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Sinéad O'Connor converts to Islam

Sinéad O'Connor converts to Islam



Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor has announced she has converted to Islam.

1992: famously ripped up a photo of the Pope on TV

1992-1999: countless interviews in which she savaged the Catholic Church

1999: despite denunciation by the Catholic Church, she was ordained a priest by a breakaway church

Is this just another poke in the eye with a sharp stick for the Catholic Church that helped raise her?

Or, should we take her at her word when said that her decision was "the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey"?

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45987127


@fmf said
Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor has announced she has converted to Islam.

1992: famously ripped up a photo of the Pope on TV

1992-1999: countless interviews in which she savaged the Catholic Church

1999: despite denunciation by the Catholic Church, she was ordained a priest by a breakaway church

Is this just another poke in the eye with a sharp stick for the Catholic Chu ...[text shortened]... any intelligent theologian's journey"?

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45987127
Is your conversion to atheism just another poke in the eye with a sharp stick for the Catholic Church that helped raise you?

Or, was your decision to convert to atheism just "the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey"?



1 edit

I don't know her personal story - only a bit about her public statements and actions. If she was "damaged" by the Catholic Church then that would not be such a surprise - it's certainly got form in that area. Not least in Ireland.

To heap on top of this the pressures and vicissitudes of celebrity and uneven fame, it's a risky mix. The craving for bygone attention can be acute. But, of course, it might not be like that.

I've known a fair few people who have converted to Islam and it hasn't been because of them being "damaged" nor has it "damaged" them. I hope it is a transformation that affords her spiritual solace and purpose.

If it's another episode in her decades-long wrestle with her former religion - cocking the snook at it, as it were - I'd have thought the Catholic Church and its adherents couldn't give two hoots.


His name is Daniel Tiger and he’s not a pedobear. Feel free to ban me for asking FMF some probing questions, I presume you feel he deserves to be wrapped in cotton wool on the basis that he has consumed beverages in your company?


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@fmf said
Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor has announced she has converted to Islam.
1992: famously ripped up a photo of the Pope on TV
1992-1999: countless interviews in which she savaged the Catholic Church

1999: despite denunciation by the Catholic Church, she was ordained a priest by a breakaway church
Is this just another poke in the eye with a sharp stick for the Catholic Church th ...[text shortened]... f any intelligent theologian's journey"?
BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45987127
take her at her word...

personal anecdote, i have been exposed to many different teachings...
this is my great fortune, to not think "there is only one way to survive"...
i remember her and her actions from so many years ago, her pain was/is palpable, she was hurt/abused badly by those she should have been able to trust...

but then,
that's all humans...
we trust, we are let down/betrayed, we grow or die...
this is her growth...

i have a sufi name given to me by my murshid...
i have a name given to me by momma and daddy...
i have names given to me by folks i interact with, some daily, some not so often...
i have names i've given to myself... lol

she won't ever know, but, i bless her on her journey...

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@rookie54 said
take her at her word...

personal anecdote, i have been exposed to many different teachings...
this is my great fortune, to not think "there is only one way to survive"...
i remember her and her actions from so many years ago, her pain was/is palpable, she was hurt/abused badly by those she should have been able to trust...

but then,
that's all humans...
we trust, w ...[text shortened]...
i have names i've given to myself... lol

she won't ever know, but, i bless her on her journey...
I wonder if she will emulate Cat Stevens and forge a musical career rooted in her new spiritual path.


@fmf said
I wonder if she will emulate Cat Stevens and forge a musical career rooted in her new spiritual path.
i don't know...

i may seem pedantic,
when i drive into the ft worth/dallas metroplex, i take many roads, many turns, to arrive at a destination...
these are not new paths,
they've been traveled many times before, by many folks...
it may seem 'new' if i take a road i've yet to drive,

it isn't new...

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@rookie54 said
i don't know...

i may seem pedantic,
when i drive into the ft worth/dallas metroplex, i take many roads, many turns, to arrive at a destination...
these are not new paths,
they've been traveled many times before, by many folks...
it may seem 'new' if i take a road i've yet to drive,

it isn't new...

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The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards.
Arthur Koestler
British (Hungarian-born) author (1905 - 1983)


@fmf said
Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor has announced she has converted to Islam.

1992: famously ripped up a photo of the Pope on TV

1992-1999: countless interviews in which she savaged the Catholic Church

1999: despite denunciation by the Catholic Church, she was ordained a priest by a breakaway church

Is this just another poke in the eye with a sharp stick for the Catholic Chu ...[text shortened]... any intelligent theologian's journey"?

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45987127
Does this mean she will have to grow her hair back?

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@whodey said
Does this mean she will have to grow her hair back?
Topic: a woman.

Cue whodey: facetious comments about her body, what she looks like, her hair, her legs, her buttocks, perhaps later some Benny Hillisms about her sex appeal or some sex related slurs.

Evidence: years and years of reading whodey' posts when women he didn't respect came up on the Debates Forum.


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