faith is not some mystical something tied up in a man's feelings. It is not something that you see. faith is what a man believes. it is believing that God is! find a ppl who believe that God is, and He wil reward their dilligent seeking, and you have found real faith. The faith that saves us is not the same faith that gets u out of bed in the morning. "By grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. In romans10v17 we read,"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. That faith has to be recoverd in this terrible, apostate and erreneous thinking of the faith movement, so-called, where they make it possible to manipulate God by Just quotiing scripture text. it has to be brought in line with wat faith really is. it has to be redefined. We have been led to believe that men of God in the bible were a diffrent breed of ppl than we are today. but the apostle Paul dispels this lie. he said that Elijah was a man of like passions as we are. Elijah had the same fears, same doubts, same frustrations that i have. There is no diffrence in the faith you have as a child of god, and the faith of Abraham, moses, paul, peter, John and elijah. The faith that is in me, in you, as a born again believer is the faith that is a gift from God, and it is the exact faith that was in every man and women of the bible. What a comfort that is to know.