@drewnogal saidThere is nothing to negotiate; Russia should leave Ukrainian soil and sovereignty alone.
The Pope says Ukraine should have 'courage of the white flag' of negotiations 😲
What a load of nonsense from a man who lives in luxury; eating the finest food, sipping wine and not even having to dress himself.
Let the Pope keep on praying for the victims of children preyed upon by pedophile priests; that’s about all a Pope is good for these days.
@drewnogal saidFWIW, I agree with you.
The Pope says Ukraine should have 'courage of the white flag' of negotiations 😲
What a load of nonsense from a man who lives in luxury; eating the finest food, sipping wine and not even having to dress himself.
the Ukraine is part of historical Russia.
both the Ukrainians and the Russians killed the Jews.
they were both settled by vikings.
they are both orthodox Christian.
it is merely a war between cousins.
not anyone's business except between them.
why do you not accept that almost all foreign russian places are called "Odessa" and not kyev when Russians settle in foreign places. ?
@the-grifter saidRubbish. Britain, New Zealand, and Massachusetts are 'historical cousins'; all of them invaded places and displaced native populations. If Britain were to invade New Zealand or Massachusetts today, it would be in contravention of international law.
the Ukraine is part of historical Russia.
both the Ukrainians and the Russians killed the Jews.
they were both settled by vikings.
they are both orthodox Christian.
it is merely a war between cousins.
not anyone's business except between them.
why do you not accept that almost all foreign russian places are called "Odessa" and not kyev when Russians settle in foreign places. ?
Ukraine is a sovereign state with internationally recognised borders, which Russia violated in contravention of international law.
@drewnogal saidThe pope is a liar on so many levels.
The Pope says Ukraine should have 'courage of the white flag' of negotiations 😲
What a load of nonsense from a man who lives in luxury; eating the finest food, sipping wine and not even having to dress himself.
Now if the pope looked and lived like the one he claims to represent, then there would be some integrity behind his words.
Instead, the hypocrite hides behind a political and religious agenda designed to enrich and strengthen global power and wealth in the hands of his elitist buddies.
@moonbus saidYou may have overlooked to remind us of Russia's violation of its oath to protect Ukraine's sovereignty and national borders from other nations. The Budapest Memorandum, where Russia, GB, and the USA were to have been the protectors/guarantors, in exchange for Ukraine's giving up all nuclear arms based there from the time of the old USSR.
Rubbish. Britain, New Zealand, and Massachusetts are 'historical cousins'; all of them invaded places and displaced native populations. If Britain were to invade New Zealand or Massachusetts today, it would be in contravention of international law.
Ukraine is a sovereign state with internationally recognised borders, which Russia violated in contravention of international law.
Russia went from being a protector to being the actual aggressor. Much like the AIDS virus, which targets and corrupts the body's own immune system defenders, the T-cells, by tricking them to become traitors, and then have them attack the very body they are to defend.
Needless to say, the USA and Great Britten did not hold up their part of the bargain to defend Ukraine, apart from a token gesture of supplying arms and money. If Ukraine still had those nuclear weapons, Putin would never have dared to invade.
The moral of the situation?
@josephw saidI was once asked the following: "And where do you hide from your own hypocrisy? We are all sinners, are we not?"
The pope is a liar on so many levels.
Now if the pope looked and lived like the one he claims to represent, then there would be some integrity behind his words.
Instead, the hypocrite hides behind a political and religious agenda designed to enrich and strengthen global power and wealth in the hands of his elitist buddies.
Hypocrisy is, after all, the sin of lying about our own sins, where it can be expressed as Sin².
If you were to be asked the same, where would you say that you hide it?
@pettytalk saidWhile man may "hide" his sin, God does not.
I was once asked the following: "And where do you hide from your own hypocrisy? We are all sinners, are we not?"
Hypocrisy is, after all, the sin of lying about our own sins, where it can be expressed as Sin².
If you were to be asked the same, where would you say that you hide it?
If we as individuals acknowledge God's calling out our sin, then repentance is made possible.
But for the one that hides his sin behind the facade of religion, and makes the claim of being a spokesperson for Christ, and lives the life of opulent luxury while decrying injustice and doing nothing substantive, he is antichrist, and his hypocrisy is evident to the whole world.
@josephw saidI did not exclude anyone from the whole, when it comes to hypocrisy. Not the pope, and not myself either. If you read it over carefully, you will see it clearly, but only if you come out of hiding.
While man may "hide" his sin, God does not.
If we as individuals acknowledge God's calling out our sin, then repentance is made possible.
But for the one that hides his sin behind the facade of religion, and makes the claim of being a spokesperson for Christ, and lives the life of opulent luxury while decrying injustice and doing nothing substantive, he is antichrist, and his hypocrisy is evident to the whole world.
Is the pope the antichrist? Possibly! But I think you mean to say that the pope does not live by all the teachings of Christ. But as for people who most nearly try to live and follow all that Christ taught, it's a very rare thing, if anyone fits that description. Christianity, on the whole, does not follow Christ. We only have partiality, as it's a matter of partial compliance, more or less.
But as far as 'antichrist' is concerned, if anyone is apt to believe in the Second Coming, it's a term to indicate that before the real Christ comes, someone impersonating Christ will come before the real one. In other words, it will be a matter of 'Identity Theft'.
If you note someone who looks like Christ, talks like Christ, walks like Christ, and performs miracles like Christ, then don't be a fool and believe it's the real Christ. In other words, as a Christian, you better get yourself LifeLock coverage. Because if you end up following the wrong Christ, you will lose everything in this world. And the only thing we all have in this world worth anything is our soul.
"And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the DUST of your feet."
Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”