Originally posted by HalitoseYou would know if you were and need no help from me ,Paul or anybody else: it's in the word of the kingdom.
So frogstomp. Am I correct in assuming that from your explanation of "The Way", there is no way to ascertain whether one is on the "Way" or not?
How alike the Kingdom and the Tao arrive in the same place through different paths. So too, will science arrive there as our knowlege expands. It's why we are here, but that's another story that will play out as it grows, it's presently in it's infancy.
Stick with Christ, he can show you the way.
Originally posted by frogstompI'll read through the "Word of the Kingdom" đ that you suggested.
You would know if you were and need no help from me ,Paul or anybody else: it's in the word of the kingdom.
How alike the Kingdom and the Tao arrive in the same place through different paths. So too, will science arrive there as our knowlege expands. It's why we are here, but that's another story that will play out ...[text shortened]... grows, it's presently in it's infancy.
Stick with Christ, he can show you the way.
Mark 3
Mark 10
Matthew 19
Will come back with my thoughts tomorrow.
Ok. FS. I read through the three chapters you suggested. Matthew 19 and Mark 10 seem to basically deal with the same thing. It concerned the issue of divorce, having childlike faith, the rich young ruler, a quabble amongst the disciples on who will be the greatest in heaven, and the healing of a blind man.
The question on divorce, was some Pharisees that came to Jesus to test him. They asked if it was lawful to put away your wife. Jesus replied by quoting:
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
This looks like an affirmation of at least 2 verses in Genesis out of Christ's own mouth.
The conclusion on the divorce matter was that short of fornication, there should be no reason to divorce your wife. Did I miss anything here yet?
Moving on. The rich young ruler asked Christ what he should do to inherit eternal life. Here Jesus quotes six of the Ten Commandments out of Exodus 20 as his answer.
At the least Jesus is claiming that some of the commandments in Exodus 20 give direction in attaining eternal life.
Darn! These lunch breaks are so short! Gotta go again. Hope there's enough to discuss here. :'(
Originally posted by HalitoseFor the time being let's leave creation out of this, as it's a topic that can be easiy sidetracked.
Ok. FS. I read through the three chapters you suggested. Matthew 19 and Mark 10 seem to basically deal with the same thing. It concerned the issue of divorce, having childlike faith, the rich young ruler, a quabble amongst the disciples on who will be the greatest in heaven, and the healing of a blind man.
The question on divorce, was some Pharisees tha ...[text shortened]... rn! These lunch breaks are so short! Gotta go again. Hope there's enough to discuss here. :'(
In the matter of divorce do you not see where Christ differs from Moses? And that He says precisely " Moses gave you that......"
Also take into account the Pharisees test was for blasphemy.
now read Matthew 5:17-20 keeping in mind that Christ does indeed change the divorce law.
Don't worry if you have to change a view about Moses or even the entire old testament, as you are about to begin a journey into the Kingdom.
You do have to break a few eggs to make an omlet.
remind me later on about " God's image" that might not be exactly what you think it is.
Here's some music to listen to on the Way:
Just like a bird that sings up the sun
In a dawn so very dark
Such is my faith for you
Such is my faith
And all the world's darkness can't swallow up
A single spark
Such is my love for you
Such is my love
There is a kingdom
There is a king
And he lives without
And he lives within
The starry heavens above me
The moral law within
So the world appears
So the world appears
This day so sweet
It will never come again
So the world appears
Through this mist of tears
There is a kingdom
There is a king
And he lives without
And he lives within
(Nick Cave)
Originally posted by frogstompokay. Will read next section. Post my thoughts tomorrow. good?
For the time being let's leave creation out of this, as it's a topic that can be easiy sidetracked.
In the matter of divorce do you not see where Christ differs from Moses? And that He says precisely " Moses gave you that......"
Also take into account the Pharisees test was for blasphemy.
now read Matthew 5:17-20 ke ...[text shortened]... me later on about " God's image" that might not be exactly what you think it is.
Frogstomp...the divine image?...when you're ready....
Meanwhile, my servitor shall chant Blake's words (I have better things to do):
A Divine Image
1Cruelty has a human heart
2And jealousy a human face,
3Terror the human form divine,
4And secrecy the human dress.
5The human dress is forged iron,
6The human form a fiery forge,
7The human face a furnace seal'd,
8The human heart its hungry gorge.
The Divine Image
1To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
2All pray in their distress;
3And to these virtues of delight
4Return their thankfulness.
5For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
6Is God, our father dear,
7And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
8Is Man, his child and care.
9For Mercy has a human heart,
10Pity a human face,
11And Love, the human form divine,
12And Peace, the human dress.
13Then every man, of every clime,
14That prays in his distress,
15Prays to the human form divine,
16Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace.
17And all must love the human form,
18In heathen, Turk, or Jew;
19Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell
20There God is dwelling too.