Recently joined this site.
Why do people want to discuss religion on a chess website?
Do the participants think anyone is going to be swayed by the arguments?
Haven't yet seen any posts along the lines of "..never seen it that way before... I've actually been totally wrong...glad you pointed that out"
Originally posted by neil67dSame reason why a dog licks its balls.
Recently joined this site.
Why do people want to discuss religion on a chess website?
Do the participants think anyone is going to be swayed by the arguments?
Haven't yet seen any posts along the lines of "..never seen it that way before... I've actually been totally wrong...glad you pointed that out"
Because it can. 😀
And Yes. The Jehovah Witnesses are a powerful force on this forum.
They have been converting hundreds of chess players to their particular faith.
Originally posted by neil67dGosh, you know, I've been posting on the Spirituality website for a good (ha! we all know there's no such thing as good!) five years, and, quite frankly, your post was spot on: no one has ever changed, except maybe for the worse.
Recently joined this site.
Why do people want to discuss religion on a chess website?
Do the participants think anyone is going to be swayed by the arguments?
Haven't yet seen any posts along the lines of "..never seen it that way before... I've actually been totally wrong...glad you pointed that out"
In fact, I'd go so far as to say, I've never seen it that way before. I've actually been totally wrong. Glad that you pointed that out.
now we appreciate that what affords us so much enjoyment in chess is really the same thing for all of us, be it for the layman who sees nothing finer in chess than the sacrificial combination or be it the expert who marvels at the far reaching scheme of the game. It is the triumph of intellect and genius over lack of imagination; the triumph of personality over materialism - Reti
is not the triumph of imagination and originality of thought over what is merely material not spiritual? for the materialists holds that there is no reality other than what one may see and touch, to those who are spiritually minded, there are other realities.
I don't know how to quote you in my post, so will have to do this slowly.
Your first paragraph deciphered says,
'what we enjoy in chess is the triumph of intellect and genius over lack of imagination'
That seems fair enough.
'The triumph of imagination over materialism', where does that come from? Do you know how to formulate a logical argument? Cos leaping from a fairly uncontroversial predicate to a totally unsubstantiated and even unrelated postulate just ain't on.
I suggest you are deliberately using mystification to confuse the issue.
Originally posted by neil67dSometimes it happens, although very rarely.
Recently joined this site.
Why do people want to discuss religion on a chess website?
Do the participants think anyone is going to be swayed by the arguments?
Haven't yet seen any posts along the lines of "..never seen it that way before... I've actually been totally wrong...glad you pointed that out"
There have also been a few threads where there was mutual respect by both sides, with due credit given for arguing a position well, even though no minds were changed.
Yes, most people are not masochistic enough to wade through the many unproductive threads in search of the occasional good one. But that holds for forums in general.
Originally posted by Rajk999Why do you have to pollute every thread on this forum with YOU....? Go on vacation or something.
Same reason why a dog licks its balls.
Because it can. 😀
And Yes. The Jehovah Witnesses are a powerful force on this forum.
They have been converting hundreds of chess players to their particular faith.