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Understanding Falun Gong

Understanding Falun Gong



'Falun Gong is a recent religious movement with roughly three million practitioners. It was founded in China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi. It combines elements of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism with traditional Chinese folklore. Falun Gong aims to obtain mental and spiritual renewal through meditation. Adherents practice special exercises to awaken their center of spiritual energy and rid themselves of physical and spiritual ailments. The faith has received extensive criticism from the Chinese government, which initially saw the new cult as a threat. Outsiders also tend to ridicule Falun Gong’s contention that antagonistic space aliens are manipulating world leaders.' (http://listverse.com/)

Okay, my knowledge of Falun Gong could fit on the back of a postage stamp. (But come on people, 'antagonistic space aliens!' ) My actual intent for this thread is the use of meditation/contemplation for spiritual development and whether this is another overlapping feature of many religions.


Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
'Falun Gong is a recent religious movement with roughly three million practitioners. It was founded in China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi. It combines elements of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism with traditional Chinese folklore. Falun Gong aims to obtain mental and spiritual renewal through meditation. Adherents practice special exercises to awaken thei ...[text shortened]... ion for spiritual development and whether this is another overlapping feature of many religions.
Meditation is good for those of any religion, indeed, even to those without religion. It teaches one to focus and to value inner peace. Striving to find one's center, especially in order to find one's place in the universe, is a bonus.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Meditation is good for those of any religion, indeed, even to those without religion. It teaches one to focus and to value inner peace. Striving to find one's center, especially in order to find one's place in the universe, is a bonus.
Have attempted to meditate myself a number of times over the years. (Been told it might help with my sleep issues). I find though that my mind is just too busy and tend to lose patience. Perhaps I just don't have a place in the universe.



Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Have attempted to meditate myself a number of times over the years. (Been told it might help with my sleep issues). I find though that my mind is just too busy and tend to lose patience. Perhaps I just don't have a place in the universe.

That's because you haven't contacted them aliens..


Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Have attempted to meditate myself a number of times over the years. (Been told it might help with my sleep issues). I find though that my mind is just too busy and tend to lose patience. Perhaps I just don't have a place in the universe.

What is your understanding of meditation? To free your mind from distraction? empty your mind of conscious thought? focus on a particular point? to bring what is buried deep in the subconscious to the fore?

2 edits

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Have attempted to meditate myself a number of times over the years. (Been told it might help with my sleep issues). I find though that my mind is just too busy and tend to lose patience. Perhaps I just don't have a place in the universe.

I found this recently online somewhere:

“Tonight, I had a lovely conversation with a Shinto Priest at his shrine, and we spoke of meditation. He said 'Many people- when they meditate, they try and suppress the mind. They shove it all down, bottle it up... I say, let the mind be. Let the thoughts cycle through your mind, like spinning wheels... and before long they will go away. Once they have all been thought out, you will be still.’"

Maybe, maybe not. But—

Let your mind be! Just take it as an experiment to watch how thoughts (images, concepts, ideas) arise, arrange themselves, and eventually dissipate—yielding to new thoughts, arrangements, etc. That’s all. Just like watching clouds or people or birds, or whatever is going on. That’s meditation in itself. But—

Just don’t identify with any of those thoughts—even (especially!) the thoughts that begin with the word “I” (or similar such). Do you think that because you put “I” in front of a thought, that you are that thought (image, concept, idea)? That’s a rhetorical question (though it could be a koan).

Above all—relax! No striving necessary. Let it all go. Just practice noticing and watching your mind-process. Without judgment.

Sleep? Maybe if you become sufficiently aware of how your thinking patterns go round and round and round—“Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s just like last week when I thought . . . .”—maybe they’ll become sufficiently boring so as not to keep you awake. Maybe not. But wrestling with your mind can’t help.


