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Tales From The Apocrypha

Tales From The Apocrypha


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Taken from - The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Ch VIII

1 Joseph and Mary pass through a country infested by robbers, . IN their journey from hence they came into a desert country, and were told it was infested with robbers; so Joseph and St. Mary prepared to pass through it in the night 2 And as they were going along, behold they saw two robbers asleep in the road, and with them a great number of robbers, who were their confederates, also asleep 3 The names of these two were Titus and Dumachus; and Titus said to Dumachus, I beseech thee let those persons go along quietly, that our company may not perceive anything of them: 4 But Dumachus refusing, Titus again said, I will give thee forty groats, and as a pledge take my girdle, which he gave him he had done speaking, that he might not open his mouth, or make a noise 5 When the Lady St. Mary saw the kindness which this robber did shew them, she said to him, The Lord God will receive thee to his right hand, and grant thee pardon of thy sins 6 Then the Lord Jesus answered, and said to his mother, When thirty years are expired, O mother, the Jews will crucify me at Jerusalem; 7 And these two thieves shall be with me at the same time upon the cross, Titus on my right hand, and Dumachus on my left, and from that time Titus shall go before me into paradise

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Taken from - The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Ch XX

1 THERE was also at Jerusalem one named Zaccheus, who was a schoolmaster 2 And he said to Joseph, Joseph, why dost thou not send Jesus to me, that he may learn his letters? 3 Joseph agreed, and told St. Mary; 4 So they brought him to that master; who, as soon as he saw him, wrote out an alphabet for him 5 And he bade him say Aleph; and when he had said Aleph, the master bade him pronounce Beth 6 Then the Lord Jesus said to him, Tell me first the meaning of the letter Aleph, and then I will pronounce Beth 7 And when the master threatened to whip him, the Lord Jesus explained to him the meaning of the letters Aleph and Beth; 8 Also which were the straight figures of the letters, which the oblique, and what letters had double figures; which had points, and which had none; why one letter went before another; and many other things he began to tell him, and explain, of which the master himself had never heard, nor read in any book 9 The Lord Jesus farther said to the master, Take notice how I say to thee; then he began clearly and distinctly to say Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, and so on to the end of the alphabet 10 At this the master was so surprised, that he said, I believe this boy was born before Noah; 11 And turning to Joseph, he said, Thou hast brought a boy to me to be taught, who is more learned than any master 12 He said also unto St. Mary, This your son has no need of any learning 13 ¶ They brought him then to a more learned master, who, when he saw him, said, say Aleph 14 And when he had said Aleph, the master bade him pronounce Beth; to which the Lord Jesus replied, Tell me first the meaning of the letter Aleph, and then I will pronounce Beth 15 But this master, when he lift up his hand to whip him, had his hand presently withered, and he died 16 Then said Joseph to St. Mary, henceforth we will not allow him to go out of the house; for every one who displeases him is killed.


Book of the Secrets of Enoch : Chap IX

The showing to Enoch of the place of the righteous and compassionate. THIS place, O Enoch, is prepared for the righteous, who endure all manner of offence from those that exasperate their souls, who avert their eyes from iniquity, and make righteous judgement, and give bread to the hungering, and cover the naked with clothing, and raise up the fallen, and help injured orphans, and who walk without fault before the face of the Lord, and serve him alone, and for them is prepared this place for eternal inheritance.


Book of the Secrets of Enoch ; Chap X

. Here they showed Enoch the terrible place and various tortures. AND those two men led me upon to the Northern side, and showed me there a very terrible place, and there were all manner of tortures in that place: cruel darkness and unillumined gloom, and there is no light there, but murky fire constantly flameth aloft, and there is a fiery river coming forth, and that whole place is everywhere fire, and everywhere there is frost and ice, thirst and shivering, while the bonds are very cruel, and the angels fearful and merciless, bearing angry weapons, merciless torture, and I said: 2 'Woe, woe, how very terrible is this place' 3 And those men said to me: This place, O Enoch, is prepared for those who dishonour God, who on earth practise sin against nature, which is child-corruption after the sodomitic fashion, magic-making, enchantments and devilish witchcrafts, and who boast of their wicked deeds, stealing, lies, calumnies, envy, rancour, fornication, murder, and who, accursed, steal the souls of men, who, seeing the poor take away their goods and themselves wax rich, injuring them for other men's goods; who being able to satisfy the empty, made the hungering to die; being able to clothe, stripped the naked; and who knew not their creator, and bowed down to soulless (sc lifeless) Gods, who cannot see nor hear, vain gods, who also built hewn images and bow down to unclean handiwork, for all these is prepared this place amongst these, for eternal inheritance.

