The unreconciled creature never gives thanks to his Creator.
He will not turn around after even years of blessing and think to
thank God. It is sport to him to find reasons not to consider ever
saying "At least God . . . Thankyou for this".
It is sport to him to rationalize that no thanks whatsoever is due to the one who created him.
The unreconcilable creature would not own a Creator.
Let alone would he desire to call such a One "my Father".
Though divine life is offered it is scorned.
Though forgiveness is offered, it is argued that no forgivness is needed.
Though pardon has been secured, it is trashed and the very THOUGHT of one needing "pardon" is held in contempt.
The unreconcilable creature on this side of the tomb is not effected by longsuffering, patience, wooing, urging. On the other side when grace and patience are no more will even LESS have any reason not to be as wicked as he wishes.
All hope of lost for perpetual incorrigibility has hardened into a state beyond recovery. It can only grow worse now that NO counter influence moves against it.
Under the reign of mercy only stubborn unrepentance was chosen.
When the reign of mercy has come to a terminable conclusion what incentive will remain to restrain the choosing of revolt?
Punishment will only call forth more blasphemy.
"This is what I think of you o Creator" is met forever with "This is what I think of your sinning" forever.
@sonship saidThere may well be a creator being or entity but, even if there is one [or several], I am personally unaware of it/they having communicated with the human race. It's interesting the degree to which religions like yours anthromorphize such a being or entity [assuming it's out there]. I don't see how it harms anyone if you want to "thank" it through the prism of your ancient Hebrew mythology. Calling people "irreconcilable creatures" for not sharing your beliefs does no harm either.
The unreconciled creature never gives thanks to his Creator.
@sonship saidIt's not about "scorn" and "contempt". These are things you are rather clumsily projecting onto people who simply do not share your beliefs regarding "pardons", "divine lives" and "forgiveness".
The unreconcilable creature would not own a Creator.
Though divine life is offered it is scorned.
Though forgiveness is offered, it is argued that no forgivness is needed.
Though pardon has been secured, it is trashed and the very THOUGHT of one needing "pardon" is held in contempt.
@sonship saidI would thank, without hesitation, a creator entity if he, she or it made it known to me that he, she or it was in the whole business of asking me to do so. I am hardly going to "thank" any of the three versions of the Abrahamic God figure because I am not a Muslim, Jew or Christian.
It is sport to him to rationalize that no thanks whatsoever is due to the one who created him.
@sonship said…the unreconcilable creature on this side of the tomb is not effected by longsuffering, patience, wooing, urging on the other side when grace and patience are no more will even less have any reason not to be as wicked as he wishes all hope of lost for perpetual incorrigibility has hardened into a state beyond recovery it can only grow worse now that no counter influence moves against it under the reign of mercy only stubborn unrepentance was chosen when the reign of mercy has come to a terminable conclusion what incentive will remain to restrain the choosing of revolt?
Wait a minute. You aren't engaged in debate or discussion here.
You're not trying to convert vivify or Ghost of a Duke to Christianity by brusquely calling them "unreconcilable creatures".
You are just preening, that's all.
@sonship saidTo 'reconcile' appears to be a word which you do not understand. Reconcile simply means "to bring together". So the reconcilable man is one that is together with Christ. Those who are together with Christ, are the ones Christ has made his abode with. Jesus defines clearly who these are:
The unreconcilable creature would not own a Creator.
Let alone would he desire to call such a One "my Father".
Though divine life is offered it is scorned.
Though forgiveness is offered, it is argued that no forgivness is needed.
Though pardon has been secured, it is trashed and the very THOUGHT of one needing "pardon" is held in contempt.
The unreconcilab ...[text shortened]... s what I think of you o Creator" is met forever with "This is what I think of your sinning" forever.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. .... If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (John 14:21-23 KJV)
The people who keep the commandments are reconciled together with Christ. Those who do not are not reconciled
The unreconcilable creature is the one who is NOT TOGETHER WITH Christ. He either preaches disobedience to the commandments of Christ or does not keep them himself. The one reconciled to Christ is the one keeping the commandments.
Professing of faith and calling Lord Lord does not make anyone reconciled to him.
@sonship saidIt happens all the time, in almost every post there are misinterpretations, misquotes, changes in the original bible text. It is too frequent. Here is one today:You misquote and misinterpret the critical teachings of the bible.
Show me my misquote.
What verse?
If you are telling the truth you can show me my error.
If your lying and can't admit it, its your loss.
I asked a question and you said - Now the just shall live by faith:
The whole bible passage which gives the whole story and supports the point I made is this:
Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. (Hebrews 10:38 KJV)
This is deceitful. You do this ALL THE TIME.
The just shall both have life and live by faith.
The Christian life is receiving the obedient One Jesus.
Then learning by faith to let Him be the obedient one in us.
"What is the glad tiding that God gave us? It is the bestowing of His Son to us. By His resurrection we are resurrected. Now He is living inside of us to be our life, so that we may live Him out and fulfill His demands. This is the glad tiding. The glad tiding is that God is fulfilling His own commandments inside of us! The gospel is not a set of do’s and don’ts. You do not have to crawl around the earth day and night like crabgrass, telling yourself over and over again that you are not supposed to sin. This is not a glad tiding. This is a grievous tiding. The gospel is that God is coming into us to live and obey for us. (CWWN, vol. 27, “The Normal Christian Faith,” ch. 14, p. 166)"
@sonship saidWhen you are addressing me, if {maybe Im presumptuous], you want me to read it then quote the bible. I dont read any of the propaganda produced by churches.
The just shall both have life and live by faith.
The Christian life is receiving the obedient One Jesus.
Then learning by faith to let Him be the obedient one in us.
"What is the glad tiding that God gave us? It is the bestowing of His Son to us. By His resurrection we are resurrected. Now He i ...[text shortened]... ming into us to live and obey for us. (CWWN, vol. 27, “The Normal Christian Faith,” ch. 14, p. 166)"
@sonship saidPeople cannot decide to believe in some supernatural thing that they find not to be credible. You haven't presented me with a realistic, credible or convincing God figure to "refuse". To use your word ~ "unreconciled" ~ I am also "unreconciled" to the Norse Gods and the Hindu Gods. So what?
There are those whose deciding will will be to not ever be reconciled to God. Their decision will be to refuse to be.