Tha Brotha Hood
Myself, I'm a fornicator. For your repentence's worth, what's the best sin?
laziness. few things in this world compare with sleeping. unless, perhaps, over indulging my self on chocolate ice cream with peanut butter. between you and me, doc, we've got three mortal sins covered. 😵
With White Women
Originally posted by DoctorScribbles Myself, I'm a fornicator. For your repentence's worth, what's the best sin?
Lust, covetting my neighbour's wife
Definitely lust, but a close second would be gluttony. Not in the food sense but in the general over-indulgence sense.
Playing with matches
fornicator or lust...they are very close to each other...
Pride. I kick ass.
Originally posted by ChronicLeaky Pride. I lick ass.
Hmmm . . .
Sloth. Lust is an effective antidote—but I only lust after my spouse, so I’m not sure that it counts as a sin. Maybe I should get out more... “No,” she says, “just come over here...” Maybe I’m too slothful to travel elsewhere with my lust...
Originally posted by Starrman Dude, that's nothing to be proud of.
I own at least two "ironic" t-shirts.
The sky
Originally posted by vistesd Sloth.
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