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Welcome Seeking Ones

Welcome Seeking Ones



Some posters here always like to suggest that some of us Christians are writing in vain, no one listens, no one cares.

A few career new atheists love to think it is so default and so normal to not know and not want to know God.

I don't believe that everyone coming to read through these threads is like that. And for you who are really desiring to think about the things said to know if Christ is right for you - Welcome.

There is something paradoxical about coming to touch God. He who would come forward to God must believe that God is.

Now some will say that this is "You have to have faith to believe and you have to believe to have faith".

To them I would say, they are right.
But you see, you have a little bit of belief. You have a little bit of faith. It is really hard to really think God is not.

Try as hard as you can. It is really hard to really look out upon the universe and not think the cosmic buck has to stop at some ultimate something.

Welcome. Seeking ones.
I hope you will PRAY about some of the things you read here.

Maybe like this for a start -

" Dear God, if You are, help my unbelief. Open up one simple door of how I might cooperate with You. Just open ONE simple door of a way I and you may meet."


Originally posted by @sonship
It is really hard to really think God is not.

Try as hard as you can. It is really hard to really look out upon the universe and not think the cosmic buck has to stop at some ultimate something.
No, it really isn't. It takes me no effort whatsoever. Literally zero effort. Just like it takes me no effort whatsoever to think the Flying Spaghetti Monster "is not".

To re-iterate: it takes me no effort whatsoever to have no belief in god(s). I don't try to have no belief, I don't look away from possible evidence, I don't pretend to have no belief.

It is the easiest thing in the world, since it requires no effort AT ALL.

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Originally posted by @great-king-rat
No, it really isn't. It takes me no effort whatsoever. Literally zero effort. Just like it takes me no effort whatsoever to think the Flying Spaghetti Monster "is not".

To re-iterate: it takes me no effort whatsoever to have no belief in god(s). I don't try to have no belief, I don't look away from possible evidence, I don't pretend to have no belief.

It is the easiest thing in the world, since it requires no effort AT ALL.
It requires not too much effort for me to believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the exact truth saying that man is without excuse to not believe in God when the whole creation is contemplated.

Man suppresses and holds down the truth arising up in his intuitive conscience. I think you do.


Originally posted by @sonship
It requires not too much effort for me to believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the exact truth saying that man is without excuse to not believe in God when the whole creation is contemplated.

Man suppresses and holds down the truth arising up in his intuitive conscience. I think you do.
I know you do. It's very important for you to believe that everyone on some level shares your beliefs, otherwise the foundation begins to crumble.

But your wants and needs do not influence the truth one iota, sonship. I suppress no truth concerning my religious beliefs whatsoever. No matter how often you may say it, I simply lack any belief in god(s).

Your obsession with jesus is simply not shared by many people.


Originally posted by @sonship
It requires not too much effort for me to believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the exact truth saying that man is without excuse to not believe in God when the whole creation is contemplated.
"When the whole creation is contemplated" why is it only the supposed "truth" of the religion you, personally, just so happen to be preoccupied with, that is proved?

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Originally posted by @sonship
Some posters here always like to suggest that some of us Christians are writing in vain, no one listens, no one cares.

A few career new atheists love to think it is so default and so normal to not know and not want to know God.

I don't believe that everyone coming to read through these threads is like that. And for you who are really desiring to think ...[text shortened]... how I might cooperate with You. Just open ONE simple door of a way I and you may meet." [/quote]
“Try as hard as you can. It is really hard to really look out upon the universe and not think the cosmic buck has to stop at some ultimate something. ”

It’s far easier to create a cast of cosmic characters who are acting out a grand drama that’s all about you and what you happen to believe and how that controls your ultimate fate. Do I have that much right?


Originally posted by @sonship
Man suppresses and holds down the truth arising up in his intuitive conscience. I think you do.
Do you mean to suggest that every non-Christian you talk to somehow "knows" deep down that your superstitious ideas are right, and that they are either being dishonest with you or being dishonest with themselves when they tell you they don't believe any of the stuff you say?


