Originally posted by DoctorScribblesIs the Devil omniscient?
Is the Devil omniscient?
Is the Devil omnimalevolent?
Is the Devil omnipotent?
Is the Devil omnipresent?
Can the Devil rip a fart that smells so bad that he is no longer able to stay in the room?
Is the Devil omnimalevolent?
Is the Devil omnipotent?
Is the Devil omnipresent?
Can the Devil rip a fart that smells so bad that he is no longer able to stay in the room?
He probably don't eat to make a fart , and he don't smell too.
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesNo, no, no, no, no.
Is the Devil omniscient?
Is the Devil omnimalevolent?
Is the Devil omnipotent?
Is the Devil omnipresent?
Can the Devil rip a fart that smells so bad that he is no longer able to stay in the room?
From the word on the street, Hell began when a scented candle (lighted for the purpose of masking odors from a night of Sam Adam's and beef tamales) accidentally tipped over and ignited his cloud.
The Devil is a fallen Arch Angel and there for always present, but nevertheless ONLY an Arch Angel like several others...no more no less.
arch an gel (ark anj l) n. [[ME < OFr archangel or LL (Ec) archangelus < LGr(Ec) archangelos < Gr archos (see ARCH-) + angelos, ANGEL]] 1
1. a chief angel; angel of high rank
Angels are organized into several orders, or Angelic Choirs
The very highest order of Angels are the Seraphim. They are said to be the caretakers of God's throne and are said to have 6 wings instead of two.
in the Book of Revelation (4:8) is a description clearly drawn from Isaiah:
"And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to sing 'Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come!".
In Catholic theology the cherubim are second highest rank in the hierarchy of angels, under the Seraphim. In the Bible they are described as winged creatures combining human and animal features.
Uriel is often identified as a cherub and angel of repentance. He "stands at the Gate of Eden with a fiery sword," or as the angel who "watches over thunder and terror."
Catholic church is dumb by default.
In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant and excessive zeal with which many of the faithful were revering Angels. For some unknown reason, in 145 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman council ordered seven Angels removed from the ranks of the Church’s recognized Angels, one of them being Uriel.
What power does the church have to "fire" an archangel from his position...releave him from his function. None.
Like I said Catholic Church is dumb by default.
Nevertheless I am a Catholic...
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesI have consulted with the Devil and while his is somewhat busy torturing Saddam and other Republicans he had this to say about bear wrestling, "@%$, Bears can suck my #$%." He then, in a voice that sounds like a Mac truck full of gravel slamming into a bus of school children, went on to describe how he frequently feeds the kidneys of Catholic Priests to starving bears. He will then throw the priest into a river of boiling feces to languish for eternity with other paedophiles.
Could the devil kill a bear with his bare hands?
Please let me know if you have any other interview questions.
PS: He said he'd see you soon and that he was looking forward to exploring the intricacies of sodomy with you.
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesNo, no, no, no, and as far as your last question, he is a fart. In fact, he is an old fart and a stinky one at that. He's kinda like the silent type of fart that is difficult to detect until it is too late to do counter measures. You know, like when you are driving down the road with someone who is an innocent soul and you just silently release your black death and watch the poor soul in the car sitting next to you shreak in horror once it hits them out of the blue. No warning, and no apologies. They then turn to you in disgust but you just smile at them and nod. Sure, they could role down the windows after the fact, but it is too late once the smell is embedded into your nostrils and once it attaches itself to the inside of your car. Yea, the devil is like that kind of fart.
Is the Devil omniscient?
Is the Devil omnimalevolent?
Is the Devil omnipotent?
Is the Devil omnipresent?
Can the Devil rip a fart that smells so bad that he is no longer able to stay in the room?
Originally posted by DoctorScribbles2 Corinthians 11:14
Is the Devil omniscient?
Is the Devil omnimalevolent?
Is the Devil omnipotent?
Is the Devil omnipresent?
Can the Devil rip a fart that smells so bad that he is no longer able to stay in the room?
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
1 Peter 5:8
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.