
Why ask other people whether something is a sin or not? Can people decide whether something is a sin? How do you define sin?
Shouldn't Christians check the Bible to see whether something is a sin?
Ye wouldn't be talkin' about the oral s_x thread, now would ye?