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Why religion is not a religion

Why religion is not a religion


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If a real deity wanted to make a religion it could just as easily have said its bit to every human on the planet at once, being omniscient. Of course, people here who 'know' their god say that is not the way god works. As if they would know how a god really works.

Since we have literally thousands of religions in the world, you will agree that almost all of them are strictly man made, the world riding on the back of an elephant which rides on the back of a tuba or some such crap, and of course taken totally seriously by some people, or the Krshna's who totally believe Krshna will only show up every 8.6 BILLION years and made its one appearance say 5000 years ago, not sure when they put that exactly but the idea is it came around 8.6 billion years ago and will come around 8.6 billion years from now. Of course Earth will be a charred cinder by then but what the hey.

So we have all these clearly man made religions and then there is Christianity, TOTALLY assuring every christian THEIR religion is THE one, the TRUE one and no BS about it. JC was born from a virgin, the flood actually happened, the world is only 6000 years old, blah blah blah.

So here is this religion started by a Semitic tribe in the desert with all kind of pithy sayings and such, limiting the number going to their heaven to just those vowing allegiance to this god.

So a real god would condemn its alleged creations, that is, 99.99 percent of the human race to some kind of hell because they never heard of this god? Unfrigginglikely.

People back 4 or 5 thousand years ago were just as intelligent as today and were completely capable of writing every word in the bible, the Quran, the upanashads and all the other thousands of religious texts.

All written by men, of course, Christians scream and shout THEIR god is the true one and you better believe in this one or go to hell.

So statistically, Christianity is just as man made as any Aborigine creation myth or Greek or Roman.

The frightful thing to me is so many billions swallow this all hook line and sinker in spite of the fact that hundreds of millions of people died in WW2 with nothing from this supposed god. Hinds actually had the balls to say all those dead people were and I quote 'unrighteous' like THEY were the evil ones not the victims of monsters.

Why does that not give people pause?

To me it shows a species wide deep seated desperate need for something to be shown to be greater than mankind and they will seek and find it no matter how bizarre the religion is.

You want bizarre, just look at Scientology. Of course Christians will rally around and say they are just kooks while WE are the real deal.

Of course the lack of a showing of said deity means nothing to the totally duped.

The end of days are here and have been for the last 2000 years.

Every generation has its new last day run to a total no show. But does that deter people from announcing yet another one, of course, just around the next bend, it's all over folks, you better come to our meeting and get prepared. So THAT time goes by with no end, but the very next week, he goes, Oh, I got it wrong, it's going to happen NEXT week. Come into our meeting and we will prepare you for it.

Doesn't that EVER get just a TINY bit suspicious, 2000 years pulling out this end game card?

I just wonder if the last human on Earth, surviving some as yet unknown catastrophe will be praying to some god or other, hoping to get into THAT version of heaven, meanwhile 8 billion people dead with no god showing up.

That will be the end game, the last human alive and STILL no god coming down to fix our boo boo's.

And OF COURSE the Christian answer: If that happens, us Christians will be in our heaven. Right.

And if that happens, us Muslims will be in OUR heaven.

And if that happens, us Krshna's will be in OUR heaven.

Sure, and I have a GREAT bridge for sale in Brooklyn.

So now who will be the first to post 'so you KNOW what a god thinks' or some such tactic.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
If a real deity wanted to make a religion it could just as easily have said its bit to every human on the planet at once, being omniscient. Of course, people here who 'know' their god say that is not the way god works. As if they would know how a god really works.

Since we have literally thousands of religions in the world, you will agree that almost al ...[text shortened]... yn.

So now who will be the first to post 'so you KNOW what a god thinks' or some such tactic.
God has already eternity in the hearts of men.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
If a real deity wanted to make a religion it could just as easily have said its bit to every human on the planet at once, being omniscient. Of course, people here who 'know' their god say that is not the way god works. As if they would know how a god really works.

Since we have literally thousands of religions in the world, you will agree that almost al ...[text shortened]... yn.

So now who will be the first to post 'so you KNOW what a god thinks' or some such tactic.
I just so happen to agree that I find it ridiculous that YOU, who do not believe in God, claim to have ANY authority to know ANYthing about what a "real" god would do.

Obviously, you don't.

You canNOT define God by the standards of man. But you still haven't learned this, and until you do, you'll still be wrong.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I just so happen to agree that I find it ridiculous that YOU, who do not believe in God, claim to have ANY authority to know ANYthing about what a "real" god would do.

Obviously, you don't.

You canNOT define God by the standards of man. But you still haven't learned this, and until you do, you'll still be wrong.
I was wondering who would be the first to pull the 'you don't know what god thinks' card. Trouble is, neither do you or anyone else on the planet. This alleged god could be setting us up for extinction, you don't know. There may be something better than humans on the horizon, not that it would take much to improve on our sorry asses.

Judging god by the standards of man. Good one. Since this alleged god was designed by men to have human attributes. I am a jealous god. Sure. An omniscient being, capable of making entire universes, jealous of MAN? That has to be a joke.

And I know full well you buy into the flood myth like some literalists we know. So you at least have SOME suspicions something is amiss with the bible.

It is an indictment on the human race that billions of humans are still taken in by all the BS in the bible.

Why for instance was not the knowledge of dinosaurs spoken of in the bible? Could it be because those ancients didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground? And there was no deity to set things straight.
Or the striction against eating pigs. So there was this tricimonus thing (sp?)
Why couldn't a knowing deity just say, hey, if you want to eat pig, cook the hell out of it. But since the bible was written by men, out comes a restriction against eating pig entirely which was the only way HUMANS could deal with the problem. So even today, Jews won't touch pork even though they know full well the parasites inside pigs have been dealt with for a hundred years.

