Originally posted by RJHindsEven if all that garbage was true, why would we be in a situation where we have to depend on the Russians to get Americans to the space station? 40 years down the road and we can't put people in space? If we had access to 'alien' technology, it would seem to me we would by now have a leg up on the rest of the world, instead we are sucking hind tit for space flights.
Originally posted by sonhousehttp://xkcd.com/1074/
Even if all that garbage was true, why would we be in a situation where we have to depend on the Russians to get Americans to the space station? 40 years down the road and we can't put people in space? If we had access to 'alien' technology, it would seem to me we would by now have a leg up on the rest of the world, instead we are sucking hind tit for space flights.
It's a four letter word, in more detail...
1. (used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as present, near, just mentioned or pointed out, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis): This is my coat.
2. (used to indicate one of two or more persons, things, etc., referring to the one nearer in place, time, or thought; opposed to"that"😉: This is Liza and that is Amy.
3. (used to indicate one of two or more persons, things, etc., implying a contrast or contradistinction; opposed to "that"😉: I'd take that instead of this.
Courtesy of http://m.dictionary.com/definition//?linkId=ibc5yn
Hope this helps 🙂
Originally posted by sonhouseThat is because we have spent all our money; and we can't fool other nations into trading with us by printing more money for ever. Some are trying to reverse this madness. Unfortunately the Democratic party does not get it except for a few conservative Democrats that somehow have gotten elected by a miracle of some sort. 😏
Even if all that garbage was true, why would we be in a situation where we have to depend on the Russians to get Americans to the space station? 40 years down the road and we can't put people in space? If we had access to 'alien' technology, it would seem to me we would by now have a leg up on the rest of the world, instead we are sucking hind tit for space flights.
Originally posted by RJHindsSo how many republicans have been in office in the last 40 years? Plenty of time for your blessed republicans to have put a leg up on the rest of the world just in time to stop the dreaded democrats from tearing it all down. So that didn't happen either so I guess we are back to the whole thing being just another scam which you start to believe because some other dude said so. Where have I heard that before?
That is because we have spent all our money; and we can't fool other nations into trading with us by printing more money for ever. Some are trying to reverse this madness. Unfortunately the Democratic party does not get it except for a few conservative Democrats that somehow have gotten elected by a miracle of some sort. 😏
Originally posted by RJHindsYou are not familiar with a whole lot of things. Why don't you google scientology and find out for yourself? Or maybe if I just said Scientology was the greatest religion that was ever made, you would just believe it? If I said I have proof no man ever walked on the moon, you would probably believe that too.
I am not familiar with Scientology. Is this what this is?
Originally posted by sonhouseIf you were not such a dumbass I might believe you, but I know you are one of those Atheists numbnuts that believes in the fairy tale for grownups called the theory of evolution.
You are not familiar with a whole lot of things. Why don't you google scientology and find out for yourself? Or maybe if I just said Scientology was the greatest religion that was ever made, you would just believe it? If I said I have proof no man ever walked on the moon, you would probably believe that too.
Originally posted by RJHindsJust how do you know I am an atheist? Have I ever claimed that? I have told you several times I cannot deny the possibility of some kind of god, since I have only seen a good portion of Earth only, haven't visited other dimensions, haven't been to any other planets, haven't seen alien civilizations and such so I would be foolish to dismiss the idea of the possibility of a god.
If you were not such a dumbass I might believe you, but I know you are one of those Atheists numbnuts that believes in the fairy tale for grownups called the theory of evolution.
I sure can deny YOUR god however. It is so clear to me it has been just made up by mankind to control men and subjugate women I don't understand why anyone else would have trouble seeing that. Comes down to how easily you and billions of others like you are brainwashed and you don't even know it.