This thread is the opposite emphasis of the Lake of fire. The final climax of the Bible's revelation is a corporate entity flowing, filled with the divine and eternal life of God.
A city of water. Predicted in the Old Testament too.
"There is a river whose streams gladden the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High." (Psalm 46:4)
One of the angels that poured out the wrath of God, calls John away to view the ultimate consummation of the will of God - a city of water.
And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plague came and spoke with me, saying, Cone here; I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. (Rev. 21:9)
One of the executors of God's wrath draws John away to really see something, the consummation of Christ's salvation.
He sees a "bride" . That is one that matches Christ in every way. That is an entity fit for Him to have an everlasting romantic partnership with - His corresponding counterpart - His collective wife.
And he carried me away in spirit unto a great and high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.
Having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal. (v.10,11)
This is the city of water - the water of life. For 22:1 says
And he showed me a river of water life bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. (22:1)
1.) " ... and he showed me the holy city" (Rev. 21:10b)
God ALONE is holy (Revelation 15:4)
Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy, ... " (Rev. 15:4a)
So for the city to be holy God the eternal source of holiness must dispense His holy nature into the city. History ends with a collective "city" matching God in His communicable attribute of holiness.
2.) " ... and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God."
Don't have such a longing to "go to heaven". The holy city is coming down out of heaven. You should want to be in what is coming down out of heaven from God. I don't want to be in heaven and see "New Jerusalem" going DOWN away from me.
It should be more symbolically taken perhaps. She comes out of God Himself. Coming out of God she carries with her the communicable attributes of God. She doesn't carry His non-communicable attributes such as His Godhead and ultimate authority and object of worship. But coming down from heaven from God she carries the glory and nature of God in her. The city collective with a foundation in eternal peace.
3.) "having the glory of God"
The communicable expression of God's glory is now [edited] the possession of the eternal Bride city. The city of life, of water of life has the glory of God. She expresses the splendor of the invisible Divine for eternity.
4.) "having the glory of God, like jasper stone ..."
God the Creator has the appearance of a jasper stone in Revelation 4:3
Immediately I was in spirit; and behold, there was a throne set in heaven, amd upon the throne there was One sitting,
And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone ..." (Rev. 4:2,3a)
The color of God the Creator on the throne is by then the same as the color of His city, the city of water of life - jasper.
I believe this is the kind of jasper which is deep dark green. I learned from Witness Lee that this signifies the deep, deep richness of life. God has the appearance of the unsearchable richness of life. And the city is infused with the unsearchable richness of God's life to be a jasper colored city.
5.) "... a jasper stone, clear as crystal"
All the inhabitants of the city are so transparently clear that God is seen in them. No opaqueness of the fall into sin is left.
The constituents of the holy city are clear as crystal manifesting God living in human beings.
No wonder the city is the Bride and Wife of Christ the redeeming Lamb. He has not only forgiven them. He has infused Himself into them that they match Him as His eternal counterpart.
@sonship saidYou are like a foolish Mexican who knows and tells others of the nice lifestyle they can live in the US or Canada, all about the big houses, nice cars, big malls and well stocked groceries. He says nothing of getting a passport and an visa and entering legally, but he is hoping that sneaking across the Rio Grande will work. You are leading people astray and you are your gang will be caught and thrown into jail.
1.) " ... and he showed me the holy city" (Rev. 21:10b)
God ALONE is holy (Revelation 15:4)Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy, ... " (Rev. 15:4a)
So for the city to be holy God the eternal source of holiness must dispense His holy nature into the city. History ends w ...[text shortened]... only forgiven them. He has infused Himself into them that they match Him as His eternal counterpart.
You are like a foolish Mexican who knows and tells others of the nice lifestyle they can live in the US or Canada, all about the big houses, nice cars, big malls and well stocked groceries. He says nothing of getting a passport and an visa and entering legally, but he is hoping that sneaking across the Rio Grande will work. You are leading people astray and you are your gang will be caught and thrown into jail.
I completely miss what this paragraph contributes here.
By speaking to people about the climax of all human history in God completing the New Jerusalem I am leading people astray ?
How so ?
Abraham "the father of faith" waited and looked for a city that had foundations, who's Architect and Builder is God. That is the living corporate city New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 and 22.