Welcome to the seeking ones. Some here may imagine that you do not exist. But some of us who are believers in God know you are there because we did not ALWAYS believe in God.

Some of us remember what it was to be seeking for the truth.

I am into helping people to believe in Jesus Christ.
FMF above is into helping people to disbelieve in Jesus Christ.

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My name is Jack Wilmore.
You can call me here sonship.

I think the anonymous nature of the Internet breeds some ugly things. While being realistically practical, I have nothing to hide.
What I say here I would say to your face.

I was not always a lover of Jesus.
When I did come to Jesus I never imagined that the relationship would grow as it has.

I remember listening to people argue about Jesus.
I remember looking into their eyes intently and asking myself - "Does this fellow REALLY believe what he is saying ??"

I looked to see if someone was pulling the wool over my eyes or whether they really believed what they were saying.

In the privacy of my living room one night I just let Jesus subdue me. I just let Jesus rise above me. And I found God with no doubt about it.

I am into helping people come along something of the same path over which I came. I am praying for you. Don't be afraid to confess that you are willing to be willing to receive the Lord Jesus.

My name is Jack Wilmore.
I have nothing to hide and the anonymous nature of Internet forums can be unfortunate. What I say here in writing I would say to your face most of the time.

Welcome here.


Originally posted by @fmf
Do you mean to suggest that every non-Christian you talk to somehow "knows" deep down that your superstitious ideas are right, and that they are either being dishonest with you or being dishonest with themselves when they tell you they don't believe any of the stuff you say?
I think Romans 1:18-21 is true.
Men HOLD DOWN the truth in unrighteousness.

It is a matter of will power to suppress something intuitive in the human conscience about a general revelation. Maybe specifics they do not know at all.

I believe generally, the creation testifies of a Originator of eternal power and of divine nature.

I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist.


Originally posted by @sonship
My name is Jack Wilmore.
You can call me here [b] sonship.

I think the anonymous nature of the Internet breeds some ugly things. While being realistically practical, I have nothing to hide.
What I say here I would say to your face.

I was not always a lover of Jesus.
When I did come to Jesus I never imagined that the relationship would grow a ...[text shortened]... rtunate. What I say here in writing I would say to your face most of the time.

Welcome here.[/b]
Hi Jack. My name is Great King Rat and I am an atheist. Always have been. Never had any belief or a hint thereof in the existence of any god whatsoever.

That is all.


Originally posted by @sonship
I am into helping people to believe in Jesus Christ.
FMF above is into helping people to disbelieve in Jesus Christ.
If you are averse to debating and discussing things on a debate and discussion message board with people who believe different things from you, then why are you posting?


Originally posted by @sonship
I think Romans 1:18-21 is true.
Men HOLD DOWN the truth in unrighteousness.

It is a matter of will power to suppress something intuitive in the human conscience about a general revelation. Maybe specifics they do not know at all.

I believe generally, the creation testifies of a Originator of eternal power and of divine nature.

I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist.
I asked you a question specifically about what you claimed and you have essentially dodged it with some wish washy point-avoiding stuff about your own faith. The question is specifically about what you said about people who don't believe the things you believe. Address that.


Originally posted by @sonship
I think Romans 1:18-21 is true.
Men HOLD DOWN the truth in unrighteousness.

It is a matter of will power to suppress something intuitive in the human conscience about a general revelation. Maybe specifics they do not know at all.

I believe generally, the creation testifies of a Originator of eternal power and of divine nature.

I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist.
Saying something is intuitive in the human conscience makes me want to go out and watch the sun rise in the east and move overhead across the sky and set in the west. That’s what my intuition, or at least the intuitions of my not so distant ancestors, said is going on. And the Church agreed.


Originally posted by @sonship
I think Romans 1:18-21 is true.
Men HOLD DOWN the truth in unrighteousness.

It is a matter of will power to suppress something intuitive in the human conscience about a general revelation. Maybe specifics they do not know at all.

I believe generally, the creation testifies of a Originator of eternal power and of divine nature.

I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist.
What is this denomination you call capital-A Atheist? Please tell us all about it.

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