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So let me get this straight …

So let me get this straight …


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I must be wearing glasses with very similar tint to yours as I'm with you on most of this.

My only query is that if you are the son of a father as Jesus is, at what point does that cease? Surely Jesus must always be The Son?

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@medullah said
My only query is that if you are the son of a father as Jesus is, at what point does that cease? Surely Jesus must always be The Son?
Surely Jesus must always be The Son?

Not if being "The Son" is a kind of metaphor for God crowbarring himself into a human body for the purposes of walking the Earth.

If it's a way of referring to a particular manifestation or guise that God supposedly used 2,000 years ago to come and set the Jews straight, then wrestling in an angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin kind of way about whether that guise still exists seems to me to miss the point. The way the Muslims deal with Jesus's identity is to frame him as a prophet.


Thanks both - will check original thread - didn't realise that this was a spin-off.

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Not my thumb.

I usually suspect Rajk999 is the silent thumb downer. But I don't know that.

See if you can tell the truth. Give it a try.

Did I say you definitely were under demnic influence?
Or did I wrote what you teach COULD be the doctrine of demons?

Which did I say?
Quote me if you need to.

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This thread is a side-bar highlighting that I am currently being assailed by @sonship who feels that my differences of theological opinion with him are being driven by demonic forces.

I said you're teaching of a temporary Son of God could be a doctrine of demons or you could be under the influence of a doctrine of demons.

I stand by that statement.

Instead of licking your wounds and being offended for the next 20 months why not just prove from Scripture that the Son of God is a temporary "office" and many verses stating His eternality are wrong or misunderstood.

Cut to the chase and prove the Son of God "office" will be abolished forever in the Bible.

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I must be wearing glasses with very similar tint to yours as I'm with you on most of this.

My only query is that if you are the son of a father as Jesus is, at what point does that cease? Surely Jesus must always be The Son?

This is a question I would ask also.
Maybe he'll give you an answer.

Tell Medullah when the Lord Jesus comes to the moment in which He is no
longer the Son of God.



Are you serious?


Thanks for taking the time to share the thread

Have only read the first few entries, but think that your position is very interesting.


@medullah said

Are you serious?
Yes. He's been there before. It's weapons-grade sonshipdiscourse.

There was a poster called robbie carrobie, an artless narcissistic own-fart-smelling spiritual combat ideologue, much like sonship, who got bent out of shape here a few years back so he started chasing me around accusing me of being a paedophile and demon-possessed.

Indeed, sonship has accused me of being demon-possessed numerous times and has accused me of forcing human excrement down his throat when I was posting stuff he didn't agree with.

Such is life using social media like this message board on this chess website.

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1) I am a Christian who doesn’t believe in the trinity doctrine and therefore I also don’t believe in version of Jesus who remains a “son” for eternity … and I am “under the influence of demons”

But which one - the Father or the Son, in John 14:23 is not eternal?

"Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23)

If the Father makes an abode with the lovers of Jesus, is He eternal but if the Son comes with Him, the Son is not eternal?

" . . . and We will come to him and make an abode with him."

Do you teach the Father as an eternal dweller but the Son as the temporary dweller?

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2) I don’t believe in the teaching that Jesus is in hell personally overseeing the torturing with fire of billions of non Christians who are being supernaturally kept alive to suffer at Jesus hands for eternity … and I’m going to have to explain to Jesus why I didn’t think this was a morally sound thing for him to do.

Do you believe that there exists a greatest possible offense?
Do you believe there is a transgression, a crime, a act of iniquity which cannot be exceeded ?

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