I came across this video that was from a conference a few years back. In listening to the message, I was reminded of some of the threads that are currently active in this forum with regards to who Jesus is, it is a little more than an hour long, if you have any interest at all. I believe that if you listen to it you will be edified, as I am.
Others will poo poo.
Disclaimer: I have made no mention of any person in this forum, I have not singled out any thread indicating/alluding to a poster. Therefore there should be no cause for anyone to alert the moderators to have this thread removed because of posting guidelines. Just like someone here did with my last one, a cowardly move indeed.
@stryker saidI enjoyed it, thanks. 👌
I came across this video that was from a conference a few years back. In listening to the message, I was reminded of some of the threads that are currently active in this forum with regards to who Jesus is, it is a little more than an hour long, if you have any interest at all. I believe that if you listen to it you will be edified, as I am.
Others will poo poo.
https ...[text shortened]... ecause of posting guidelines. Just like someone here did with my last one, a cowardly move indeed.
@stryker saidThe moderators are the people who removed your thread and I cannot see how their reason would have been "cowardly".
Therefore there should be no cause for anyone to alert the moderators to have this thread removed because of posting guidelines. Just like someone here did with my last one, a cowardly move indeed.
I watched for about 20 mins. As an ex-Christian, whose gradual dislodgement from the faith was perhaps initiated by the Book of Revelation, it's quite interesting to see the degrees of psychological attachment to the words in the book ~ and in this video in particular.
The remaining 40 minutes were not so necessary for me to see; I am more than familiar with the attachment being demonstrated by the speaker in the video.
@fmf saidIf that be true, it seems inconsistent to me in light of the posting styles of some other posters in these forums, but I digress and getting off topic.
The moderators are the people who removed your thread and I cannot see how their reason would have been "cowardly".
Matters not.
@fmf saidHow did the book of Revelation initiate your gradual dislodgment from the faith? What would you attribute your psychological attachment (if I understand you correctly)?
I watched for about 20 mins. As an ex-Christian, whose gradual dislodgement from the faith was perhaps initiated by the Book of Revelation, it's quite interesting to see the degrees of psychological attachment to the words in the book ~ and in this video in particular.
The remaining 40 minutes were not so necessary for me to see; I am more than familiar with the attachment being demonstrated by the speaker in the video.
@stryker saidIf you think your thread was removed - in a "cowardly" way ~ by the moderators because of your "posting style", then you can take that up with those moderators.
If that be true, it seems inconsistent to me in light of the posting styles of some other posters in these forums, but I digress and getting off topic.
@stryker saidAs you mention this yourself.
Therefore there should be no cause for anyone to alert the moderators to have this thread removed because of posting guidelines. Just like someone here did with my last one, a cowardly move indeed.
You PM’d me asking if had alerted your previous thread and you deleted my reply without even reading it as it disappeared from my sent items.
That was a bit rude of you wouldn’t you agree?
@stryker saidI’m guessing this will be an American preacher talking about how Jesus is part of the heart-of-darkness, l’m-going-to-boil-in-lava-for-eternity and those, like myself for example, who think it’s all divisive sham designed to satisfy man’s darkest need for vengeance are all painting a “sissy” Jesus.
I came across this video that was from a conference a few years back. In listening to the message, I was reminded of some of the threads that are currently active in this forum with regards to who Jesus is, it is a little more than an hour long, if you have any interest at all. I believe that if you listen to it you will be edified, as I am.
Others will poo poo.
You pretending it’s not aimed me, me being the only person here who defends the reputation of God against all this heinous nonsense, it just the first little corner of your curtain flapping open.