It just goes to the lack of intelligence of the human race. Cleverness, clever enough for men to have written all the nice pithy sayings in the bible but the rest of the herd not being intelligent enough to see through scams when they see it, follows like little sheep, swallowing everything those ancients said and wrote, hook line and sinker.

It goes to the lack of real intelligence and critical thinking of the human race these kind of scams go on century after century.

Look at the Muslim extremists, actually fully convincing dead head brains that to die for their fight is glory and they get 73 virgins in Islam heaven.

You tell ME how intelligent those dudes are to believe that crap.

It's no different than the scam pulled on Christians, just more extreme.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
If a real deity wanted to make a religion it could just as easily have said its bit to every human on the planet at once, being omniscient. Of course, people here who 'know' their god say that is not the way god works. As if they would know how a god really works.

Since we have literally thousands of religions in the world, you will agree that almost al ...[text shortened]... yn.

So now who will be the first to post 'so you KNOW what a god thinks' or some such tactic.
Good grief sonhouse, when will you change the way you think about God?

Try using logic. A man can't know God unless and until God reveals what He wants the man to know about Him.

God is invisible, right? You've never seen Him, right? So how can you know anything about Him unless He shows it to you?

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Originally posted by josephw
Good grief sonhouse, when will you change the way you think about God?

Try using logic. A man can't know God unless and until God reveals what He wants the man to know about Him.

God is invisible, right? You've never seen Him, right? So how can you know anything about Him unless He shows it to you?
Right, and how can ANY human say 'I am a jealous god'? Do your really think a god capable of making entire universes has ANY reason to be somehow jealous of HUMANS? We can't even survive an attack by some reptiles, we are pretty far down the strength totem pole, we have practically zero critical thinking ability, made clear by the billions of people duped into believing all the crap fed to us in the bible.

And these human dead heads somehow makes a GOD jealous? How stupid to you have to be to believe that?

YOU are the one not using logic but only using your religious programming crammed into you by your parents or some conversion later on.

You are not even CLOSE to thinking critically about this issue, it is too close to your heart, having been thoroughly brainwashed probably from birth by religious parents.

It is your brainwashing that prevents you from thinking clearly about a deity and what critical thinking can do for you.

OBVIOUSLY the phrase 'I am a jealous god' comes directly from people who want desperately to CONTROL PEOPLE.

They want people to know the boogie man will get them if they don't follow the company line. Why you can't see that says much.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
I was wondering who would be the first to pull the 'you don't know what god thinks' card. Trouble is, neither do you or anyone else on the planet. This alleged god could be setting us up for extinction, you don't know. There may be something better than humans on the horizon, not that it would take much to improve on our sorry asses.

Judging god by the s ...[text shortened]... o believe that crap.

It's no different than the scam pulled on Christians, just more extreme.
With all your crazy talk at least you are finally admitting you really don't know what I real God would do after all. 😏

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Originally posted by RJHinds
... what I real God...
Freudian slip? 😛

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac II
Freudian slip? 😛
No, I was just repeating what sonhouse is always referring to the God of the Holy Bible with the exception that I replaced his little "g" with a big "G". 😏


Originally posted by sonhouse
I was wondering who would be the first to pull the 'you don't know what god thinks' card. Trouble is, neither do you or anyone else on the planet. This alleged god could be setting us up for extinction, you don't know. There may be something better than humans on the horizon, not that it would take much to improve on our sorry asses.

Judging god by the s ...[text shortened]... o believe that crap.

It's no different than the scam pulled on Christians, just more extreme.
You dare to judge God.

That's the only joke I see in this thread.

I pray that you eventually receive wisdom before you have to face your Creator.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
If a real deity wanted to make a religion it could just as easily have said its bit to every human on the planet at once, being omniscient. Of course, people here who 'know' their god say that is not the way god works. As if they would know how a god really works.

Since we have literally thousands of religions in the world, you will agree that almost al ...[text shortened]... yn.

So now who will be the first to post 'so you KNOW what a god thinks' or some such tactic.
I don't recall saying that everyone that died in WWII was unrighteous. I believe you just made that up like all your other nonsense.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I don't recall saying that everyone that died in WWII was unrighteous. I believe you just made that up like all your other nonsense.
17 Jan '15 00:39
Originally posted by sonhouse
Which of course is utter nonsense, bullshyte from day one since the whole edifice of religion was made by men, no god needed and no god is here to help with all our boo boo's. A hundred million dead in wars prove that.

Your answer:
If you would read on a little further you would read that God will not help the unrighteous. So your complaint is nonsense.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
17 Jan '15 00:39
Originally posted by sonhouse
Which of course is utter nonsense, bullshyte from day one since the whole edifice of religion was made by men, no god needed and no god is here to help with all our boo boo's. A hundred million dead in wars prove that.

Your answer:
If you would read on a little further you would read that God will not help the unrighteous. So your complaint is nonsense.
That doesn't prove I was meaning ALL that died in World War II were unrighteous. In fact you said wars here, not just WWII. Aren't you jumping to conclusions for your own convenience?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
That doesn't prove I was meaning [b]ALL that died in World War II were unrighteous. In fact you said wars here, not just WWII. Aren't you jumping to conclusions for your own convenience?[/b]
You knew full well I was talking about WW2, since we had discussed that a few weeks earlier. I have mentioned that subject several times. You just think 100 million dead must be ok with your god so anything this alleged god does is right since we are just mere humans.

So just how many of those 100 million do you think were unrighteous?

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