Originally posted by Trev33"12 (of 20). Choose all statement(s) below that reflect your beliefs about the path to the highest reward or ultimate reality.
I'm 100% Unitarian Universalism.
* Adhere strictly to any rites, practices, precepts, commandments, prohibitions, laws, sacraments, or ordinances of your faith group.
* All, even the wicked, are rewarded after life (e.g. go to heaven, merge with God, etc.) as God(s) is infinitely forgiving.
* Extinguish all cravings, attachments, and ignorance, or rid oneself of all impurities.
* Learn all life's lessons through rebirths.
* Realize your true nature as purely spirit (or soul) and not body, as one with the Absolute, Universal Soul, et al.
* Live simply, renounce worldly goals and material possessions.
* Tap the power of the Ultimate through intercessory methods such as psychics, channeling, tarot cards, crystals, magic, etc.
* Humankind will be "saved" through human effort, not through religious faith or spiritual practices."
> None of the above.
Non-theist and Secular humanism both 100%. What a shocker! My life will never be the same after this test.
It's interesting that all the major ones (conservative christian protestant, islam, jw, roman catholic) score 0% but smaller ones like hinduism and taoism actually manage to scrape together some percentages.
And liberal christian protestant is a whopping 37%.
-Removed-I think they are covered by non-theist, which gets around people arguing about
what the words atheist and agnostic mean.
What's puzzling me is how I got only 85% on non-theist... [my second highest]
I suspect a test that only rates me at 85% non-theist has something really quite
wrong with it.