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Why do you think these books aren’t in the Holy Bible? Do you think they’re legitimate?

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@rajk999 said
Taken from - The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Ch VIII

1 Joseph and Mary pass through a country infested by robbers, . IN their journey from hence they came into a desert country, and were told it was infested with robbers; so Joseph and St. Mary prepared to pass through it in the night 2 And as they were going along, behold they saw two robbers asleep in the road, ...[text shortened]... on my right hand, and Dumachus on my left, and from that time Titus shall go before me into paradise
This is the first time I'm hearing that Jesus met the 2 thieves on the cross before the crucifixion.

What is this?

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@pb1022 said
Why do you think these books aren’t in the Holy Bible? Do you think they’re legitimate?
Cant answer either of those questions. Not being in the bible does not mean that the books are not true.


@chaney3 said
This is the first time I'm hearing that Jesus met the 2 thieves on the cross before the crucifixion.

What is this?
Me too. What is this ??? Google it and you can read more about it.

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@chaney3 said
This is the first time I'm hearing that Jesus met the 2 thieves on the cross before the crucifixion.

What is this?
As you can well imagine, attempts to corrupt the Holy Bible (specifically the New Testament) were well under way after Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. There’s a reason some books weren’t included in the Bible - they’re either blatant forgeries (the author attributed to them did not write them) or are not credible.

I remember reading a while back that in (I think) the “Gospel of Peter,” the disciples encountered a glowing cross at the tomb where Jesus’ body had been and that the cross sang to them (or some such nonsense) and then shut up into the sky toward Heaven.

I can imagine the guy who wrote that (obviously not the disciple Peter) was laughing his head off as he was writing it - and the people charged with deciding which books were credible and should be in the Bible probably laughed their heads off as well.

If it ain’t in the KJV, I don’t buy it or believe it.

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@rajk999 said
Cant answer either of those questions. Not being in the bible does not mean that the books are not true.
It means people who know far more than you or I about these books and whether they’re credible decided they weren’t and didn’t include them in the Holy Bible.

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@pb1022 said
As you can well imagine, attempts to corrupt the Holy Bible (specifically the New Testament) were well under way after Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. There’s a reason some books weren’t included in the Bible - they’re either blatant forgeries (the author attributed to them did not write them) or are not credible.

I remember reading a while back that in (I think) the “Gospel o ...[text shortened]... e probably laughed their heads off as well.

If it ain’t in the KJV, I don’t buy it or believe it.
At the time of the Council of Nicea, all writings were scrolls, and I'm sure there were thousands.

Who's to say that the Council didn't leave out some very important information while making a 'human' determination of what was worthy enough to include in the first Bible.

We may very well not know the whole story.

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@pb1022 said
It means people who know far more than you or I about these books and whether they’re credible decided they weren’t and didn’t include them in the Holy Bible.
You are a sycophant... not surprising at all. If you read up on some history you will know that some of these scrolls were used in the early churches and by the Apostles.

The bible is not the only source of information or truth. There are many historical writings that shed light on the events of those times.

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@chaney3 said
At the time of the Council of Nicea, all writings were scrolls, and I'm sure there were thousands.

Who's to say that the Council didn't leave out some very important information while making a 'human' determination of what was worthy enough to include in the first Bible.

We may very well not know the whole story.
Because *in my opinion* the same way God’s Holy Spirit inspired, guided and controlled men who wrote legitimate books of the Holy Bible, the Holy Spirit guided men in selecting books to be in the Bible.

If one believes the legitimate books of the Bible were written under the inspiration, guidance and control of God’s Holy Spirit, does it make sense the Holy Spirit would allow forged and false books into the Bible?

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@rajk999 said
You are a sycophant... not surprising at all. If you read up on some history you will know that some of these scrolls were used in the early churches and by the Apostles.

The bible is not the only source of information or truth. There are many historical writings that shed light on the events of those times.
Believe what you want to believe.

I’m sure you’ll believe anything that fits your false doctrine.

Why you could read that one of the disciples saw a bird fall out of a spacecraft and squawk, “Good works are all that matters” and a goat bleat “Mouth worship is for suckers” and you’d be saying that book should have been in the Bible.

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@pb1022 said
Believe what you want to believe.

I’m sure you’ll believe anything that fits your false doctrine.

Why you could read that one of the disciples saw a bird fall out of a spacecraft and squawk, “Good works are all that matters” and a goat bleat “Mouth worship is for suckers” and you’d be saying that book should have been in the Bible.
Something is sadly wrong with you.
Go get some help.

Imagine you are getting defensive, even angry and abusive because people are reading and discussing the early Jewish literature.

Maybe you think that threatens your church doctrine.

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