Many Christians [on this site] are now taking these words of Christ seriously and you are being put in your rightful place in the garbage dump of Christian preachers.- poster Rajk999 to poster sonship (me)
Well, ... any Christian brother / sister who feels strongly that I have to take my place in the "garbage dump of Christian preachers" feel free to say so plainly.
If you're my brother or sister in Christ you owe it to me to let me know if I am WAY OFF about serving Christ in my handling of the word of God.
Have I been feeding you brothers and sisters "garbage" ?
Thanks saints.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @sonshipApart from Raj and his gang, I don't think anyone shares his sentiments. I'm sure they would say so if they did, as I would.Many Christians [on this site] are now taking these words of Christ seriously and you are being put in your rightful place in the garbage dump of Christian preachers.- poster Rajk999 to poster sonship (me)
Well, ... any Christian brother / sister who feels strongly that I have to take my place in the [b] "garbage dump of Chri ...[text shortened]... f the word of God.
Thanks saints.
Have I been feeding you brothers and sisters "garbage" ?
Originally posted by @dj2beckerThanks djbecker.
Apart from Raj and his gang, I don't think anyone shares his sentiments. I'm sure they would say so if they did, as I would.
I am "the corrected one" there.
If I am way off ( I mean gargage WAY OFF ) I want to know from the Body of Christ.
Thanks for you input.
And it doesn't mean EVERYTHING I write ya'll have to agree with.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @sonshipI appreciate your posts very much and think you handle the Word of God respectfully and with insight.Many Christians [on this site] are now taking these words of Christ seriously and you are being put in your rightful place in the garbage dump of Christian preachers.- poster [b]Rajk999 to poster sonship (me)
Well, ... any Christian brother / sister who feels strongly that I have to take my place in the "garb ...[text shortened]... of the word of God.
Have I been feeding you brothers and sisters "garbage" ?
Thanks saints.
13 May 18
Originally posted by @sonshipBoy o boy .. loads of support so far sonship.. i guess i was wrongMany Christians [on this site] are now taking these words of Christ seriously and you are being put in your rightful place in the garbage dump of Christian preachers.- poster [b]Rajk999 to poster sonship (me)
Well, ... any Christian brother / sister who feels strongly that I have to take my place in the "garb ...[text shortened]... of the word of God.
Have I been feeding you brothers and sisters "garbage" ?
Thanks saints.
Originally posted by @rajk999Perhaps you were just unconsciously reflecting on what you have noticed about your own participation here.
Boy o boy .. loads of support so far sonship.. i guess i was wrong
Originally posted by @sonshipYou are not a wise person at all sonship.
Perhaps you were just unconsciously reflecting on what you have noticed about your own participation here.
Take note of what is going on around you.
Your obsession with this doctrine of Witness Lee is unhealthy.
Originally posted by @rajk999
You are not a wise person at all sonship.
Take note of what is going on around you.
Your obsession with this doctrine of Witness Lee is unhealthy.
Do you think I'm intimidated by you mentioning Witness Lee ?
Hey, mention Witness Lee all you want.
In fact when you cannot rebut something, well, just blame it on Witness Lee. Try that tactic.
Here's a few candidates to test:
1.) God and man united in the Person of Jesus Christ.
See if you can blame it on Witness Lee
2.) God is three-one.
Blame that on Witness Lee.
3.) Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Blame that one on Witness Lee.
4.) The apostles established one church per city to keep the practical local oneness.
Blame that on Witness Lee
5.) The last Adam became a life giving Spirit.
The Lord is the Spirit.
Christ lives at the right hand of God and also in the Christians.
Blame those on Witness Lee. Just try it.
6.) Some Christians will be saved yet as through fire - losing the reward of the millennial kingdom.
Blame Lee. Try it.
7.) Using the mouth to touch God in the Spirit is important.
Blame Witness Lee for that idea. Go ahead and try.
8.) The New Jerusalem is the final marriage of Christ and His people a union in life for eternity.
See if you can blame Lee.
9.) The church is the habitation of God in spirit.
Blame Witness Lee for that concept. Dare you.
10.) Vital groups of Christians gathering by twos and threes or more is important for spiritual growth.
Prove that that's Lee's false teaching.
11.) We should love Jesus.
We should follow Jesus who can be received and live in us.
Blame Witness Lee for that idea.
12.) Through receiving Christ we are no longer "alienated from the life of God" .
See if you can blame Witness Lee for such an idea.
13.) He who has the Son has the eternal life.
Blame Lee for that teaching. Just try it.
14.) God's eternal purpose is to have sons by means of His imparting His life and nature into them (but not His Godhead).
I dare you to try to blame that teaching on Witness Lee.
15.) We can "eat" Jesus.
Blame that on Witness Lee
16.) God presents Himself to man in the symbol of FOOD to be taken in, assimilated, eaten.
Try to blame that idea on the imagination of Witness Lee.
17.) God became man so that man might become God in life and in nature, yet not in His Godhead.
Try to blame Witness Lee for that sentence above.
18.) Jesus is Jehovah God.
Blame Lee for that concept.
19.) We Christians are going to marry Jesus Christ.
Show us that that is the heresy of Witness Lee.
20.) Jesus Christ can grow and take form in believers in Jesus.
Blame that idea on Witness Lee.