I don’t know your sleep issues, and I’m not a professional, but here’s a thought: sleep or don’t sleep. Let it go. If it is a serious disruption to your life, let the professionals prescribe stuff (maybe you have). It works or it doesn’t. Or hypnosis: it works or it doesn’t. Adding “concern” to it can’t help. So—sleep or don’t sleep; think or don’t think; let your mind be your mind. Don’t make “you” (that is, don’t try to make any particular “I” for yourself). Let all that head stuff go for awhile—you can take it up again down the road if you wish.

Be well.


Thus I have heard: There is no mind to be framed, nor is there any truth in which to be disciplined😵

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
What is your understanding of meditation? To free your mind from distraction? empty your mind of conscious thought? focus on a particular point? to bring what is buried deep in the subconscious to the fore?
Well, on a personal level, I'd just be content with finding calmness of mind. I'm not looking for, and would indeed be quite miffed, if meditation only succeeded in unlocking memories of eating worms.

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Originally posted by vistesd
I found this recently online somewhere:

“Tonight, I had a lovely conversation with a Shinto Priest at his shrine, and we spoke of meditation. He said 'Many people- when they meditate, they try and suppress the mind. They shove it all down, bottle it up... I say, let the mind be. Let the thoughts cycle through your mind, like spinning wheels... and before ...[text shortened]... ll that head stuff go for awhile—you can take it up again down the road if you wish.

Be well.
Thank you, a very interesting post. Will try and put some of those ideas into practice.

Have been told before to let thoughts wash over me like a wave (while meditating) rather than trying to resist them. (Problem is, I have a lot of waves!).


Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Have attempted to meditate myself a number of times over the years. (Been told it might help with my sleep issues). I find though that my mind is just too busy and tend to lose patience. Perhaps I just don't have a place in the universe.
The trick is to imagine, not only two fields, but also deliberately shutting the gate between them. And then you walk into the field with the lambs in it carrying an open jar of mint sauce. Take care to keep a careful statistical record of the subsequent proceedings in your head. You'll be asleep before the field you're in is empty.

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Originally posted by black beetle
Thus I have heard: There is no mind to be framed, nor is there any truth in which to be disciplined😵
Nothing exists? We have no mind? No truth to know?

Sounds like spiritual anarchy.

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Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
'Falun Gong is a recent religious movement with roughly three million practitioners. It was founded in China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi. It combines elements of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism with traditional Chinese folklore. Falun Gong aims to obtain mental and spiritual renewal through meditation. Adherents practice special exercises to awaken thei ...[text shortened]... ion for spiritual development and whether this is another overlapping feature of many religions.
Just more fracturing of truth.

There is only one "meditation" with which we are designed to engage in that will free the heart, mind and soul, and that is communion with God based on a relationship with Him, which is entered into through the door of God's own son Jesus Christ.

All other so-called "ways" are merely counterfeits of the truth.

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Originally posted by josephw
Just more fracturing of truth.

There is only one "meditation" with which we are designed to engage in that will free the heart, mind and soul, and that is communion with God based on a relationship with Him, which is entered into through the door of God's own son Jesus Christ.

All other so-called "ways" are merely counterfeits of the truth.
I know you didn't care much Joe for my elephant in a dark room analogy. How about one featuring a mountain?

'A mountain may have many winding paths to the summit, but there is only one summit.' Perhaps the same is true for God. Perhaps there are many paths to finding God. Perhaps your path is no better or worse than the path the Hindu or Jew has chosen to take. What does it matter, if ultimately, they share the same destination?

Perhaps meditate on that a while.


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Originally posted by checkbaiter
That's because you haven't contacted them aliens..
Do you believe in aliens old chap, especially ones of an antagonistic demeanour?


Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
I know you didn't care much Joe for my elephant in a dark room analogy. How about one featuring a mountain?

'A mountain may have many winding paths to the summit, but there is only one summit.' Perhaps the same is true for God. Perhaps there are many paths to finding God. Perhaps your path is no better or worse than the path the Hindu or Jew has c ...[text shortened]... ter, if ultimately, they share the same destination?

Perhaps meditate on that a while.

All religions may contain some fragments of truth, but if they are contradictory on how to get to God then they can't all be true.

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