For he [Abraham] waited for the city which has foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God. (Hebrews 11:10)
You're some kind of heretic to suggest that for people of faith in the God of Abraham to look for the final city is to lead them astray.
“And Joab sent messengers to David, and said, I have
fought against Rabbah, and have taken the city of waters.”
Probably a mud hut with it's own well.
I don't think you are even on the right plane of awareness spiritually to understand what is being talked about here.
First of all you have to be spiritually thirsty.
You may not be but satisfied with the fallen life you received from Adam. And on that plane you live. And on that plane only you hope. And on that plane you understand things.
The water of the city is God the Holy Spirit.
You may have no idea at all what the Bible is talking about.
"And he showed me river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street." (Rev. 22:1)
I'll try to help you.
1.) The throne is the place of God administrating the universe.
It is the seat of ultimate divine government.
2.) That the river of the water of life pours out of the throne means that God governs man by dispensing His Holy Spirit into them. This is not the bludgeoning from outside of man over his head. This is supplying man within with the thirst quenching essence of what God is to man.
"Lord God flow into me to govern me. Bring me to the throne where Your Holy Spirit is coming from You into my innermost being."
3.) There is one throne. But on the throne TWO are mentioned - "God and the Lamb" . This is God and God incarnated in the man Jesus Christ. Since God is IN Jesus Christ the Redeemer it is the eternal throne of the God-man Christ Jesuss - "God and ... the Lamb"
You have to realize that Jesus Christ is God. And God is Jesus Christ.
4.) The Holy Spirit is the water pouring out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. The Trinity is here. The Triune God of Father, - Son - Holy Spirit. The one and only God, the unique God is the Triune God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Actually the Holy Spirit is the final stage in which the Father and the Son are conveyed into our hearts to live in us and with us.
5.) The river of water of life flows in the middle of a street. This signifies that the way man was created to live and walk was in oneness with the Triune God. Each step being along the same direction as God flowing out. This is not easy always to undersatnd.
6.) To be brought into this reality you need to believe in the Redemption of Christ. You need the blood of the Redeemer to obliterate the record of your sins before God. God is eager to do this if you believe into Jesus the Lamb of God Who took away the sins of the world.
The Triune God wants to redeem you to bring you into this city of life, this city the water of eternal life.
Simply put God wants to live in oneness with you.
God wants Christ to live again on the earth but this time in you, with you, blended with you.
The eternal city of water (so to speak) is the reason we exist and the reason for which God created the universe.
This touches on the meaning of the last two chapters of the divine revelation of the Bible.
"There is a river whose streams gladden the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High." (Psalm 46:4)
The city with a river points to God being all to His people.
God describes Himself as the "fountain of living waters" . There is an ignorance about here not knowing this. This ignorance misses the point and sounds off scholarly sounding about some seemingly related things on mud huts and water.
God is the fountain of living water which Israel forsook and needed to repent to turn back to.
For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, to hew out for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns, which hold no water." (Jeremiah 2:13)
They have forsaken God and replaced Him with many inadequate other things. These other things became idols and cannot impart spiritual life which is what man needs so deeply. Man needs God Himself reaching to him as "living water".
So, "The City of Water" is a bit of extra-Biblical stuff that someone sonship likes came up with, right?
If you are concerned that only exact phrases located in the Bible ever be used, just substitute "city of water" with New Jerusalem.
I used it because it is a good way to contrast the positive New Jerusalem with the other negative culmination - "lake of fire."
And the description of "extra biblical" I would not use since as I speak of it it is quite biblical.
30 Apr 19
@sonship saidIf "The City of Water" is not in the Bible then it's extra-Biblical. Is it a Witness Lee thing?
So, "The City of Water" is a bit of extra-Biblical stuff that someone sonship likes came up with, right?
If you are concerned that only exact phrases located in the Bible ever be used, just substitute "city of water" with New Jerusalem.
I used it because it is a good way to contrast the positive New Jerusalem with the other negative culminat ...[text shortened]... And the description of "extra biblical" I would not use since as I speak of it it is quite biblical.
So, "The City of Water" is a bit of extra-Biblical stuff that someone sonship likes came up with, right?
But there is no similar concern for "extra-Biblical" when you go on about torturer god of billions.
That phrase is neither in the Bible.
So "extra - Biblical" is okay for you to paint your pictures.
But it is to be flagged as sloppy when I do it ?